Well, there goes the support for the Pope. Is he guided by those Psychologists? Deus Volt
Pope attempts to rewrite Lord's Prayer
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What does it take to be considered a heretic in this day and age? Can the pope be considered a heretic, or does what he say goes with no questions asked?
Anti-pope when?
>the Pope
you niggers do realize he is trying to make the spanish wording (that has always said "do not let us fall into temptation") of the prayer canon over all other translations
no big deal
The line in question that's changing
And if that was the only thing anybody had against him I don't think people would be complaining... but the list goes on and on.
>lutheranism intensifies
Exactly, he's just correcting a mistranslation, that's fucking it, no big deal.
Of course Sup Forums is already screeching
This is honestly a nothingburger. Of all the things Pope Francis has done, this one actually has some merit to it.
Out of all the shit the papalcy has done over the ages this is it? This is the one thing that makes you say "nah Jesus wouldn't like that"?
Considered a direct connection to God by the people; rewriting Christs words is a no go.
deliver us from evil
He's the only reason why I haven't converted to catholicism
im sure the fact that you are a degenerate has nothing to do with it
The new religion created at Vatican II already has:
>new liturgy
>new dogmas
>new saints
>new sins (and not-sins)
>new vestments
>new architecture
>new music
>new orders
>new devotions
>new rules
New prayers could be far behind. It'll be "improvements" to translations at first. That's how they started on the liturgy. Eventually they'll be entirely new.
Seems reasonable. But Sup Forums is full of overreacting teenagers and drama queens so the reaction is predictable.
>what god meant to say...
First of all you're mexican
Second of all that's not the point
>be Vatican
>be running low on monies because of all the hookers and blow (and diminishing church attendance)
>change 2 words in the lords prayer
>update all catholic text and books
>profit from sale of revised texts and books
this is some real jewish teir shit
makes sense to me
tl;dr: there has been no real pope since the death of Pie XII in 1958
They're just making Catholic church to reflect more what it is, and pander the church's core audience. It's becoming dominantly South American religion, they are outbreeing European Catholics.
I am fully prepared to hate this satanic fucker, but he's right about the translation.
he already declared the devil to be God.
>lead us not into temptation
>but deliver us from evil
The line as a whole doesn't really imply that God is tempting us. It's basically a plea for one thing (deliverance from evil) over another (leading into temptation). I can understand why you might want to change it, but don't see the need as no one would really ever interpret that way.
Remind me where the "Lord's prayer" even exists in the Bible. Who gives a shit if he wants to rewrite a prayer that was made up by someone.
yeah sure give him access to change the prayer im sure he won't put his own agenda into it.
>Changing the literal words of God and his instructions on how to talk to God.
Is that all? This is why America doesnt want spics because you guys are incrementalist that are used to being subjugated.
"Thank you god for this wonderful bounty of shota and traps oh how we will give them to the muslim warriors of hope as offerings oh mighty lucifer"
Of course it's reasonable. Radical revolutionaries always start with something reasonable. No one just installs a hot tub in a traditional church out of the blue one day. They change things one reasonable step at a time, until one day it's possible.
People now think it's "reasonable" for a pope to wash the feet of Muslim trannies on Holy Thursday, or give Holy Communion to atheists. No one would have said so 50 years ago, even the radicals. It takes time to simmer the frog up to boil.
The English becomes tortured very quickly, which
>Let us not be led into temptation
>Prevent is from being led into temptation
Rather ghastly.
I agree it should be written in arabic and not english.
the muslims invented numbers and letters you know?
The change has already happened recently in France.
It's purely about correcting a mistranslation. To be fair, I don't like either the old (which implies God himself leads you into sin) nor the new (which implies that God should prevent you from even being tempted into anything, which is puerile and radical). Souldn't it say "Let us not give into temptation"?
Give him "access to it"? Is it just like some secret room to have to get into gain control over the prayer?
more like convince everyone not to stab him to death if he starts writing a new one.
