Currently holds 6 spots on amazon's top10 LN

>Currently holds 6 spots on amazon's top10 LN
>Only show expected to break 10k this season
>Moeshit is struggling to break 4k
>Causes massive butthurt on normalfag sites
When did everything go so right?

It's the inevitable consequence of putting Aoi Yuuki in a non-typecasted role.

Not-Nazis and a girl(male) MC

literally the formula to sucess

>>Causes massive butthurt on normalfag sites
What's happening?

MAL and ANN are calling it nazi glorification.

Out of all the things they could complain about the show, they complained about that.

Are there even any jews or commies in that universe?
Then what about Gate and its Nihon strong glorification?

Well, it is nazi glorification.

Doesnt mean you cant enjoy it. It's just chinese cartoon.

>implying Nazis had anything to do with WWI

Another idiot. Back to MAL you go.

>inb4 Sup Forums comes here about the honorary aryans and lecturing us about how the white race is the master race.
But I want to touch her eyelashes desu.

Literally the exact same thing could be said about The Man in The High Castle, but fucking nobody complains about that

>Are there even any jews or commies in that universe?
Yes and yes.

You need a mirror.

>You need a mirror
It's a different universe, does it even matter? The warfare is clearly WW1 though this time with mages

The reason everyone likes it is because it involves a Japanese man transcending his genes and becoming master race.

It gives the rest of the Japs hope they won't have to be pan-faced gooks for all eternity, that maybe in death they can gain a fraction of the grace and pride whites have.

Or not. I'm just saying what someone from Sup Forums would say because it's funny, haha!

>fighting in the trenches
>standard issue rifles with bayonets
>stationary machine guns
>WWI style German uniforms
>empire government structure -- not socialist government

You're an idiot.

Maybe the Japanese just really want to become a little girl.

>t. animeonlyfag
You guys are so cute.

I mean it's dumb to complain about it, but they're not wrong.

>implying there is ANYTHING resembling WWII era German warfare in this anime

You're just looking for an excuse to virtue-signal about how much you hate whites. Fuck you, racist.

>Japs love Nazis
>Krauts don't really care for Japs

Is there weeb-like term for people who love German culture?

It's set in notWWI, retard.
Everything about it screams "WWI" and the MC even uses his knowledge of WWI to theorize that the current conflict between the Empire and its neighbours will evolve into a World War.



The Nazi revolution in Germany took place in 1933. Nice try, though.


>I have no way to prove my indefensible argument so I'll just pretend like the LNs (which are largely untranslated, to protect my lies) prove me right

So Sup Forums pretends to like this now? Werent there constant bitching about the anime design not being cute enough and clearly pandering to SJWs?

Lurk more, MAL.

>thinks Sup Forums would ever hate a show that aoi voices

>clearly pandering to SJWs
How is this pandering to SJWs?

Thanks for becoming the most cancerous show this season so no one else has to.

Don't respond to bait

Indeed the anime adaptation dropped nearly all WW2 references but I'm not talking about just the anime.

>t. animeonlyfag #2
You guys get angry so easily over your own misinterpretation.

>I am literally incapable of looking up what has been translated of the manga and simple art from the novels
How hard do you want that spoon bruh?

>your favorite shows tops all the rankings
>some shows you don't like as much as most people on Sup Forums do either flop or struggle to stay in top 300
The best feeling.

>clearly pandering to SJWs?

This isn't Sup Forums.

>pandering to SJWs

I like this bait, mind if I use it on other threads?

It's not spoonfeeding if there's a discussion being had you moron. Bring something to the discussion or shut up. Figure it out.

A single design inconsistency in a sea of implicational evidence pointing to the universe as mirroring WWI-era Germany does NOT prove that they are Nazis. The author is human, and makes mistakes just like anybody else.

Trench warfare is characteristic of WWI. The directors of the anime selected a scene depicting trench warfare as THE VERY FIRST scene in the anime. The soldiers are all wearing WWI-style uniforms and using WWI-style weapons. They even refer to Germany as "The Empire," which is clearly meant to draw a parallel with the German Empire.

