With a masive wave of europeans, we could easily outbreed the spics, scandinavian girls are HOT! Wh have super low taxes, cheap land, very few mussies, little gun control and more space. We could make america 90% white by importing millions of euros! Come on in! Before a muslim rapes your wife!
Why dont europeans come to the USA?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not knowing how our immigration laws are set up.
We don't let in any white like we do spic or nig. It's a lottery system. Also we only want fins
No thanks, I'd rather live than get shot by
a) nigs
b) cops
c) hicks
d) terrorists
e) fascists
f) anti-fascists
g) any combination of the above
Someone should make an exemption for the next 20 years to allow only white europeans, russians and south africans
Thats much more problematic in your country and here we can at least protest and speak out against the shitskin invasion
Don't forget rude regular americans.
ever tried to immigrate legally into the US as a white? it's a bureaucratic shitshow and expensive and time consuming. all the hoops you have to jump trough just to find out pedro doesn't care and once he's over the rio grande he's protected by authorities. all while they shit on people playing by the rules.
change immigration laws for europeans or become outbred by spics, burger
because america is fucking gay
only a stinky homo would go there
United States is a filthy third world country comprised of ugly subhuman mongrels.
>Why don't europeans just abandon their ancestral homelands?
No thanks.
make it easier for me to immigrate there and I'll come. Just don't follow merkels example
>move to america
>spics and nigs everywhere fucking everything up
>establishment and academia guilt trip me for my race constantly
>get shot
I'd rather stay with a crippling national debt thank you very much
Murder rate is on par with Switzerland, in White America. Just stay away from the nigs and spics.
kek, that would be fucking hard
I dont know, how to get a job there, and my english is probably not good enough to explain myself without sounding like a retard
The USA will not let any white people come in to this country. Seriously.
Like 35% of all Scandinavians immigrated here a hundred years ago, whose decedents are know half the cast of BLACKED so don't tell me about Europeans care about shit
Should we start a white house petition?
Haha you're full of shit. USA is literally the worst country of twee last twenty to thirty years, and it is on the decline. I'd rather live in a Dutch prison then in a "free" society like the USA. Free to get shot by whomever I want, free to get raided by CIA whenever I want. Free to vote for any corrupt representative I want (having two options means actually that you only have one choice, so choosing is also an overstatement.)
This. Scandinavians have always been cucks. WE WUZ VIKANGZ N SHEEEIT
No, criminals were tricked onto a boat to America to get rid of them
true Greece is sooo much better.
>That low forehead
Obviously drawn by a sub-human
Your shithole will be full of muslims blowing you up and raping your wife and daughter nordnigger. You will either be blown up by akmed allahuakbaring or have your kids be blacked by sand people.
Ah yes, abandoning your country, language and culture is absolutely what we europeans want.
My ancestors lived, died and fought for this country. What kind of person would I be if I abandoned it all. Rather try to fix it to my last breath, there is no running.
VIKANGZ are the niggers of europe. They were the muslim crisis 1.0. They raped, looted, killed and pillaged just like the muslims they love so much today.
This shit's happening over there too mr. amerimutt. The difference is we at least don't have niggers that loot everything afterwards
You are obviously a female
How? You retarded nordcucks have so much gun control you cant do shit! Come to america, buy a full auto machine gun and fight to keep at least one country white!
keep talking broke ass bitch
Nope, not really. Check the stats: people die by gunshot in the US more often than anywhere else in the world.
This is true. Trying to get into USA as a European is truly winning the lottery.
Niggers dont crash planes into buildings, they dont breed like rats, they only attack themselves for the most part, and they dont put ebombs everywhere, theyre to stupid. They commit petty crimes and murder, but almost always on other blacks since they self segregate. I would take niggers over mudslimes any day of the week
Actually we are 9th place on most guns per capita in the world.
>This is the amerimutt's easily wounded pride on display
We should just allow mass immigration from Europe of those who have higher education for the purposes of rebuilding our high tech industry. I don't know why we shouldn't.
The OP said immigration from white countries.
Argentina is not white
Anyone moving to Usa is a traitor
I wonder who's behind this meme flag?
Show your flag or STFU.
This is the cringiest meme in history.
I don't want to live in 56%er land, I don't want to live with niggers and spics and fat people, I don't want to have to drive everywhere, I don't want to live in a cultural void, and I don't want to work your insane hours or deal with you work culture. But most of all I don't want to live in a place where the only limitation on me is myself so I can see how bad I truly am.
I really want to move to the US but my professional qualification isn't recognised there (mental health nurse). I can move to literally any other anglosphere country with it but America.
Surely Americans who want more whites could start up companies to hire people from Europe and get them residency permits?
So basically all the real men went to the greatest country on earth while all the soyboys who drive volvos and shop at IKEA stayed , yup sounds about right if the nordic homeland was in the Mediterranean area it would have be Muslim in 900ad you people are pathetic
Anyone noticed that when "white" Americans get angry they start talking like black people.
Well, i thought about this, why would we want to import even the white western europeans? Cause it just seems like most of the west part of Europe is cucked. Most of the original European immigrants from the 1800s and 1900s, were god believing Christians, and what was considered left back then. Would be considered so far right today, they wouldn't even get the chance. Unless you'd go and target specific european countries that are more in line with certain xx views etc. And personally im not even sure which those would be. I know or, so the board says some like poland, even portugal are more in line with what we should be bringing in. Personally lets say all immigrants come from Europe, all white. And we get back to a white super majority. Ok how do you not end back up to where we are then in the first place?
