>Damn Icelander womyn with their Eugenics mentality. Not like us fellow progressives that do it 23% less.
FUck Iceland mirite fellow progressives ?
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This is what a godless society looks like. You aren't perfect, should people have aborted you? Cause that's what is coming next you know, agnostics and atheists will want to kill everyone
Since Iceland is a tiny, hostile place to live, they can't afford to maintain their comfy 1st world existence AND house retards who contribute nothing. I think this is about necessity to a large degree.
this is a mistake they should be bred as labourers and fruit pickers instead of automating everything
People killed their babies if they had any malformation
Not killing genetical trashes is a modern thing
You act like Iceland is a third world country. You thinking here living in shacks up there? You probably think Iceland is just ice you fucking idiot
Papa Adolf would be proud
That picture made me shiver.
Do you honestly think that is our thought process?
Stop with this cartoonish fantasy of "le ebil atheits hate all life"
This is what a christcuck sounds like
>just fuck my genepool up lmao
As a fellow white mongoloid male Im with you.
That is at the heart of the thought though. It's an abortion of convenience. You shouldn't get to kill people because they're inconvenient.
There is nothing ethically wrong with abortion unless its a healthy white fetus.
That's the spirit.
Survival is upon greatness based.
pick one
You are worst than your son UK
enjoy your nation of brainless mongoloids
god hates people with down syndrome, he wants us to kill them
About 200 years ago, there was a ~50% infant mortality rate. If there's anything unnatural about today's godless society, it's the fact most infants survive after being born. Would you rather go back to that era?
The left is truly mind blowing
>literal retards are good for a society
Now I see why they want to turn everyone into niggers, the most useless race to ever exist. We could have mixed with Asians or maybe even just Arabs and still have some dignity left over, but niggers? Even the left realizes how disgusting/broken they are. That's why they want it
The USA should aspire to the 100% mark too. There is zero reason to have a downie kid in today's world of pre-testing. I can't stand people who have retards by choice. Unless you have coin out the ass all that is going to happen is at some point you pass away as the parents and then your tard kid is just left 100% rudderless in a world it can't even sort of understand.
So it ends up in a shit tier home or if by some horrible luck you have a normal kid too they might take in the random tard out of misplace family feeling and now the parents selfish choice wrecks their normal kids life too.
Iceland is just making sure they never get an Icelandic Trump
Good when they find the gay gene we can kill them in the womb. No more gays.
What does the Arizona cop have to do with any of this?
Did you not read the part where I said "they can't afford to maintain their comfy 1st world existence" ?
Kill yourself. Immediately.
Most likely it'll end up at some asylum, where the personnel will take turns fucking it every night. This world is not built for the defenceless.
I think their train of thought goes like this
>I will love it so much. It will never feel rejected (by me)
Yea ok but it will never be able to fend for itself and society will threat it like what it is, a broken defect.
this is genoicde
A downy would have beaten Clinton too.
I like it. Less shit posting on Sup Forums.
Why do you all act like this is a bad thing?
A Down Syndrome embryo is supposed to abort itself, but sometimes the cell machinery makes a mistake and it survives. If you look at it this way, 100% of Down Syndrome humans who have ever lived are failed abortions.
You cant get all of us.
>People are upset that a lifelong, cognition damaging condition is being removed so nobody else has to suffer with it or care for those who do.
I despise these emotional fuckheads because their instant reaction is to make it about them, themselves and their virtuous ways and how *not* virtuous, you the supporter are.
They don't give a fuck about anybody except themselves. Are they going to be the support staff for these people?
And no motherfucker, doing it for a week with a camera crew following you isn't near enough.
>He did, because America isn't Iceland
Also, what the shit happened to my image.
Because God loves everyone and all humans are equal and important.
I'd rather have a downy than a woman on the force.
It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being decent. Not wanting down syndrome babies is a pretty fucking low standard.
It's not a bad thing. Keep Iceland great.
