How bad is the Chink invasion of Canada?
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there is lots of niggers now.
fucking terrible
I live in Ontario so that's honestly probably where it's the worst but most other places are pretty unliveable.
My university is unironically like 80% chinese.
in bc they form a majority in some cities
which uni?
here in ontario there's a ton but atleast the 2nd generation speak english
In Uni they roam in packs only speaking chinese though
Canina seems much more appropriate. Cause rhymes
Id imagine vancouver has got it the worst considering its closer.
China is buying its way into the liberal party, the party in power right now.
There is a growing trend of dual china-canada citizens that dont live in canada but make a lot of donations and own a lot of property.
Honestly I think the US should protect its interests before its to late.
>if you beat your enemies, they win
Wouldn't be suprised if parts of Canada vote to join China within 20-30 years. (or maybe China will just outright invade, not like cuck liberals will stop them)
Worse than you could ever possibly imagine. I'm learning Mandarin because I know where the future is headed
>I'm learning Mandarin
you'll hang on DOTR
tsao ni ma
Pretty bad desu, boomers here didn't save for retirement and are drowning in debt, their houses are all they have so they're complete cucks for Chinese money laundering
epicenter checking in. they hate me and feel like im invading their neighborhood. old ladies walk toward me on the sidewalks to try to make me walk on the street or grass. ive gave a few of them a very solid shoulder just by walking in a straight line on my side of the sidewalk. the old ones sucks the new ones suck. almost been run over and in car collisions many times with it being their fault. fake drivers licenses and no drivers experience. they have driven up rent 30% which is my guesstimate. they like to wipe their snot on everything. cold callous envious bitter people who are not happy to be here or anywhere.
I seriously prefer Chinese than fucking niggers and muzzies. when nigs move into a city block, the value plummets and crime skyrockets, seriously crime is like a natural full time job for them.
100% accurate
I like it, the Chinese are better than other immigrants.
Cry more
Day of the Rope will never happen in Canada.
what is it about canada specifically that attracts the chinks so much?
not as bad as the paki invasion of brampton. if india claimed it tomorrow nobody would be surprised
Canada should belong to the Chinese and the French.
our gov lets them invade and take or resources
There's a lot of chinks in places like Vancouver, Toronto, and Edmonton, but I honestly don't mind them. Apart from their retarded driving "skills" they don't commit crimes and chimp out like niggers and muzzies. Some of their women are cute and their food is pretty damn good.
>I seriously prefer Chinese than fucking niggers and muzzies
how about neither you cuckolded defeatist faggot? fuck off
I'd like to add another point, because of this so called "invasion", there has been a large influx of qt Chinese exchange students. They're wonderful, they're feminine in contrast to what we have in Canada. And they don't speak too much, which is an excellent bonus.
Good job Canada .
enjoy your hapa mutts
Vancouver is the most Asian city outside of Asia. Feels bad man
I'm a shitskin born here, checkmate. And I'm not leaving :^)
Fuck off baguette nigger
do a street view around toronto, vancouver, or any major city. chinese people everywhere
all the stores and businesses are chinese. how can white canadians even compete?
I'm not suprised to hear that, most people i know here fall for the double bind.
Enjoy getting ass fucked by niggers and obesity stupid burger
You can't even speak english in Vancouver.
So yeah.
My first real red pill was a trip i took to vancouver a few years ago. It was full of chinese and more chinese speakers than whites everywhere. Even at the national parks they were packed full of chinks.
The son of Fidel Castro loves to open his ass cheeks wide for the Chinese.
Hey user thanks for all the qts, i appreciate it.
Vancouver user here
Our entire housing market is being fucked up by chinks. There are so many that highway traffic is an absolute mess every single day.
They even have their own city which is 50% Chinese, certain areas in Richmond are completely Chinese, many people don't even speak English, and some Chinese restaurants treat whites like shit. Vancouver is I think 30% Chinese and 10% other Asian, and increasing.
The Chinese government also bribes and funds many politicians and proffesors, and has helped fund free speech stifling policies at our universities.
Pic related is Henry Yu, a history professor at UBC who is paid by the chinese government to spout anti-white sentiment to an 80% Chinese audience at UBC. He referred to white Canada as an undesirable zit on the back of Asian history.
Here's a video of one of his lectures
I dont think ontarians and others realize truly how chinese BC is. Yes we are overrun by other races over here but it is all different kinds of races and in an odd way white culture has remained the main culture. Out west it is totally different. Itis a direct hit on white culture by chinese culture and it has drowned it out. Vancouver is a chinese city.
If they can crash the real estate bubble, they basically have the Canadian middle class by the balls.
> Rides subway in Toronto
> chinks everywhere you look (literally)
Partition when? We can take québec and Acadia and leave the chineses the rest
Best picture & post combo I have seen in a while. Please comb back and post more if you don't get run over buy an autorickshaw.
