The Objective Poll
Little Witch Academia
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I only like Akko because of her hair and name
BR witch is best witch
Poll is rigged as fuck with that OP
>Shiny Chariot
>0 votes
Serious question, why do so many people like Sucy? She's fine but I just cannot understand the appeal at all
>that ending of the episode
>race ends
>ursula - diana conversation
>ed kicks in
Holy. Shit.
>bedroom eyes
>hair covering face
>shark teeth
Gray skin is kinda hot.
>Sup Forums having good taste for once
Just goes to show how based LWA is.
>5 votes
Her no fucks given attitude and hair covering her face.
She's a mischief-making mushroom with a goal of merry murder. She got a body thinned by a childhood of from making potions, poisons, and poison pizza. She bathes in the compost but she enjoys the botany. She's got a heart of hesitation (Akko killed Gora-chan!) but she's ready to open up and love.
Akko's the Power of Heart, Lotte's the straight man, and Suce is the stinker.
>Shiny Chariot
More like, SHINY LARIAT!
From the thumbnail I thought Sucy was holding a horse cock
If that's what you have on the mind I guess.
Anyone else think polls like this are kind of flawed? Maybe it's just my autism talking, but I feel like we'd get a better witch ranking if people ranked the witches individually, and then each witch would get weighted based on their position in the ranking. So if someone ranked the witches in that poll, their favorite witch would get 11 points, their second favorite would get 10, and so on until their least favorite would get 0 points. That way, if certain witches are consistently ranked at 2nd or 3rd place, but rarely 1st, that would show in the results.
She's simply the best witch overall.
>Diana is smart, but has a shit personality
>Akko has a great personality, but she's dumb as a brick
>Lotte is fairly average in both regards
>Sucy is really skilled, smart, and has a great personality
There's really no competition.
That would work as far as an actual ranking I suppose but this is just choose your favorite.
Lotte best witch.
Mushroom Poison Queen Sucy!
Sucy is selfish and evil at times.
Poor Constanze only has 2 votes
Constanze is an underrated witch. She's my third favorite, but she's pretty close to Sucy and Amanda.
>tfw no Constanze episode
Great taste all around user.
>no vote for Hannah
You guys must be jesting
I want to give Akko a black eye!!!
>tfw you promised yourself you would never, ever like anything or anyone associated with the Filipinos
>tfw can't like Sucy, despite her being top-tier in most regards except that one aspect
Why the fuck would a Flip be the palest character anyway?
Just give Akko two minutes with a bouncy-ball and she'll accomplish that herself.
It's so comfy that I could get a good night's rest by watching it before bed.
cannon magic is easier than flight magic, duh.
even a total dunce can learn cannon magic.
Because her butt literally leaks out magic during desperate situations.
>implying she wasn't Sup Forums's favorite after the first OVA
Will we get a treasure hunt episode?
you're a newfag, she was a favourite when the first 2 ova's came out.
Wouldn't that also improve her flying?
Diana seems pretty neutral, honestly. What's weirder is that she hangs out with such douchebag groupies
There are people in this thread who has never seen the first two ova's
animeonlys, do yourselves a favour and fucking watch them
you never seen the ova's haven't you
my ako is so cute
Your 2017 Luna Nova broom relay MVP
I wanna marry Atsuko!!
Here's a sneak peak of what you're missing out if you haven't seen the ova's
animeonly just watch the ova
Asses are meant to stay on the ground so it probably can't help much with flying.
She's a total goofball
What the fuck is this ESL shit?
Stop giving Sucy a bad name.
This poll is rigged as fucked.
Everyone know that diana is objectively the best
stay mad
Any theories on the witch in the middle? Did she get cursed and turned into a fish?
I want to marry Amanda!
not that guy, but you're being absolutely disgusting right now
>I've already watched the OVAs dumbass
you clearly haven't based on your posts.
All I said that sucy was Sup Forums's favourite immediately when the first and second ova came to be.
I didn't say that she was my favourite but you assumed so.
To be fair a good chunk of her fanbase probably doesn't know the awful truth yet, or are in denial
dark chariot
Adorable goofball
She's mine, back the fuck off
>replying to bait
She's the real Chariot, aka Ursula.
Notice how they're similar, whilst "Chariot" is completely different.
There's an imposter afoot.
it was pretty obvious that user didn't watch the ova's or even browsed Sup Forums when it came out.
fucking newfags
She doesnt like sissy boys like you.
Or they don't care whatsoever.
I know jack shit about the philipines and since this is an anime about cute little witches I don't see why it's relevant at all.
Take your nationality autism somewhere else.
Sucy's dress makes no sense in that picture.
don't think too much into it
it's either flipfags or "intelligent, nihilistc, with a wicked sense of humor" people
>I know jack shit about the Philippines
I envy men such as you
>Diana Cockendish
How the fuck is Sucy so popular? Not saying she sucks (I actually love the mane 3) but Lotte is the fucking MVP. She was awesome in the movies, and she's fucking amazing in the show. On one hand, it's cool that she's not that popular so only the small percentage of us who are woke can truly appreciate here but at the same time, she is so fucking criminally underrated it's unreal
Lotte>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Amanda>>>>>>>Sucy=Akko>>>Shining Chariot/Ursula>>>>>Diana>everyone else
Lotte gets no screentime.
> Amanda>*
Amanda needs her own episode and character ASAP. She just seems like a gimmick Ryuko copypaste so far, not that that isn't enjoyable.
Does anyone else think that Rebel Girl's hair looks like a flower? Like the upturned leaves of a giant flower that fairies wear as a hat?
Because she's different and has a little more edge compared to the others.
She's the snarky one in the first OVA and got a cool moment with the minotaur.
This continued in the second OVA where she at least had a good broom moment.
And so far in the TV series, she's the outright most villainous character in the show. Which is further enhanced by Diana now being far less bitchy compared to her first appearance.
She's probably the most important character next to Akko right now, since she's the one who gets the story or hijinks going. Without her, literally nothing of note would have happened in episode 1 and 3, and we wouldn't have had the endearing plant-hair bits in ep 2.
Lotte is a lewd witch!
it's filipino prime shitposting time even though deny the fact that they already deemed her South East Asian
they are prone to label anything resembling their irrelevant country and the people/things that are associated as representing themselves
ugly mongol boy
Pick both.
She's the ultimate villain of the series that will only come into play around the start of the 2nd cour.
So is it racists who don't know what country they hate at the moment so are agreeing with anyone who hates anyone? Or is it Philippines who just want someone in the 1st and 2nd levels World to remember that their country exists?
She looks like that nigga from "The Magic School Bus"
You realize, the Philippines ARE in South East Asia yes?
>no option for Wangara
you realize the phillipines doesn't represent south east asia
>seductive Lotte
Witch Queen of Luna Nova
Jasminka is so lewd.
I bet she's completely smooth down there, and tastes like a Werther's original.
>Inferno Cop reference
Trigger confirmed for bros