No, it's not a perfect, exact copy of the German Empire during WWI. Did you notice that there's also magic in this world? But a few inconsistencies or artistic allowances doesn't mean that we should totally ignore the preponderance of evidence and just make up an explanation to suit our SJW-influenced prejudices.

I've read the manga, and also read about the LN, but if we take out notUSA, this does reflects a lot more WW1, so most of your arguments (if you have any) are unfounded.

I'm not even saying that they are nazis, where the fuck did you get this from?
So much text for so little.

>heavy tanks
>1930's planes
>notUSSR exists
>failed zerg rush on notUSSR
>months upon months spent crawling on freezing notRussian clay
It's not WW1. But it's also not WW2.
How hard is it for any of you to understand this?

Finally you make a substantial post.

I'd forgotten those things. It's hard to say it's either when you consider other user points and yours.

fuck you OP

WW1.5 it is then.

Isn't this WW1? Are people this fucking retarded?

This show is also moeshit, you fucking retard.

Why not just WWX

>I'm not even saying that they are nazis, where the fuck did you get this from?

How about the fact that the reply chain that you claim to have just jumped into (but we both know that you started and are just ashamed to back up your own stupid claims) is based on the claim that they are Nazis.

Also, you posted a picture of Tanya wearing a Nazi-esque uniform.

From your post,

>Indeed the anime adaptation dropped nearly all WW2 references but
But what, faggot?

>>t. animeonlyfag #2
>You guys get angry so easily over your own misinterpretation.
"Mis"interpretation? Of what? How about actually saying what you mean instead of implying something halfway so you can backtrack when you get called out on your total bullshit? Stupid ass.

>3 weeks in making sales predictions
why are you so desperate

>It's not WW1. But it's also not WW2.
Gee, what tipped you off? Was it perhaps the MAGIC??

>nitpicking minor details makes the big picture not exist
Believing this is where you went wrong and why you piss people off in life.

Shut the fuck up you tryhard nerd faggot

>nazi =german culture

The japs only like the fashion and the war mentality.
Japs are a war mongering race after all, just look how depressed they've been for the last 70 years.

>Are people this fucking retarded?


Get on with the times son, German=Nazi.

I never said that this was about nazis, you must be mistaking me for the guy who posted about nazi glorification or the guy who posted that this shit is WW1.
But like I said, I'll give him that in the anime it does look a lot like plain WW1.

>geopolitical and technological situation of the series' universe
>minor details
Sure thing buddy.

Did I stutter, faggot? No, I did not. If you don't have an argument, then go cry about it on another website.


>Did I stutter, faggot? No, I did not.
You're on the spectrum

>tfw you only picked this up because of Aoi's sex voice

It's more about people looking for any excuse they can find to virtue-signal about how much they hate white nationalism, even in cases where white nationalism doesn't exist, like a fictitious depiction of what WWI might have looked like with magical weapons.

>you must be mistaking me for the guy who posted about nazi glorification
Right. Of course that wasn't you. Sure. I believe you.

>>geopolitical and technological situation of the series' universe
>>minor details
>Sure thing buddy.
You seem to think that all anime writers and illustrators have a high level of knowledge of European history and they always create magical alternative universes that are exact replicas of historical fact, aside from the magic part. After so many years of watching anime, I'm curious how you came to hold this belief. Which anime was it that convinced you that you were right?

I'd give this a shot if it wasn't so butt-ugly. I'm not a moeshitter but this "artstyle" is absolutely repulsive.

Back to MAL with you.

I've never been to MAL in my life. Why are you so defensive?

I don't give a damn if you believe me or not, it doesn't matter.
By the way, the author had an actual historian tell him a ton of stuff while he was writing this shit. So yes, most of the stuff in this series is deliberate.
Now if you've got an argument to make then make it, I'm tired of cheap ad homs.

>They even refer to Germany as "The Empire," which is clearly meant to draw a parallel with the German Empire.
I agree with you that the style and setting is more WWI but that part of your reasoning is stupid.
Offically what is today known as "nazi germany" was the german empire (das deutsche Reich).

all of these people
getting so mad.
because one anime this season displays ww1 era germany in a white light instead of demonizing it.

