Which anime you most re-watched and why?

Which anime you most re-watched and why?

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Clannad + After story 6+ times. It's entertaining. It has multiple themes.

I have watched nearly 300 shows (inb4 >that's not many) and have not once felt compelled to rewatch one. Not even FLCL, which is both my favourite show and only 6 episodes long. Just too much shit to look foward to which could potentially be my next favourite, why go back you know?

What I would like to know is why you would go back to a series that likes at least 4 hours or in the case of Haruhi Suzumiya 8 hours when there is so much else you could be watching?

I get it and go it with films all the time but mainly because they at typically half the length of a one-cour series and more cohesive and therefore easier to sit through.

Clannad and Clannad AS.

I enjoyed a lot of Nagisa scene and her ost.

*lasts at least 4 hours
*get it and do it with films

Evangelion or Bakemonogatari


fucking kill yourself keyfaggots

gurren lagann, because I love the ending so much

yuyushiki and yuru yuri are the only ones I've bothered watching multiple times

FLCL because it's less than two hours.

Lain, Haruhi, Eva, Azumanga.


I had it on my old iPod nano and I would rewatch it on car rides and shit (this was nearly 10 years ago). I still rewatch it every few years and read them LN.
It has my favourite characters, atmosphere and overall feel in any anime.

Chobits and Elfen Lied

Gurren Lagann

The music, the animation, the characters. I fucking love it all. Plus it makes me remember the good times I had with my old best friend of 10 years before he turned into a hollow shell due to schizophrenia.

>So this is the power of the spiral, huh? Okay, I'm impressed
Fuck I'm getting choked up now

Hidamari, because it heals my wrecked soul like no other.

>What I would like to know is why you would go back to a series when there is so much else you could be watching?
Because you know you get something good. Enjoyment does not depend on novelty. Also you change through the experiences you make and may feel very different about a show if you watch it again years later. Also just knowing where the show goes can making it a very different experience.

I'm not suprised though, that a flcl fag would ask something this dumb. Go kill yourself.

I've seen a load of shows twice, but I haven't gone for a third go on any yet.

Azumanga yes.
1000% yes.

a lot of edge in this thread damn calm down mate,we know it's past your bed time

I watched for the tanoshii

I think mine is Black Rock Shooter TV series, I think I saw it 2-3 times (streaming) before I got the limited edition box set for a cheap $240 after waiting like 2 years for it to drop from $420 (the reversed numbers make it easy to remember the exact prices)and I watched it like another 13-14 times in the following 2 weeks.

The figure is still unopened. I'm not enough of a buyfag to have a proper display case.

Mostly while I was sick, it's one of the comfiest shows I know.

Hidamari Sketch is also excellent for this purpose, but I rewatched it less because there's more of it.

>Black Rock Shooter TV series
Good taste, underrated series. STR a best.

Puni puni poemi because is only 2 episodes

I only properly rewatched it a couple of times, but I watch random episodes (literally roll an RNG) all of the time. All in all I've probably watched every episode about 10 times on average.

I agree, seeing her fight Insane Black Rock Shooter was fantastic, especially since none of the other girls were able to hold their own against BRS, let alone Insane BRS

My favorite part of the fight was when STR has a mental breakdown and gets her extra ogre arms and just casually slaps Insane BRS against the pillar she was standing on before throwing the cannon away.

I want a Strength figure with four ogre arms badly, someday I will be a true buyfag

wtf happened to my spoilers, they're all fucked up.

Cromartie and Gunbuster.

Cromartie because I never get tired of it's jokes
Gunbuster because Noriko rules.

It's KinoAni, after all.
Also the dialogues originally have some subtleties in them and KinoAni manage to bring them out without hindering the flow. Sasuga.


I think we just witnessed natural meme selection LIVE.


It's cute. I like it.

akira or totoro

Madoka because it's so much better on the rewatch


This. I'm emotionally attached to it.

I think Akagi is the only one I've rewatched, and that was just so I would remember everything that happened in the Washizu match before I started the manga.

I generally dislike rewatching shows because I feel I could be watching new shows with that time.

It's a fucking unnecessary ritual.


Madoka is up there along with Mononoke as the best to rewatch, but if I'm honest the one I've rewatched the most is Gosick. I just love it

That's because the pacing is real tight yet the mood is spooky/comfy

I read/rewatched this every year.


I just find it hilarious, and I like all the characters and most of the sagas.
I can pretty much cut it on anytime when I'm bored and have a good time.

Plus the foreshadowing and imagery are more meaningful

I wouldn't be able to, my heart is too fragile

>Which anime you most re-watched and why?
>It has multiple themes.

Sure is ESL in this thread.

