Dragon Ball Super
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First for missing him
There are already two threads.
as much as I don't like to promote some dingus making a thread way too early, we do already have discussion started there:
I fail to understand how someone can get hype for this unless you are having relationship issues, suffering depression or simply have too much time to waste.
Introducing all these characters and gods is nice and all, but DBZ as a series is seriously going to have to start getting into techniques and not just power levels.
thankfully it seems they are headed in that direction(with hit basically being like tobi)
did somebody say moe?
>simply have too much time to waste.
It's only 30 minutes a week.
fuck that fag
>mfw thought super would fail hard
>somehow it has managed to prove the opposite
>constant threads on Sup Forums
>100k+ views for db super videos on youtube
>people are actually hyped for it
the fuck happened
>implying it isn't all about the memes
hiya cuties hope you're having a great day
tell me about the clown
what is his power
Why would memes make you want to watch a show? The show isn't even funny
Poor Dog, of course he had to fight Goku, fucker is on his base to make things worse.
He had a hard life
>clown that literally can destroy us all
Why do I get the feeling that Hit will be all but obsolete by the end of the tournament? Or the middle of the tournament?
Watch. Hit is going to get Tien'd faster than Tien.
Hit is already a filler tier character
Dude, remember the QUALITY ep where Hiit tried to assassinate Goku?
They completely screwed the pooch on that one by making Hiits Time powers some kind of energy field analogue that can be kamehawaved
That ship has sailed.
Shut up about Hit, post more Mai.
Why would memes cause a plane to crash into a french mountain?
Hit is lit
hi user
Hit is 100% going to be the one to job to the big bad strong guy
who is that?
Mai likes Pie.
I see people posting this pink piece of shit everywhere, and it just makes me think, "Really? This is what they're pushing now?" Dragonball is so creatively bankrupt that their hot new characters are a literal pink elephant, a clown, and trans-helicopter Broly with tits. And yet no matter what burning garbage dump level fecal matter toei or senile akira shit out, there are still (obviously brain damaged) fanboys that eat it up? Why? Dragonball had it's time. It ran nonstop for over a decade, and lost its steam long before the end. And now that they've dug up its rotting corpse and brought it back to life as a gang-raped zombie franchise, and it sucks every week, people are surprised why? Pink super saiyans. Evil Goku. Bringing back Frieza. Bringing back Trunks. Bringing back Broly (as a tranny no less, is there anything the SJW generation won't literally rape?). A villain that looks like winnie the fucking pooh. The fact that anybody still gives a single shit about this cashgrab is pure nostalgia at its worst. People need to grow the fuck up and watch an actual good anime like OPM
Krillin is chillin
I'm gay
Didn't want to use that other literally who anime for the copy pasta eh?
i dont speak taco pedro
The other anime that was previously mentioned was a "literally who"
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
What a cowardly sith darth sidious was needed to get his master drunk in order to get him off ground while he slept good thing Darth Vador killed him.
i dont see how its any different from one piece having a bunch of ridiculous looking characters
I have all three of those things so you might be on to something.
>Great Saiyaman can go toe-to-toe against Goku
How come no one talks about this and how shitty Gohan is in comparison?
To be fair the Great Saiyaman was revealed to be none other than the Golden Warrior at the Tenkaichi Budokai.
I hear the golden warrior was so strong he helped hercule satan defeat cell!
I don't think people are genuinly hyper for this or atleast not here.
I think that a lot of people are just strapping in for the ride/trainwreck this will be.
I mean fem-broly and Boozo the clown of destruction.
The memes and shitposts that 15 second teaser generated is off the charts, you can only imagine what will happen once the arc actually starts.
If you don't think brolette and the clown god are the hypest shit, then you can get the fuck out
Don't Underestimate the Insane Clown God Ningen
what happened to 18? Now her daughter is like 9 and she treats her like a toddler still
she's jelly of Videl and Pan so she's gotta baby her daughter maybe 17 will tell her sister to stop babying his niece
So much better.
damn this is actually breddy gud
Just a reminder that this scene was better in the English Dub. Almost every piece of character interaction between Goku and Vegeta on Namek is tied back to the former's tendency to spare his opponents out of mercy, not to him sparing his opponent out of fight lust in this scene; in the English version it defines their relationship and just as Krillin says it causes Vegeta to see Goku as weak. Krillin argues that Vegeta needs to die because he could be a threat later on; Vegeta hits him with the same argument regarding Burter and Recoome, followed by Goku berating Vegeta for killing Jeice in the middle of a fight. Directly prior to this Vegeta explicitly highlighted how he's a foil to Goku because he isn't merciful (which he also did before trying to off Frieza in Resurrecton of F). All of this sets the stage for Vegeta's death speech about how Goku is too soft. Goku spares Frieza, as he had done with Raditz and Nappa, not a day later.
How does any of your reasonings differ between subbed and dubbed?
>Just a reminder that this scene was better in the English Dub
Stopped reading here.
Kill yourself.
>nerd vs a literal super hero
>Goku is too soft
Why do people keep saying this? The only reason he spares anyone is
>lol i want to fight them again, they might come back stronger
Because every act of mercy Goku performed on Namek was explicitly about Goku being a moralfag, which is something the English Dub actually provided a set up for.
You first, faggot.
>Why do people keep saying this?
Because Vegeta said it.
Post webm of 18 calling Krillin a weakling and the heart in the coffee fading away
Well I then I'll just speak for myself and say that I am hyped for the threads and memes this thing will generate.
The main reason why the Zamasu arc was so fun was, because of the memes and threads it generated.
Not to say that Zamasu's autistic fits weren't comedy gold, but watching it with Sup Forums was fun.
Also notice how we haven't had any manga vs anime "discussions" since that teaser aired.
How would Namek have played out if Krillin killed Vegeta here? No Vegeta means no Ginyu Force or Cui, so the only notable enemies would be Zarbon, Dodoria, and Frieza himself, and Gohan and Krillin were doing alright going stealth mode and slowly gathering the dragonballs. Goku would also be there to back them up later, do you guys think they could have made it?
He's a moralfag towards strong opponents in all dubs.
If the ginyu force wasn't there Goku wouldn't get the zenkai he needed to even stand a chance against frieza.
They could take him to Guru, then abuse Dende
Everyday until he destroy us all.
>Also notice how we haven't had any manga vs anime "discussions" since that teaser aired.
You can thank Shueisha/Jump for that, they call the shots now and Toei's animators and everyone else working on "Dragon Ball Super" are employed at their newly established department: Dragon Ball Room.
That paired with the fact that the new arc will use Toyotaro's relayed information, the new arc is going to be bridging the divide.
That was already known ages ago and we still had that shit untill last week.
Hell it even got so bad that we had seperate threads for the anime and manga.
I haven't seen that "discussion" since that episode aired though.
That time we had to split the thread was literally just 1 or 2 trolls ruining a perfectly good monthly manga chapter reveal.
Even so that shit was still rampant even after the dragonball room reveal/
Just a bunch of dweebs pretending to be Toeichads for the easy baits and easy (You)s.
Anyone else looking forward seeying the androids fight again in the tournament?
Stick to one thread retard
>two Zenos
Anyone else fucking hate this? I would have preferred 1 Zeno.
In the Japanese dub it's not even mentioned as his reason to spare Vegeta but then it becomes this huge deal on Namek.