Iceland has always favored eugenics. The weak shouldn't multiply and take up scarce land.
You might think that Icelanders are nothing much, but why have you even heard of Iceland? It's a community of under a third of a million people, yet it's its own country with large territorial waters.
They have some of the world's most beautiful women, and the world's strongest men. They do groundbreaking work in geothermal energy and automated fishery. You might say they have only average (((IQ))) scores for whites, but that test is bullshit, otherwise how do they make the male and female averages come out the same? IQ tests emphasize trivialities and de-emphasize important aspects of mental function in their scoring.
Christcucks go home. Christianity was just a ridealong as Europe copied the cultural essentials of large-scale order from the Romans, like Japanese wearing business suits.
it s a good thing that you got rid of the retards, we should do some post natal abortions to the rest, especially to the jews.
I thought you were making a gif joke.
>You might say they have only average (((IQ))) scores for whites, but that test is bullshit, otherwise how do they make the male and female averages come out the same?
You mean its worst than whats shown?
There's actually a reasonable chance they get the diagnosis wrong. I actually have very low chance of autism or downs in my family, so i have to make sure whatever girl i knockup doesnt have family history with it.
>This is what a rapeless society looks like. Should people have stopped your rapist father? Cause tat's what is coming next you know, agnostics and atheists will want to kill children of rape.
>keeps retards with down syndrome away
>keeps crime rates down by aborting kids that are unwanted by blacks and spics
>remove the possibility of single mothers the biggest drain to the government in terms of welfare and their insanity which ruins a country over time by voting for more gibs
Abortion is a great thing, the only reason why people dislike it is muh religion, facts and statistics-wise abortion helps out conservative countries a lot more than liberal ones funnily enough.
Sometimes when pictures are posted at the same time on different boards it gets screwy.
Europe is not lost yet
>first post is muh sky dude
That's right goyim, pray to Mc'Jesus
>keeps crime rates down by aborting kids that are unwanted by blacks and spics
Thats were you are wrong meme flag.
Those two groups get mo free money for each mutt they squirt.
Not that easy from a genetic viewpoint, my German friend. You all do image eugenics to be so easy
Eh, the kid will be recycled anyway. Makes me wonder what the US would be like if more women got rid of dangerously defective unborn children instead of having them live a tortured existence second only to the anons on here.
Did you read the part where I said they obviously fucking can
That's like saying you cured cross section paralysis by shooting everybody in a wheelchair.
moar like u stop them from being born so that gene isnt passed on
They might be a burden on society but they almost certainly lead happier lives than us.
Well didn't you guys give that a red hot go?
>Love me father
Both are terrible
You are a moron that doesn't understand the function of faggots in society.
I am thinking of creating a dating profile on OkCupid where I put in some right wing only shit tests in the data, and also put in that I won't date anyone who would not abort a potato.
I expect zero matches as in real life.
If you survey happiness in the lowest IQ parts of the population they always come up happier.
Wonder why?
im tired of not only retards but also cripples, anyone with a disability should get shot (except Hot girls who are paralysed from the waist down). the rest should euthanised.
these faggots think they are entitled to alot of stuff just because they are defective (or as they call it to not feel inferior, "given different abilities"). fuck off, i feel the utmost disgust towards these defective subhumans.
all the fatsos,cripples(except paralysed QTs)blind,retarded,deaf,mute, even more so if they are brown, should be shot. im tired of their shit and asking for help, i always tell them NOOOOO but then i get shit because moralfaggotry and resentment is supre high in this shithole country
>Pro choice
>Choose to abort the retarded
>Choose to abort black babies
Fair tradeoff.
There's a huge difference between normal life problems and down syndrome dumbass. It's wrong to condemn them to a living hell. Would you marry and settle down with a downs syndrome girl? If not then you're a goddamn hypocrite.
>it works
Try to get a liberal to admit this. It's like pulling teeth.
why wouldn't you abort a cripple?