Yeah, because the bible was verbatim what god said.... In English... In the middle east... Thousands of years ago. Why are religious people so unintelligible?
Send us a postcard from the creationist museum!
Dude, just read what mexican said earlier in this thread. In Polish it's also "don't lead us into temptation" ("... I nie wódź nas na pokuszenie..."), which implies it's God who is tempting us, while we know its Satan who is tempting us.
I'm against most of the things this Pope says, but this particular change is a good idea.
God Controls everything master of all Alpha and Omega to imply God has no control over tempations is heretical and detracting from God's power, Makes alot of sense the Pope thinks lucifer is god and now he wants to Change AO's words.
He will drop dead, screen shot this.
"Falling" into temptation makes it seem like you are at no fault at all. Like sin just happens to you on accident like stepping in a puddle.
In reality the translation is appropriate because you do some fucked up shit and God is all like "heres some aids riddled traps you fucking faggot have fun"
God does lead us to temptation its up to us to be a Good Worshipper and Go "Stop it God you faggot"
Yeah. If he changes anything important in some spiritually degenerate way, I will be glad to the first one with a torch to go burn down the snake-Vatican. Which really should be done in any case.
Or is the Pope trying to say God will never Tempt us implying he is master of God?
Because theres some verses about what to do with people that say these kind of things.
the spanish translation is as old as the english one
there is nothing revolutionary about the changes
You can fall into a trap set up by Satan. Fallen angel is also what some people use to describe someone pure turning evil.
>rewriting Christs words is a no go
The bible has been poorly translated and rewritten countless times.. From (possibly Aramaic/Hebrew at first) Koine Greek to Latin to English to Burger.
Fucking Burger education..
what's the religion called?
He's not changing it, but the translation, come on.
Scientology-tier tactics
But God literally created the forbidden fruit in Eden just to deny it to Adam and Eve.
I'd say he's got a bad track record in terms of leading people into temptation.
>god spoke in english
They do shit like vid related.
Don't care about some shitty prayer he said a demon was God.
What's wrong with understanding the human mind you backwards cock muncher.
This is just about the least offensive thing any religious figure has done in quite a while.
I remember this chapter in Animal Farm.
He didnt speak your filthy pig latin. Its about meaning not the language itself dumb ass. Again "falling" into temptation removes the fact that there is choice involved. Translating it that way means the meaning is changed regardless of keeping the original text. Stick to wearing pointy shoes and leave the thinking to us.
And that's key. The real Church doesn't go around changing prayers that have worked fine for centuries because someone came up with a tweak. The Church is very conservative (in nature, not talking politics), and only makes changes when necessary. Councils are only supposed to be called when there's a heresy or attack on the Church to battle, for instance. You would only change the translation of a prayer if there's a problem with people taking it the wrong way. There's no heresy spreading out there because people think that line means God will lead us into sin if we don't talk Him out of it.
The funny thing is, fake pope Frank *has* talked about how God wants us to sin, because He just loves forgiving us that much. Like if we don't ever sin, we're bumming Him out. So Frank may suffer from that heresy, but no one else does.
This is just a revolutionary wanting to fuck with something because it hasn't been fucked with before. Nothing more or less.
So it's not changing it in every language.
In Portuguese we already say, do not let us fall into temptation, or "não nos deixais cair em tentação" and I think in Spanish it's the same
IF anything, the anglo translation comes the culture that spawned a bunch of hereic spin off religions and its untrustworthy
Pope is declaring Satan has power over God.
Incase you didn't understand that part.
Slippery slope m8
God IS the only one that CAN send you into Temptation because he hardens your heart and closes your mind.
if he changes this prayer he needs to rewrite the entire fucking bible.
Satan has no control over Christians , Pope says otherwise implying Jesus was a failure in his mission.
No idea what he's on about. "Not" is primarily modifying "into temptation", not "lead us" Everyone knows it means "Lead us out of and away from temptation". No one was mistaken into thinking it places blame on the Father.