These people are so fucking autistic they cant just enjoy an action show with an edgy fedora tipping MC

its fucking laughable

spotted "god"

Not defensive. Just annoyed. Global Rule 6 exists for a reason.

>because one anime this season displays ww1 era germany in a white light instead of demonizing it.
Wait, are you serious? That's the fucking problem? Jesus fucking christ board genocide when

I bet none of them threw any kind of hissy fit when Hellsing was airing, since it wasn't fashionable to hate white nationalists then.

Thats not what "nazi" fucking refers to

This discussion ends here
If the show ever refers to national socialism, or has a character who is basically a stand in for Adolf Hitler
Then it has nazis
If not
Then go fuck yourself you mouth breathing retard.
Nazi is a fucking slur for national socialist.
How hard is this?

So people aren't allowed to dislike an anime you like or they're from reddit/MAL/tumblr? Is that how it works, you stupid nigger? Have you ever entertained the notion that perhaps people who use Sup Forums as much or more than you can hold a different opinion than you, especially for a show that looks like total dogshit? Go take a walk in traffic.

I don't mind it, Alternate history is always fun. Loved alternate history mods to games.

It's interesting to me to see how the war develops.

What's wrong with Nazi glorification. Shit's tanoshii yo

You're supposed to only post on Sup Forums if you have something intelligent to contribute. You can usually figure out what an intelligent comment might sound like if you lurk the board for more than a week (preferably for more like a year) before posting. You clearly haven't done this. That's why your posts are a nuisance here.

Nazi glorification is one thing. A lot of people would like it if that's actually what was happening. But there are no Nazis in this anime. Did you even read the thread before posting? You are what is wrong with places like MAL and r/anime

I can't believe Japan's rewriting history and choosing who ended up being on the right side


I'm certain I've been here longer than you have. The only thing you've "contributed" is telling me to go to MAL, which unlike you I have never used, because I don't like a show you like.

Who the fuck is actually mad about this? Where are they from?

What? Links so I can laugh at their stupidity?

So is this actually good or is it this year's Shingeki? I haven't seen it yet but all the spamming on other sites is getting annoying.

I'd rather listen to more Aoi Yuuki goatspeak. It speaks directly to my goat soul.

>doesn't watch anime at all if it has a slightly unique art style
>uses the word moeshitter
>claims to have been here more than a few months, a year max

I'm certain that you haven't.

I laughed.

I claimed to be here longer than you. So you've been here a few months? It shows.

Like everyone say, just watch a few episodes and you'll be able to mix in. It's not like SnK as it involves a cute death loli trying to kill people with ever better efficiency.

get the fuck over yourself. the art isn't "unique", it's fucking garbage. stop liking shit just to be cotrarian. not the guy you're replying to btw

>You can usually figure out what an intelligent comment might sound like if you lurk the board for more than a week

>I haven't seen it yet
So go watch it right now. Is it really that difficult to keep up with the most popular two or three shows each season?


Are you retarded? I correct you on a real-life fact about german history and you throw an autistic fit?

>people like this guy browse the same board as you

Can't Sup Forums and Sup Forums get along like Sup Forums and /k/ did?

Is this the new "Go back to Gaia" meme?

>no capitalization
>hasn't mastered English punctuation yet
>can't be bothered to actually watch any current airing anime
>thinks he is at all entitled to comment on current airing anime

But I need to get over myself. Right.

You've been here since 2007?

If you actually followed the reviewer drama related to Youjo Senki, then it wouldn't seem like a lolsorandum insult.

You're a fucking retard, stop posting forever

He's so insecure about his shitty seasonal anime being criticized all he can do is resort to attacking outgroups.

We could, but moderators ban people here for the EXACT SAME level of cross-boarding that occurs regularly on /k/.

Example: I got a warning for and the post was deleted. Even though the post was directly related to the topic of a specific anime, you can't correct certain misconceptions about history because they are "too right wing" or whatever the mod thought.

>tfw tried the pillbox technique on my insubordinate men
They're still alive though