Forget Gab and Satania for now. This time is Vigne's time.
Gabriel Dropout
What was she watching?
Why is Gabriel so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
sad excuse for a demon
>Sataniafags are persistent shitposters
Cancer is true.
Every girl used to be best girl, don't bring cancer into this show as well.
this show just depresses me. the way satania always gets picked on, the way gabriel treated the coffee shop guy like shit
i thought this was supposed to be funny
Is FFF a different translation or is it the same shit with nice styling?
This scene was funny and hot as fuck. Loved that moan and Vigne's face.
Gab and Vigne are carrying this show. There, I said it.
>someone posts a dumb meme that's common in this kind of show
>they're now a persistent shitposter
Please stop being new thank you.
Quit being an apologist. That meme isn't even common and is used only by a handful of shitposters who belong to the same circle of cancer.
This girl is a reaction face goldmine.
And also a cute.
Raphiel and Gab's bitchinness got stale fast. Poor Satanichia will have to endure their brutal bullying for the entire season.
>a high schooler's seiyuu moan
The next step is middle schoolers. Make it happen, Japan.
agreed, demi-chans have some nice reaction faces too
Vigne really wants to make her moan more.
based fucking gabriel
>That meme isn't even common
I want to make Vigne moan.
I doubt she'd be okay with you.
>first several pages are literally spam by the same people
Retarded autism doesn't make it common.
It's not any less forced than most other memes on Sup Forums.
Viktoriya is cute!
Gab is a bitch but Raphiel did nothing wrong, don't know where you get your facts from.
This episode made me like Vigne even more. First and second episodes made me like Gabu and Satania equally. Raphiel is still an insufferable cunt.
!. Vigne
2. Satan
3. Raphiel
4. class press
5. Gab
I'm having Yuru Yuri flashbacks already.
What anime
Yeah Vigne's stock is rising every episode.
Gabriel needs your help with her survey
She's also GOTS.
Why do people not like Raphiel? She makes Satania look even more stupid, what more could you want? She's not a bitch like Gab either.
Vigne > Satania > Gab > dogshit > Raph
Homemade spaghetti. Easy, quick, and tasty.
We can all agree all four girls are good and that everyone who doesn't think so should be rounded up in camps and gassed with zyklon b, right?
Why didn't Gab just go straight for compensated dating?
>demon girl has Star of David pin on her jacket
I wonder what they're trying to say.
I like Raphiel. She just needs more scenes like her friend date with Vigne this episode to improve her reception.
It's just a star, my goy
Boneless breaded buffalo wings
Coffee-flavored deserts
There will be doujins of this, mark my words.
Also, beastiality starring Satania.
Remember Onii-Ai?
>beastiality starring Satania
I wish. Japan has shit taste though, this show will be forgotten.
Say no to Satania bullying
Because it doesn't feel like she has a differentiating personality.
This episode raised vigne stock, and showed us how much of an annoying piece of shit Gabrielle is without her playing the straight man.
Also it needed more satania
Yes, no, yes. Can't believe all these babies hating Gabu.
>Also it needed more satania
She should be the MC.
Mai tenshi!
What is the diameter of the colored circular area of Gabs asshole?
>it doesn't feel like she has a differentiating personality
Her personality is kanahana
God, she's such an ass. But it's also why this was such a good episode.
Gabu is literally me. I wish I could do that. Seriously.
I was also half expecting Vigne to hit her with a ladle.
I want her to be my semen demon.
What a cute couple.
It subs the OP and ED, so it's already worth it imo.
I love when shows go for that style in OPs/EDs, and I miss kokkuri-san so bad.
All these anons name dropping me is making me feel weird
haha I get it your name's satania too huh
If I ever have a daughter I'm going to name her Satania so she can get bullied for it in school.
Best Girl
are they
Satania and Gab a shit! What kind of evil 'person' hating on coffee
This show has the OP and ED of the season
Just friendly cuddling.
Best scene repost.
Green tea is better.
>spydoor man
is that a jojo reference
Why does the OP feel so long?
Giant Resurgence was pretty good.
because all 4 of them sing it
I want Satania to bully me!
So is this show actually good?
And by that I mean funny. Not Nichijou-tier kuso.
Look at the staff
If you don't know them kill yourself and lurk more
Master-san is best boy.
Does any a Raphi?
Was this a weed joke?
Raphi a shit.
That's my favorite shirt.
how do i summon her?