ITT: Post your waifu
Other anons: Point out what is wrong with other's waifus.
ITT: Post your waifu
sick pedo
Thinks she has black hair.
you're waifu is gay
17 year olds do not look like that.
11 year olds look like that.
She's yuri
this sounds like a terrible idea
She's gay and unless you are female or use the power of the D between your legs, she isn't gonna love you, user.
pls no bully
I want to date an 11 year old
Phone breaking cunt.
her boobs are too big
too old.
looks like a boy.
That's the wrong Fuuka
Bring me your worst user
Literally who
worst girl
costume fetish
can't cook
I'm genuinely curious as to what others think.
She's cute but there's only so much one rooting for her can take.
she's not a dog and her tail is weird.
nice taste.
I don't have a waifu.
deviantart tier designs tbqhfam
You wouldnt bully my waifu.
her inexistence is intolerable
bring it
Forbidden fruit
Her face is too white
I hate her
Ruined the whole release.
Valid complaint
That's objectively wrong
Many thanks! The dogs are good too, but not as good as the cats. Squirrels are alright.
Her crooked tail is really cute, but it can straighten out and look like a normal tail.
It's the red eyes and black hair, isn't it?
She wouldn't be into you unless you're a girl in which case carry on.
She has a canon love interest, and it's not you.
It's going to take a serious love for basketball to woo this loli, I hope you play.
Are you sure this is a girl?
Going on a decade now.
Ungratefull bitch.
I'm in the decade club myself.
Wants to BLACK my wife with her man clit
Full of herself.
Nothing wrong with a white face
I am sure
Shinka is not my semen
What is she from?
best monogatari
>waifuing a cop
bing bong
thats a nigger
who's that?
I don't know what is that
nightmare fuel
horrible sense of fashion
>horrible sense of fashion
/fa/ as fuck
I dare you to find a flaw
how many people even know her?
My waifu a cute.
She got isekai'd.
she breaks into peoples homes and steals things
You will always be her number 2.
I'm afraid of her
Feminist slut. Worst girl of the series.
No fun allowed.
Her banter would be less fun and more bitchy in reality.
Cute but not much of a personality.
I already know she's best
>No fun
>likes guns and constantly talks about them
Sounds fun to me, user.
Good taste
how many feet is that?
How exactly is this a problem?
Post your waifu and I will fap to her.
Too tall.
Do it.
5'2 is too tall?
>5 foot 2
bilbo baggins is that you?
I can take it.
He's literally just Goku.
Is actually a normal girl possessed by a sentient hairclip.
Pic related is my waifu. Hard mode: no black jokes.
she's not ritsu
no memes pls
eyyaa truck-kun
>you'll never be canibalized by her