Two years ago today.
You didn't forget, did you?
Two years ago today
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care.
Good riddance.
Forget what?
Literally who
never could
>two years
Holy fuck where has the time gone. The last episode felt like it aired just a season or two ago. Maybe I haven't been watching enough stuff.
Two days ago.
Has he posted anything since?
Link to thread on desuarchive?
i miss moot ;_;
i hope he rests in peace
>he missed the moot leaving thread
I feel sorry for you and anyone else who did
He means it was the 21st and today is the 23rd.
Oh damn, I misread the screenshot. I thought it was from this year. I thought he had finally returned to say hello. ;_;
Its okay. We got hiroshimoot. He's better than moot ever was. He made gold accounts real.
>you will never gang-rape moot and take pictures of him giving the peace-sign with a mindbroken ahaego face
just why
I haven't forgotten moot.
I want that sweater
It's on redbubble. I bought it a few days ago, waiting for shipping now.
Just search won't forget moot in the search bar.
He abandoned us and left us with an even bigger jackass than him.
I wonder what it's like to be a mod
I miss him so much. Fuck chinese moot
Do you think he lurks in these threads?
I miss him. He was a faggout, but he was our faggot.
Not him, but I can only find faggot purple there. There's no blue.
What if he's making these threads?
I honestly wouldn't be able to take it if I knew for a fact that moot made threads about himself because he was unable to let go. Really, why would you post that? Can't we just believe that he's in a happy place now?
Don't worry user, I'm certain that he's too busy at google to have any time for us.
I can't even find a sweater just a blue t shirt
He was already growing apart from us as time went on and taking care of this site must have been a huge burden, even without the legal troubles. He said he wants to keep browsing Sup Forums once he's gathered himself anyways so he doesn't need to let go. He might drop in every now and again but he's savvy enough to know better than to announce it, unless he wants to get the shitposts rolling.
Anyways, is Google considered a happy place?
Never forget.