It's the "but" right after which is a bit off, could easily be "and" imo
Some previous user was right that Francis's suggestion undermines free will and puts too much onus on the Father to preventing sin from occuring
so what's the closest translation to original?
I always thought about it as "don't expose us for temptation"/satan/test. And this is how it's translated in Polish. But in english is "lead" which would imply God is leading you into sin, which is kind of stupid and should be changed imo.
or maybe the anglos who mistranslated the bible into your mutt language are the ones who overwrote it and most of the rest of the world has used the correct wording for decades
You do realize Popes communicate directly with god? They can change whatever they want, since god tells them to change it. Pope is the spirit of god on earth.
I mean, it's kind of "lead" in Polish too, but it's more ambivalent than in English
without the father we would not have temptation.
Its fundamental to use even having a relationship with God.
Its perfect as is if they change a single word it loses its connections to the other verses.
Are you telling me a degenerate child murder who kisses the feet of muslims has any idea about the connectivity in the bible and would change it for the better as opposed to literal theologists ?
Dude (or dudette?)God created the fruit as a test, and gave us free will. It was Satan (snake) who convinced Eve to eat that fruit. God literally said "you can eat everything except that fruit."
See this post > not "lead us" Everyone knows it means "Lead us out of and away from temptation"
Francis is a catholic psyop to get normies to wake up and support SSPX
So Judas was right then was he ?
give the pope more kids cause thats how he talks to god right ?
Fucking sick.
>Are you telling me a degenerate child murder who kisses the feet of muslims has any idea about the connectivity in the bible and would change it for the better as opposed to literal theologists ?
im telling the canon spanish translation are every bit as official as the english one, if not more (because it didnt spawn protestant degeneracy), and it has always been worded the way the pope says
this is another issue of burgers thinking somehow that their english version of the bible is somehow even more legit than the original one, because they are completely retarded
>that's Satan's department
I bet Job is thrilled to hear that only Satan ever does bad things to people.
>centuries of christians get along just fine and create the mightiest society across the planet just fine reciting a prayer that includes the line "lead us not into temptation"
>oh shit we better change it now
Reminder, never ever let leftists have control of your language.
The (((Spanish))) were cryptojews (sephardics), especially people that went to the "new world" and created Jesuit ran cryptojewish colonies like Argentina where the current pope is from.
I literally don't care your entire religion is in a garbage can because the higher ups rape and murder children.
A bad idea. It weakens the credibility of Christian texts.
he is the anti-pope
I only care about the victims of christianity.
Israel reestablished
Capitol Jerusalem
wars and rumors of wars
Sodom and Gomorrah on fire
Muslim conquest of the West
in progress
New Temple built
the only loose end
The truth is probably somewhere between what I said and what said.
It kind of depends on whether the "but" is in the original or if it's just KJV poetry
Give this dude a mop and bucket. He's clearly bored out of his mind. Idle hands and whatnot.
Matthew 6:9 -13
You should actually read it sometime.
Wizard apu is my favorite, every time I see it I want to read some fantasy books.
he really is.
God literally sends Satan to tempt people multiple times in the bible, God uses the things of this world to his ends.
Job is a great example of this and also a great example of not falling to the temptation.
>Not this meme again
It was Hindu Dravidians
Honestly there isnt anything wrong with his proposal
>Inventing things
They cant even make use of existing inventions like plumbing and toilets.
do catholics really think they have a better understanding of Catholicism than the pope?
that's exactly why he did it
he knows hatred for him has been growing due to the obviousness of his satanic agenda
so he did something where he knew the kneejerk reaction to it would be accusations of heresy
so when the correction came and people said "wait, this is actually good", it would create a malaise of doubt about whether anything else he did was actually bad either
this is the true intent of this action, which is itself 100x more evil and insidious than the out in the open vanilla heresy 99% of people first think it is
Just like "love thy kin" is rephrased to "love thy neighbour" in english. Ye, what could possibly go wrong
With this pope, yes.
The only thing muslims invented was slavery I was just joking.
Runskit is pre-hindu by the way and is european.