What exactly is Tanaka?
What exactly is Tanaka?
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They haven't given an exact answer to what she is in the manga yet, so all people have are theories. If you want to try to guess, just read the manga. I assume they've already done the "arrow of fire" thing in the anime.
How did her arm become a flaming sword?
We don't really know, even in this point of the anime we haven't got any clue but there are plenty of theories which I don't really remember.
I think the most popular was her being a CG send to stop the ainsworths
*Sorry I meant in this point in the manga
Another slut
She's a Counter Guardian. Born from the World to literally stop the Ainsworth and then die.
>Alaya is the one that uses Counter Guardians
>The Ainsworths say they want to save the world
>Are the Ainsworths full of crap or is Tanaka a CG?
Whether she actually is a counter guardian or not, humantiy and the world are two different things. Humanity is going to die if the planet changes, so the Ainsworth's supposed goal is to change humanity so it can live on in the new world. Of course, Darius could be doing something else entirely since Angelica more than implies he's an evil dude. So it's possible that whatever they are trying to do makes the planet conisder them a danger.
A weapon to surpass metal gear.
But no really probably a human doll thing developed by the mage association to take out the Ainsworth's.