Ranma 1/2 because it is so lovable.

I have watched my waifus anime like a billion times.

Gurren Lagann is a great pick me up when I'm feeling down

Your Lie in April, it's the only show I've watched two+ times because it makes me cry and I love it

Bebop, Geass, Azumanga, Evangelion, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM, Rurouni.

>getting trapped by the first garbage you watched

Nisekoi s1, at least 6 times. I've watched the first episode like 20 times.
I showed it to a friend and he liked it, so I showed it to another friend, and it eventually spread like cancer. I don't even like Nisekoi much.

I've watched Code Geass three times.
Gunbuster four times.
I've sat and watched Honneamise a half dozen times or so, and I routinely turn it on for background noise.

Black Lagoon


Hyouka because s2 never

Ping pong the animation



Saekano. Because Megumi is life

Sometimes rewatching something helps you appreciate it more. You might catch something you missed before, or you try to look at the story from a certain perspective rather than the intended one. Also, sometimes "rewatching" just means "putting it on in the background while doing something else". I "rewatch" shows all the time that way.

rewatched all the ones I liked with my GF

I've rewatched Full Moon wo Sagashite three times, about to watch it for a fourth time. The last 10 episodes always make me cry like a little girl.

>rewatch a show at least six times
>I don't even like it that much

Don't be embarrassed, user. Embrace your shit taste.

Themes in the literary sense: family, changing town, etc.

I'll admit, first 2 times I liked it. Everything after, absolute regret. You'd be surprised how much of a normalfag magnet Nisekoi can be.


It's also my favorite, but 6 episodes makes for easy repeat viewings.

The jokes never fail to amuse me no matter how many times I watch them.

SDF Macross and Black Lagoon, tied at 4

When I first watched SDF Macross Hikaru's constant fucking up really resonated deep with my own fuck ups and it honestly helped me get through them. I rewatch it every year or so.

Black Lagoon just because I really fucking like Black Lagoon

I have this thing called a backlog OP. I don't have time to rewatch

Cowboy Bebop, because it's my favorite, its episodic nature makes it easy to just pick up an episode here or there, and because I first watched it back in 2005 and I've had a lot of opportunities since then.

KLK, nichijou, and monogatari series


School Rumble and Code Geass, 5 or 6 times.

>I don't have time to rewatch

Is watching anime your job or something? Gotta meet your deadline, is that right?

jojo's bizarre adventures, because fuck you, thats why.

We don't care, you're only hurting yourself

>putting it on in the background while doing something else
You people mystify me

evangelion because i am autistic
get a different message out of it every time


Spice and wolf for comfyness. About 7 times i think

Toradora: maybe 4 times.

Fucking hell now i feel like watching S&W again.

>I will never have a simple life with a cute companion.

I forgot steins gate 5 times.

Go away faggots.

School Rumble, Haruhi, and Beelzebub

>SDF Macross
I must have watched Robotech 10 times, 50% nostalgia, 50% awesome.

Non non Biyori.

I've rewatched ran sem countless times.

I just can't get enough of Riko-chan.

Gundam 00.
Don't ask me why, I just love the show.

2nd place goes to Space Brothers.
It's a good motivator. NEXT SEASON WHEN?

I once watched Mr Ando of the woods twice in one sitting.

Yuru yuri, it makes me happy
and this

FLCL because it's short.
Followed by either Azumanga Daioh or Excel Saga which I both watched some 3 or 4 times.

If only I had more time I would rewatch them again.

Oofuri, probably like 7 times already. Still I never can quite remember what's the correct end score of the Tosei match so it feels fresh everytime I watch it.

Akagi is very rewatchable

Cowboy Bebop because it's the only good anime

Eva is pretty much the only thing i've ever rewatched more than once or twice and that's probably at least 30% just because i want to watch EoE. I usually rewatch it around this time of year, I don't know if I will this year though.

Even though I don't rewatch stuff often, I will say, to those of you asking what the point is: rewatching it at a different time can drastically change how you see a series, especially if you watched it while it aired. I watched penguindrum while it aired, and it was a 9/10 for me, the biggest problem being with the pacing. i rewatched it all at once a couple years later and marathoning it made the pacing 1000x better. brought it up to a 10/10

fuck. i put the name comic books in to reply to a post in another thread to a guy who accidentally had his name set to comic books by accident and then forgot about it. how ironic

Yuyu Hakusho, somewhere between 11 and 13 times by now. I imagine Initial D comes in second.

Sometimes I just need something to watch on the side with half my attention, and those are my go-to. I've found that only action shows can really be rewatched. I can't rewatch drama/mystery/romance shows because I still remember everything that happened 5+ years later.