You lost canaedia like you lost louisiana and missisipi territories to us, hahaha fuckin faggot, get off this thread. Enjoy your french guyana and african BBC.
No sweetie, we sold them. Now it's time we take our rightful clay back
go back to where you came from you faggot cumskin.
Guess we won in the end
Based leafs
It's the same with most immigrants. You will see a ton in the cities, not so much anywhere else.
They are very scary drivers.
They will pop out of turning lanes, cut you off, drive super slow on highways, cross every lane without even looking.
Besides that, chinese people stick to their own. Even criminals are contained to chinese areas.
They are better than most options
My landlord is Chinese. They.... they're all Chinese....
>you'll hang on DOTR
>learning the future dominant language that any potential war would be fought in anyway is somehow treason
you're mentally retarded
Out of the 50 some odd Canadians I've met in person only one was write with a white name. The rest have names like Chang Wong or some shit.
Holy shit that's bad
Real talk though I hope the chinks have fun in their cities filled with street shitters, shitskins, shit niggers, and asian niggers.
Chang here. Its going well.
I'd rather have chinese running around than niggers.
I seriously prefer the original Anglo stock over any of these invaders. I make no effort to hide my disgust for all non whites in public.
Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile there's small pockets of us in Cuckistan stockpiling rope.
>Implying you ever go outside
Our government that brings them here.
France should belong to Islam. Oh wait, it already does.
lol sure you cumskin
Ontario is literally the California of Canada,
Extreme SJW government
Cities full of brown people,
Crippling debt.
Flourishing porn industry controlled by kikes,
Pedos and junkies in offices
On the East side?
Fuck these flat faced aliens i hate them all. Every last one.
awww she turned ya down, right?
> We can take Québec
Décalisse ostie d'baguette, c la république du Quebec libre qui va libéré saint pierre et miquelon du caliphate français.
Go away Henry
Not terrible in Halifax. Most of them are students and are concentrated on one side of the city. They keep to themselves and spend money so i cant say i'm overly concerned
it's greatry exaggerated
sounds like toronto. Plus that city is so fucking big its ridiculous. Fuck them
as a vancouver resident I highly doubt you have more chinese. I bet toronto has more poos and blacks but not more chinese
Very bad in the GTA (greater Toronto area) and Vancouver the GVA and there is a Chinese community in every other city in canada even if small, it's not good man
No, BC is literally the california of Canada
this. the Chinese will soon be our masters, learning their language is the best thing you can do. I'm already working on gaining their favour, I have made many Chinese acquaintances. If you can't beat them, join them
You're embarrassing
Better than being invaded by Mudslimes desu desu.
Get to see tons of QT chink girls around my city
I don't have the pic on me right now be something like 51% of canada is not white. a lot of those are also 1st generation immigrants
>invites them in
>never tries to get rid of them or reverse the process
>" If you can't beat them, join them"
Anglo cucks in a nutshell.
West coast fag here, how's the east coast? Vancouver is pretty much Beijing part 2 electric boogaloo
BC = Any Chinese that brings $1,000,000 gets automatic citizenship. It's that easy.
I'm much more worried about the pajeets, blacks, arabs and other shitskins tbqh. The chinks here are at least relatively respectful and keep to themselves.
t. Montreal
We only have a chinatown here in Montreal. Pretty standard. I suppose we get all the french speaking arabs and haitians though... soo
>live in nova scotia
>0.001 non white to every white person
>go into the city
>suddenly whites are the minority
>chinky eyes everywhere
it's pretty easy for a moderately attractive and fit white male to bag a wealthy asian families daughter so it's not all that bad
the jews are winning so you best try to play their game
There comes a time when you must accept that the white race wasn't meant to rule this planet forever. It's the circle of life, the dominate race has shown itself. There's nothing we can do now, just marry a cute Chinese girl and hope your hapa kids don't come out ugly
this. Halifax is filled with Chinese, it was disorienting at first coming from a small white town
>for 30 silver coins
The irony is China used to want these people repatriated back because they were more often than not corrupt af.
Canada though kept them as a way of spiting the Chinese and as an opportunity to lecture them on human rights.
not that many Chinese actually live in Chinatown, I'm in Ville Emard which is becoming chang city, there are also a bunch scattered over the various cheaper neighborhoods (they are smart and stay away from arab and black areas though)
Hey stop sniffing that fat girls ass
Chinese are bad but Flips are the absolute worst. God I hate them
It's across the Pacific fucking Ocean I don't think it matters unless they
pretty bad
Housing prices have skyrocketed because of the insane growth and all of the chines investors. Multiple neighbors rent from people who live in China.
Filipinas here are so easy though, they throw themselves at white guys, I fucked 3 of them while at university since they're so lonely. Chinese girls are stuck up bitches.