I am angry.
I am angry
Other urls found in this thread:
Leaks where? what was that korean page again?
>Leaving blood and shit on armor indefinitely without ever cleaning it does not negatively affect it. Make sure to smear on more blood whenever you can, dried blood doesn't give off as much of the edgelord vibe as the fresh stuff.
>Throw away your high-quality well made weapons when they get covered in blood and fat instead of just wiping them off, then steal the rusty pig iron shit that goblins use as a replacement.
>Make sure to smear the shitty weapons that you stole with blood before you leave.
Jap authors are uniquely gifted in that they can have a character do stupid things for retarded reasons, and Sup Forums will still believe that they're wise and experienced.
>we'll never see GS rape small plump goblin women
The only thing he spends his money on is rent and killing goblins, I imagine so many goblin jobs later he has enough to toss a few weapons and replace armor here and there
>Gobs can smell clean metal
>there is not time to clean weapons in the middle of a gob mission, he recovers then later
>see point two
>smell effecting gear
>high-quality well made weapons
Fuck off speedreader.
Trying a little too hard there.
>can smell clean metal
>he never cleaned shit before without using scents
Smells stick user. You can get the gunk off but smell? That shit sticks.
>he finks humiz ain't stupid gitz
>he finks da boyz ain't better
>Goblin Slayer deliberately uses shit equips so Gobs can't loot good gear if he dies
>alternate universe Zombie Slayer starves himself half to death so Zombie can't have a good meal
>alternate universe Vampire Slayer deliberately gets himself AIDS so Vampires can't get a good drink
thanks op i needed something to read
Any rape yet? I don't mean the logic kind, I mean the sexual kind.
>any rape yet
Tell me where is it. It's been a handful of chapters without rape. Is there rape this time?
Well the previous chapter had that priestess who was raped.
There is no Rape. The Khorne-fag author doesn't appreciate the pleasures of goblin cock.
Do I trust the Slaanesh cultist or the other one? I risk being disappointed or missing a good rape.
So, any summary of that short story in vol 4 of how the trio; elf, lizard, and drawf had done before finding Goblin Slayer?
She's presented after she's been raped, you'll be disappointed.
Is the new chapter out yet?
Nope. Just the cow girl and priestess shopping chapter, the demon tower(beginning part) and GS giving cowgirl money for her birthday.
Two days.
please tell me whare your getting this? manga here only has up to chapter 8
What if a human rape the elf girl and priestess girl would he still be angry even though it wasn't goblin?
Summaries were dumped for a few of the chapters in a past thread.
Dried up blood looks like shit btw.
Though if you leave it in the sun long enough it turns white.
Get out goblin fucking shits.
That art is nice, but it doesn't look as gay or as fucked up as it should be.
Waiting 30 days for about 30 pages is shite. I don't know what the fuck that author is thinking.
I assume so. But most humans wouldn't do that. Literally every Goblin would, had it the chance.
So goblins are actually Sup Forumsnons who got reincarnated in an isekai?
The Slaanesh cultist would likely disagree. Looks like the rapeman is here too.
Both are faggots, though. One is an avatar-faggot and the other just a regular faggot.
You are dead meat
They're actually accurate of the average reader on Sup Forums. One person is obsessing over the sexual content & the other is a hedonistic sex offender. This isn't counting those criticizing GS's methods though.
>He took jobs not about gobs so he can get enough money for cow girl's birthday
How can any other girl even compete?
By not getting raped by gobs on her birthday.
So basically they can't.
It's the dishonored samurai master trope applied to western fantasy
Dishonored Samurai master
>Wants to sacrifice his life to honor his master/family
>is too good at killing to lose
>never gets to be honored again
Goblin Slayer
>loses everything he loves
>wants to die so he can end the pain, so he uses shitty weapons/shitty armor
>is too good at killing
>never dies to end his pain
>loses everything he loves
Not everything, especially his childhood friend who he swore to protect to the point where he assembled an army to fight off a goblin raid. So he stills has things to live for.
I lost the link to that one guy who was translating overlord chapters. Anyone have it?
Also has there been a new chapter recently?
>>wants to die so he can end the pain, so he uses shitty weapons/shitty armor
isn't his whole point to live and kill goblins though? If he wanted to die there'd be plenty of jobs he could - or for that matter couldn't - take on instead of gobs
He's kinda entertaining the idea of becoming an adventurer thanks to his newly found party.
Love me some styx baby
Korean scans are out
It's actually 32 pages this time.
>Goblin Slayer looms over the one responsible for raping his allies
>"What are you going to do? You can't prove anything and they aren't going to send an innocent man to prison"
>"Man? All I can see here is another filthy goblin."
And that 'goblin' was never seen again.
Why is the thread so dead.
Where did you get these? I only found the screenshots on baidu.
>NinjaSlayer is loud and flashy so the ninjas he fight can't sneak up on him
Im starting to see a pattern here
Check the archive.
I am angry.
That fucking high pressure water sword
Well, these are screenshots as well. But, more or less, properly taken.
>The Slaanesh cultist
With his god getting purged he wont matter any more.
I think this is when elf makes her mission to show GS what real adventures are?
I can feel the ogre pain and rage in all those panels. Nice job.
He must be screaming to the DM, asking what bullshit is this.
Gate scroll linked to the bottom of the sea.
Well, not bad.
Yeah, the last few pages.
And what priestess says? She tries to reach GS while he sleeps...only to stop herself, i feel anitger "melia" situation?
Thisnlink goes directly to the korean scans
That he looks out for his friends.
And in thoughts, if he were alone he would have continued hunting, no matter how hurt or tired.
So what the other anons said is true, Priestess focus in his social aspect while elf focus in his lack of real adventure experience.
Latest chapter was pretty good. I'm actually expecting this to crash and burn any moment now but so far it's exceeding my expectations.
>What do you mean "weaponized maximized holy water"?!
>What do you mean my "regeneration won't make it in time"?!
>What do you mean he is still coming after me?! I should have one-shotted him!
>What do you mean "Die-hard?!" Nobody takes die-hard!
>Damn, I don't care, he can't wound me! I'm impervious to blades and I'm not his favored enemy!
>No being cut in half does not make me closer to a goblin!
>Yes I'm sure!
>What do you mean "Stabbed through the eye socket"?
>I can take it!
You get little of that in the upcoming novels to be honest.
And farm girl takes care of his... Physical needs.
They are like a married couple anyway.
Right up to the annoying live-in step-parent.
Actually she wants him to have a simple happy farmer life and, above all, she wants to say "sorry".
Lurk more (seriously it's easy to find it, it's like the answer is already on your keyboard)
Recent volume released was Volume 11 and the next Volume which is Vol. 12 will be on August.
Yen press pls
>Goblins are much harder to kill than something like you.
goblins >>>>>> shitty Ogre
he's right
>burn him while killing him
This is cute, but this means she is the Melia of this story.
Wow it's like we're back in the past!
There are female goblins in this settings?
No, they exclusively reproduce by rape, the baby is always a pure gob.
Daily reminder you will never get this.
Real question is who is best girl
>Goblins are much harder to kill than something like you.
>dem bantz
How can Ogre-kun even recover?
Elf, of course.
Priestess is perfection
GS must have seen some really big goblins.
Well, he is dead, no recover ever.