Also on a side note. When most of the original european immigrants came here. Most of this land was still undeveloped compared to europe even in the 1900s. Most Europeans that came in that phase were more of adventure blood. Most of the groundwori already been laid down by the civilized ppl. But what are other ppls thoughts?
Your culture involves pillaging europe and raping their women. Ours is classic muscle cars, rock n roll, guns, etc. How can swedistan compete?
I don't blame them. Scandinavia sucks
>low taxes
Colleges/Higher education and healthcare is a scam though
>cheap land
In the middle of nowhere where the internet doesnt even exist
>few mussies
but over 40% niggers and "non-white" spics
>little gun control
niggers seem to be in plenty control of guns
>more space
40% of your cunt is a arid or desert or native "reservations"
I could write a fucking novel about why Europeans wouldnt want to move to the US, but I will boil it down.
>Racemixing with Amerimutts
id prefer the europeans to kick out all the non europeans and kill anyone who resists
Well it's like you said they're "white".
Your culture is imitating niggers. Get bent fatso.
there's enough smug cucks here already no thanks
You are ruled by a literal moron bought and paid for by Israel
They don't think it be like it is but it do.
Because we have immigration laws you retard
Youre more niggardly than america, nordcuck. VIKANGZ were muslim tier savages until the civilized world wouldnt take your shit anymore
Don't make me laugh haha. You don't know for half what your talking about user. If we're anything like Europeans here (which we are) we'll have enslaved the mudslimes before they do any harm haha.
Let's see...
-Not my fatherland
-No chance of reclaiming ancient homeland
-No European-style bread
-Healthy food is more expensive than shit food
-Lé 56%
Yeah no thanks
>We could make america 90% white by importing millions of individuals who just made 100% white Europe 60% white by voting for literal femeno-communists
Sounds like a good plan, Sholmo
Even thought we are not actually "talking" here what do you bongs start talking like?
pic related?
Vikings were 1200 years ago. We did things in the meantime you uneducated mutt.
Fuck off vodkanigger
Isn't there a literal lottery to acquire citizenship in USA? I think I heard something about that.
Rooster talking about European politics, lmao
Stick to commenting on Asia where you belong, petukh
I never understood how 90% white European countries cant vote in populists while us, 56%, votes in trump first try.
Are American whites the best whites on earth?
>No European-style bread
this is one the best reasons for not going to the US I've ever heard
Like build a "civilization" that was a thousand years or more behind the rest of the world at the time and produced nothing of any real cultural value other than metal which is still nigger music?
Is it just because euros don’t have to live around minorities? Do they just not know how awful they are?
Why can't you imagine that? You're exposed to niggers from birth
American "whites" are 89iq
Also yall desperate at being blacked and browned while majority Europe still white
Because I'm NEET. You cant enjoy a proper neet life in US.
>implying Argentina is as cucked as burgermuttland
Jajaja :^)
Linnaeus and Celsius were both Swedes, amerimutt
American schools literally has niggers in them, imagine what a horrible way to grow up
>‘You must not speak of us who come over here as cousins, still less as brothers; we are neither. Neither must you think of us as Anglo-Saxons, for that term can no longer be rightly applied to the people of the US.'
>-Woodrow Wilson addressing George V, December 1918
Are you saying we should give all european feminists, commies and racetraitors a ticket to the America boat?
>uses EU flag
>complains that America isn't "Free" enough for him
Neck yourself faggot
>Ours is classic muscle cars, rock n roll, guns, etc
such culture
much amerinig
My brother and cousins has been to the US but i don't visit countries where i have to apply to visit. If my passport is not good enough then i don't go there.
If anything we should both send our leftists to Africa and Latin America to help the poor brown people. Then if they come back, they’ll be redpilled on race maybe.
First off because it's basically impossible to do so legally, second I don't see much of a future in the US, don't take this as an offense
Make it happen, We can't just illegally enter, we want to be legal, we do things by the book out of respect.
Get Trump to offer a deal, I'd happily give up my British passport and identity and be reborn as a burger.
You guys have to get visas to come the the US?
>doesnt matter that shes a coalburner if she gets redpilled when shes 30
yeah right lmao, make it permanently
Whats it like running through the woods with an ax setting villages on fire, svenbaard?
A lot of them are just fresh Ph.D's who can't find a job in Europe because professors never leave their jobs there due to lack of pensions, or engineers/programmers who got a job here.
You have 30-40m illegal spics
The population of sweden norway combined is less than 20m
Payb debntz plez
Gibbsmedat naow
I don't want this, too many europeans will make us more like yurope and this is a bad direction
You don’t have to marry them, just get them to vote for our people.
>moving into a nigger and spic infested third world shithole
No thanks, I prefer living in civilization.
We need Europeans in our homelands, I'm considering moving to Europe myself. The time of colonization is over sadly, now we are barely holding onto our own homeland.
Turks come to America all the time, Whats your fucking problem...
Europeans tend to kill each other in big bloody wars if they don't do the whole parliaments with 10 different parties thing
Theyre muslim. Turks are a disgrace to europe
We don't like America. Your corporate bullshit, your capitalist enslavement, your use of celebrities to control the masses, the indoctrination of hip hop culture into ghettos to glorify gangster life, to name just 1% of things wrong with the shit hole that is America.
Even working at an American company was enough to ensure I'd never live a life in the US. You people are a cancerous mole and you need to be obliterated.
>i don't want to live in a place where I can't be sheltered from my own failures.
This is why your country is dying Sven.
No thanks, I would prefer not having to die from an untreated papercut because I can't afford health insurance.