Predictions for this weeks chapter? Text spoilers should be out tomorrow
Predictions for this weeks chapter? Text spoilers should be out tomorrow
Other urls found in this thread:
First for best couple!
Nami a shit.
Reminder that everyone who disagrees with me is le one guy
One guy with 111 phones
Why did you (me) just reply to yourself (also me) with a new IP?
Actually, I have 6 phones and 109 proxies.
That's also why this post is short.
>They're still going at it in the other thread
You mean you (me) are still going at it in the other thread
whoops, didn't mean to reply to myself.
You mean us?
You mean me, me?
I'm going to watch the entire anime before March!
No I'm not
If Naruto can't have a general then this shitty manga can't have a general either
>No I'm not
I mean me. Not I.
Please don't. It's bearable right until the Timeskip. It's all downhill from there. Some will argue that it was bad since Enies Lobby, TB, Marineford, whatever, but it only REALLY went bad since FI.
You just gotta believe, mate
Top 3 favorite characters so far?
I'm the guy that finished Punk Hazard recently, made a list of my top 9 favorite characters. This is okay taste, right?
Why? Are you 12?
Holy shit that fight in the other thread is pure cancer.
They should all kill themselves.
Because he's the protagonist and if you don't like the protagonist of a given story you shouldn't be following it?
It's all one person though
>user during the middle and second half of Dressrosa
I like Luffy but he is not in my top 10 of all the characters.
Only kids like him over other characters
But it was all me
Reminder that Dressrosa in the manga is 100 chapters and that the anime version still manages to have more episodes than that
I wonder if we'll ever get a decent One Piece anime if the manga finishes.
Dressrosa was the worst thing that ever happened to One Piece
I just think he does a lot of cool shit. Like when he punched through Don Krieg's spiked shield way back in East Blue, and that fight with Lucci, and the way he wrecked Hody. I think he's in a lot of good fights. I like his drive and determination. That's why. He's not such a complex character, but I think he's fun and a great protagonist for a series like this.
>hover hand
Sanji confirmed pussy
You got it for several hundred episodes
I mean really, for a weekly series it was rock solid with some of the most prolific voices in the industry and great soundtracks
Yeah and for the past six years it has been rock bottom with some of the most poorly paced adaptations in anime history.
Last thread is about to reach it's limit. I boasted about not dragging shit into other threads but all of me may want to brace myself.
>Boobs are too small for Nami
I love it
Reporting works.
Mods will delete their spam
I've seen at least 5 OP threads in the last month go up in flames with half the thread being an autist accusing anyone who replies to him of being the same person and generally attracting as much attention as possible to himself.
It's clearly the same person and they clearly are not being handled in any manner.
>It's clearly the same person
Choose your words carefully, user. You might awaken the beast.
>It's clearly the same person
I don't know why I have to keep telling myself this when it's so patently obvious.
Let's hope he stays in the old thread and has his peanut brain forget to switch over to this one as the other one dies.
Maybe we're safe here.
And with we I mean me. Since all these posts are me.
Learned a new word today. Thanks, me!
>chapter this week
wtf i hate oda now
Is Trebol a logia or a paramecia?
I don't want to defend Toei completely but I can't imagine how taxing it would be to consistently keep a weekly series quality for such a long period of time, especially with animation staff changes throughout
No problem, me!
What if all One Piece characters are the same person
posting my favorites from the set
these crossovers are so good
That's the problem. They should've ended with the timeskip. Maybe do a movie a year, and then in a few years when an arc or two was done bring it back for a few seasons to cover those arcs, then stop for another few years.
But of course they don't care about the quality of the show, just the income it brings regardless of how cheap they can shit it out each week.
Nah, he knows I'm "metaposting" here.
Only thing I know about metas are using OP shit in games.
mudamudamuda xd
what a horribly drawn picture
fuck off
Any minute now
Brace for impact!
Well I don't hate it but it could definitely be better.
>let's hope it stays in the old thread
>after you already spammed this thread with it
And yes, you are meta posting. e.g. talking about people instead of the topic of the thread. You will spam multiple replies to this, but I'll just let you have the last word because otherwise you will even further derail and ruin the thread.
Do prefer official better?
Here we go lads
Yes, you have pretty good taste
In that case
>anyone under than you
>under than you
>thinks SaNa shit is nothing wrong
The wall can't come soon enough. Get this dumb beaner out of here.
Are you going to continue spamming in this thread too, autist?
This is a SaNa thread.
No autism here.
Who's worse, SaNafag or autismo-kun?
Could it be?
He's actually fucking off?
We're (me) are finally safe now!
Both are undesirable.
>hurr look at SaNa
Wow, so you were a buttmad LuNafag this whole time. Haha that would explain the meltdown
So much for letting me have the last word. Some honour you have.
Nice haven't seen this one before. How many non strawhats are there?
Oh right, one last thing. You can't claim other people derail threads when you post things like this in new threads unprovoked.
Now you can have the last word and pretend you're not the shitposter that ruins all these threads.
I wish rebeccafag was here
hell, I wish porky was here to purge wanpiss threads once and for all
Oh look, he's starting again
Just report retards. It works if we all do it
That posted you quoted was metely making fun of you, not derailing anything.
What if autismo IS rebeccafag?
See you in like 3 weeks when you inevitably get trigged over 1 (one) word and start to post about 80 posts about how the entire world is made up of one person that just conveniently happens to have like 12 proxies ready for shitposting.
Post Sanji.
Sanji and Nami are the hottest one
>mfw Oda skips Brook again
>I wish rebeccafg was here
No, you fucking don't. Don't even joke about that. That entire time period was just pure misery.
just google "one piece overwatch art" the set was posted on reddit
We already established we're all one person after all
that's much better you shipping faggot
>That entire time period was just pure misery.
So just like right now
That was about 2 hours of straight, non-stop, action packed shit posting. I can finally sleep now. Godspeed, me (you) bastards.
Eh, I feel like more people are good at ignoring shippers than Rebeccafag. Felt like 8/10 people felt for Rfag's bait. And they were all essays too, which didn't help. And he would like reply to 20 people in 1 post.
Now, most people just go with a "Fuck off, retard" and move on.
Maybe that's just me.
>shitposting in ghost
Oh god what if this is that same retard who ruins Madoka threads
Nami is the Sakura Haruno of One Piece
Nailed it. I knew you would never stop shitposting in the live thread. That was a test to see if you actually cared about derailing threads. You don't. All you did was meta shitpost more.
It's at least better than the fake discussion about shipping.