Wouldn't consolidating and separating the races of the world be risky?
One good virus could wipe out a population if they aren't genetically diverse enough to fight it.
Wouldn't consolidating and separating the races of the world be risky?
One good virus could wipe out a population if they aren't genetically diverse enough to fight it.
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Good thing we have medicine and don't rely on adaptation to survive a fucking cold.
People aren't crops.
Even if you deport everyone with 25% or higher amount of nigger dna in them, you'll still be a (((diverse))) nation 1000 years later.
A "good" virus; Implying a major outbreak.
We don't have a cure for a lot of viruses. And medical research can take years, and also kills off scientists. Our best defense is and always has been genetic diversity against nature.
This is a good point.
Your medicine cannot kill the virus, only treat the symptoms. You worship a false god.
Are you a *hetro-sapien?
Post genetic material or GTFO
>blend all races to make one genetically similar race would save us from some epidemic
you dont understand how it works
not even a clue
Wtf, is this shit senpai. a good virus could fuck us now
OP doesnt know what genetic diversity means
t.computational genetecist
I what the motivation could be for posting such tripe?
Youre on pol which is full of 80-90 IQ retards
*I wonder what the...
There is genetic diversity within the same race, look what happened during the black plague, Europe was almost pure white, still there were immune people.
A virus that can infect all of humanity is imposible to adapt to.
>Atheists believe that all came from literally nothing of infinite density and zero dimension
Are, are you asking me to cum in a cup?
That's pretty faggy user, stop.
Thinking about your statement now, your nation would only be diverse in the fact that the last million that survived a second "Black Plague" would be diverse from the populations that happened to not experience or get infected by the said plague.
I'm surprised that all of the refugees in Germany haven't made a lot of native-born Germans sick, or vice-versa; which his common among mass migrations.
Of course, medicine is a large factor still.
That is what I'm ASKING science bro; say a major outbreak fucks us now. Wouldn't genetic diversity help us, or even gene modding?
>deists believe that's what atheists believe
Better let terrorists in so you don't get the sniffles
Better race mix with savages so you can save that trip to CVS
Remember that the virus still needs us or it is fucked.
There is no know instance of a virus actually exterminating a population.
Super nigger killing viruses are my pals
1. The white man has developed medicine.
2. Greater racial groups aren't genetically homogenous. In Europe we have like a dozen hair and eye colours each, different cognitive abilities and fields of science and art which different peoples are specialized in and just like that there are different levels of disease defense.
He has a point.
Also, not an argument.
>Yfw the Jews have their own virus as well
That would still be a better than dying from the virus known as niggeroids
Not necessarily, in the universe were flat, the initial singularity would still be infinite in extent. It would be like an infinite sheet of graph paper in the limit of infinitely small grid spacing: the sheet is still infinite in extent, the lines are just infinitely close together.
Implying the left can science
The jews ARE the virus.
There already is diversity on the planet so it is helping us. And plaguebro is right about that, 1/3 Europeans were immune. An area can get wiped out but humanity lives. Mixing everyone together would achieve the opposite and lower biodiversity. A hypothetical disease that infects everyone can still exist, but it's less likely. If that happens we're fucked and need to just quarantine and research to save our asses assuming mode of transmission is air or foodborne.
there is already genetic diversity among any of these ethnic groups
blending all ethnic groups to make one hybrid ethnic group actually negates genetic diversity
We increased the genetic diversity of America, how did that work out for the natives?
This is probably the first decent argument on Sup Forums in recent memory.
>genetic diversity
means "wypipo will provide antibiotics to dindus and jihadis free of charge"
Nope, there was also this argument saying that Trudeau was Castro's son
It's true. We're all genius blacks, mutts, and Mexicans.
OR, a race built better for immunity defense against microbes could have its virus-fighting ability diluted by "diversity breeding".
Not much of a problem, even if Europe is genetically rather homogenous our immune genes are still very diverse. Else we would not be here by now anymore.
Also, vaccination. People nowadays do not rely much on inherent resistance against viruses anymore. Without vaccines, most of those alive today would have died as children as there is always SOME disease you are not that resistant against...
A small proportion of Whites have a gene that make them immune from HIV and the black plague. Wouldn't importing blacks and breeding with them slowly breed out that gene? Wouldn't not breeding with them keep that gene in our gene pool?