lindsey vonn insulted trump by saying she won't represent trump at the Olympics
> now she has seriously injured herself .
Trump curse strikes again
Other urls found in this thread:
at times you have to wonder if their is a real higher power at work here and whatever it is, its the greatest trump shitposter ever.
>no death note
>instead a fuck my shit up senpai note
> you messed with trump
> you get fucked
> im 100 % sure trump is involve in voodoo shit no way karma can always work this perfect
or kek is real and working in mysterious way
well .. we all know since yesterday that if you're anti-trump you're an anti-semite.
it has nothing to do with voodoo, mearly (((coincidence)))
>she won't represent trump at the Olympics
It appears she was correct
we asked for it and we got it. maybe Sup Forums itself is the death note
There are multiple threads on this. Check the catalog before posting duplicate threads.
t-those digits...
Isn't this bitch always injured?
the curse strikes so fast
this (((((((coincidence))))))) ((((((((they))))))) are behind this
i think Jackson has returned.
would we even dare to say... shekkelcidence?.....
Someone just called this on Sup Forums. Who screencapped her?
Someone post the image with everyone hit by the curse
Is there a better quality one?
O fug!
HOLY SHIT!!! Wasn't there a guy last night taking bets as to how The Curse was going to strike her??????
She'll probably be attending the paralympics now.
Made me audible, here's your
Yes. Someone rolled the devil's digits right at the end saying she would get no medals at all. There was a general consensus of her getting hurt though.
Trump is like Sauron. We, his minions, channel and guide his unstoppable dark power, which emanates from a tower. Except in this case he already won.
New York = Mordor
Hahahaha! What a time to be alive!!!
Toll status: payed.
You must have a double digit IQ
>It's another, "A Brit gets angry at 7/10 banter," episode.
Beat me to it
>shortened version of audibly keked
What's your problem cunt?
I think we have our answer
the chaos god doesn't fuck around
I-I love T-trump! Shadilay b-brothers!
Can't make this shit up!
/Pol celebrating an athlete who has seriously injured themselves just because she insulted someone who half of pol likes.
If you are actually happy that is this women is in pain and injured- then you're no better than an arsehole sjw (who you claim to dislike) or a cry baby retard
fuck you dipshit you people are pathetic . you pussy bongs have given up your masculinity and let your white women get raped by niggers and sand niggers
Well... yeah? Have you ever posted here?
kys achmed you can rape that roastie if you want and nobody would care fuck you allah butt licker
it's called karma.
and now she literally wont represent Trump.
I enjoy memes.
Yes im personally celebrating her pain and demise, now KYS yourself you nigger faggot
Nice digits poo in loo
How's that Brexit deal going, you fucking cucks
The curse is real, it’s always been real
Fuck guys the crazier I start to think I am for humoring the thought the more reasons I'm given to believe meme magic is real.
fucking kek
Hurt her back takin that BBC last night, you white boys woodn no nothing bout that.
Checked. Based poo
other victims of the Trump curse
>Her fucking face
HOLY SHIT! Wasn't there a thread the other day trying to meme this into existence?
Curse Status: REAL
Its time for J Law to feel it.
Let us Meme
Like Janet Reno saying Trump would not be president in her lifetime. Died the day before Trump's inauguration.
We know our power, fool. Keep pissing in the wind.
You stir up ancient gods, the rest of them come out to equalize the mix.
Kek materialized in electronic form.
Vonn Voyage!
Ha, this is the second Olympics in a row this has happened.
She won't be representing anyone
She got the double whammy
The Trump Curse and she paid the toll for burning coal
Can we please get a wiki style website up just for Trump curse. A proper infographic could only ever be for ants at this point.
There was this, but it stopped being updated
Should've been first post as it is the best post.
No voodoo. That's Hildebeast. Trump is representing Plus Ultra, and Plus Ultra actually built all the secret tech.
Holy shit. It wasn't even a get thread.
The power of Trump is undeniable.
I'm convinced at this point the Trump Curse is real.
I cannot deny the power...
*squats down and shits in street*
...of your ddubs
Nice b8, achmed.
he keeeeeeeeeel you
Say it with me Sup Forums:
Wait this isn't fake??
G-guys I was just in a thread yesterday where people were memeing that she should get injured... Wtf.
I-I mean.. I know meme magic is real but what the actual fuck? Did we cause this?
Nice get. Shadilay!
underrated Canadian banter here's your (you)
who wants to see her leaked nudes?
ITT stupid roastie paying the toll
*breathes in*
Yes. We did. Enough people wanting an event to occur hard enough will make it occur, but only if the energy put into wanting it is significantly greater than the energy not wanting it.
>saying she won't represent trump at the Olympics
And why the fuck are you autists outraged about that? People there don't represent their fucking presidents; They represent their nations. The president does not need anybody representing him. Literally how retarded are you people?
You know what she meant.
She was disrespectful.