But they do, as long as it means the eradication of the European culture they are all for it.
Originally, IQ tests were meant to detect delayed mental development in childhood while the information might still be used to take corrective measures (such as diagnosing and treating malnutrition, isolation, and other environmental factors), so they were designed to give equal scores to boys and girls of the same age, for the simple practical purpose of halving the complexity of scoring and evaluating tests.
However, they were quickly seized on by biased researchers looking for ways to support their politics, and the equal scores for boys and girls attracted a bad sort. As IQ testing was extended to adults and into measurement of exceptionally high intelligence, it was steered to denigrate practical mechanical intelligence and exalt the traits of career academics. If you look at an IQ test today, you'll find it full of questions with no verifiably correct answers, where you're asked to choose the "best" one.
IQ testing is still basically good for detecting mental deficiency, but you should be deeply suspicious of people drawing conclusions from high scores. You only need to look at the general insipidness of consistently-high-IQ Mensa members and the diverse (but generally not sub-normal) IQ scores of successful self-made businessmen.
Why is this even a thing? Really it should be the other way around about how 33% of people in the US do not abort babies with downsyndrome. It is not fair to anybody to do that shit, to give birth to kids that are going to be extremely infertile, need special needs treatment most of their life etc.
Yeah and on the 8th day God created the downies and the pinheads and the melonheads, have you ever met a downie? They are literally a waste of space, they have everything you need to be technically human but nothing that actually matters.
>Let's apply rigorous standards to every other aspect of behaviour but claim abortion is always bad because it hurts muh fee fees
Fuck off retard
I'm "pro choice", but I think it's quite telling that lefties are only ok with aborting healthy babies. If you're "not ready" to have a child, then abortion is ok. If you want to have an abortion because you don't want to spend all your time and money on a drooling potato (at the expense of your other kids if you can even afford them after giving birth to a tard), then they scream, cry and try to guilt trip you.
I see nothing wrong with the way iceland deals with their retards.
Strange to be sure.
>lowering the burden on the social system by choosing to be a responsible adult and not a welfare leech is somehow a negative thing
More people need to die
This is just a fact
Ok that shit was heavy.
literally satanism dude, they just want the whole world to go to shit
>You aren't perfect, should people have aborted you?
You know, I often wish I wasn't born. Everyone would be better off that way.
And this is it gents.
The last rational thinker in Sweden.
They're not wastes of space, they're all pretty sweet gentle people but obviously retarded. However I 've only about 20% are fit enough for independent living and even less capable of working. A few are really talented artists though, cant remember the name but one is a bretty impressive painter. But regardless yes as a whole, they can be a burden and looking beyond even that many live difficult, painful and shortened lives so it's not even nice for themselves.
>this is what a christcuck society looks like
I wish I was aborted.
its a shame because with retard strength on our side we would be unstoppable retards are also extremely loyal more so than any dog can ever be F
>You shouldn't get to kill people because they're inconvenient.
yes you should
I think this is best. There is no good outcome of having a kid with down other than the parent feeling proud of themselves for keeping it. It's all ego. The child will need some form of assistance all their life. When the parent dies, who then will become the caregivers? Other family members are then left with the burden. Having children with downs also costs more. It's just not good.
Can't even tell if it's trolling at this point.
The last thing our planet needs is more retards. Good for Iceland.
It's not about convenience, it's about quality of life.
how often do downies actually get depressed about being a downie
Is downie suicide a statistic?
Autists & retard alliance now
Why? That's the official position of christcuckery, and of those here claiming to be christcucks.
Or they can just not fuck or use a myriad of other protection methods. We should start a birth prevention campaign targeting blacks.
Fuck that shit. I got three kids and they’re all normal thank God. Even if my wife was pregnant with a down’s baby we would keep it. God doesn’t deal you cards you can’t play. Abortion is the real holocaust. Go ahead, call me a christcuck; I don’t care.