What did they mean with these?

Pic related page 91 of
vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view

Just 1,5 pages, dont be lazy

just one paragraph, dont be a lazy cunt (the one with big [] around it)

And some semi related doc with pics

Other urls found in this thread:

vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view
archive.org/stream/InterviewWithMr.WilhelmLandig/Interview with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt
synchronizeduniverse.com/STAN ANALYSIS3.pdf

article you can read here for a few shekels
otherwise you can confirm the headline for free

Interdasting. Bumping

>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Western Europe by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas-tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if they were under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down.

Then, 20 years after the war this
>The Kecksburg UFO incident occurred on December 9, 1965, at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, United States.
several years after the war

inb4 its a weatherballoon or soyus capsule
>It streaked over the Detroit, Michigan – Windsor, Canada area, reportedly dropped hot metal debris over Michigan and northern Ohio,[1] starting some grass fires,[2] and caused sonic booms in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.
i didnt see either of those crashing down while flying over multiple states low enough for their debris to still be hot enough to cause fires

>Admiral Richard E Byrd made the announcement today that the United State are required to take protective meassures against the possibillity of an Invasion of the country though hostile aircafts originating from the polar area
>The Admiral said that he didnt want to scare anyone, but the bitter reality is that in case of a new war the United States could be attacks by aircrafts that can fly from pole to pole.
>The Admiral stated the necessity to be in a state of alert and watchful along the whole icebelt which would be the last fortitude against an invasion.
what did he mean by this?

pic related page 88 of
vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view

pic related refers to

the adamski photograph is from 1952, 7 years after the war.

forgot pic

bumping for interest.


aside from nazi UFOs seen after the war (kecksburg acorn and the adamski photograph from earlier) Mengele is another sign that germans projects continued: for example he fled to brazil and continued his research there apparently. the village in which he took cover has the highest birthrate of twins in the world, and now look how they all look (pic related)

an user mentioned he read that german scientists from project paperclip were still communicating with each other and people outside the country.in argentina where many nazis fled to is San Carlos de Bariloche. this place had a lot of germans and even a plastic surgery clinic which could be used to distort peoples appearence so they arent tracked down easily and can lead a normal live. georg anton pöch is rumord to be hitlers new personality.
the nazis from paperclip that were put into secret agencies could have covered for both, the communication, and the creation of new personalities.

maybe the scientist just stayed loyal to germany and didnt spit out the secrets and played dumb and just fed the authorities some breadcrumps.
project paperclip, instead of a bunch of traitors, may have been a trojan horse instead

also since mods like to shut these threads down
discord gg/BBKCJ9

Pic related are instructions on how to get to Agartha/Hollowearth via Submarine and were released by the KGB (at least all sources claim so and i didnt find any sources debunking any of it). Nikolai Subbotin, russian journalist who seems to have some reputation, has an interview about these documents. but sadly its in russian with german subtitles only. but if you speak either of those languages:

This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
archive.org/stream/InterviewWithMr.WilhelmLandig/Interview with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt
A transscipt of the interview for the non-german anons

Admiral Byrd, who led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole". I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread


Hol up

Is this real?



There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative

Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting to the inner earth.
the hopi indians, also have the swastika. and their legends involve humanity coming from out of a hole on earth, and during the end of the 4th world/cycle (i think it was the 4th) when the flood hit (whch probably was the same the bible mentioned as well as many others cultures) other people came out of the earth, the ant-friends or ant people, brought them underground and ensured their survival until the earth above is habitable again. further more. further more the word "anu" means for the hopi indians "ant" and naki "friend" while the sumerian gods were called anunaki, so probably those were the same.
however from what i found the description of the ant people doesnt really fit, they seem humanoid but not human. but maybe there are multiple races living in hollow earth living peacefully there together. sumerians and hopi also used the swastika

Furthermore Nazis went to the North and Southpole, both said to have openings, as well as tibet which has legends of an underground kingdom, shangri-la/shamballah.
the hopi indians and tibetians use the swastika and have legend about a world beneath the ground.
China, the celtics, greeks, aztecs, all have legends of the white blue eyed people coming and bringing technology.
And they all use the swastika.

So i believe what people call the nordics or pleiadians are actually the inner earthers which may or may not came from space but if so settled there millenias ago

There is the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE) which tries to find out wether there is a hole on the north pole or not. I didnt look into this much yet, but there are rumors about it being canceled twice due to sudden deaths of the leading expeditioner. This is what i could find so far

>By 2005, the team had grown to 22 members, but required 100 members to fund the voyage. In 2006, Steven Currey tragically passed away and was succeeded by launch manager and PhD Physicist, Brooks Agnew.

>After the sudden and strange disappearance of the the Park Avenue, New York film production company that previously had announced its plans to fund the expedition to make a documentary, we have regrouped and decided to run an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign

better dont announce such an expidition i guess

pic related is of the southpole which you find here
>[31] "The ESSA III satellite was in a 750-mile altitude, circular orbit, inclined approximately 79° retrograde to provide Sun synchronism. Each picture covers approximately 3000000 square miles of the Earth's surface. In order to provide geographic location of meteorological phenomena, each picture was routinely gridded at ESSA in a latitude-longitude matrix. The South Pole and the Antarctic region are clearly visible in the concentric circles in each of the lower pictures. Africa and the Near East are readily recognized in the central portion of the mosaic.

now allegedly there is a hole in the middle as the satellite didnt cross directly over the southpole, but i have yet to see a real pic of the south pole

LARP or real? you decide

>here are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians

Nazis invented time machine and we now live in a timeline that was altered by literally Hitler

well, i my theory is different. in some cases these creatures seem to be the fallen angels, the sumerian anunaki for example seem to fit rather that theme, quetzacoatl too. prometheus pretty much has the role of satan in the bible too (bringing fire/knowledge which humanity wasnt ready for and getting punished in return).

in other cases, like the egypt and chinese legends, as well the aztecs also seem to fit in there (aside from quatzacoatl) seem to have been visited by those to where they seems much more human as opposed to the former ones which have a certain negative vibe to them. i believe that those are actually the jews, and im not talking about the (((jews))) we know about today which are merely imposters. went into the fake jews and biblethumping stuff in these threads a bit:
makes it even more apparent why (((they))) distort history so much (just shilling another thread of mine on here)

while we are at the religion:
the schlomo in pic related later appeared in another thread again, said he asked his rabbi who just stated that its a nothingburger and that there is nothing to it seemingly not wanting to talk further about it.

also regarding pic related:
the hebrew alphabet doesnt have any vowels, so both paradise and pardes would both be written the same giving another connection

mega if quantum
quick rundown ?are these just ordinary citizens witnessing witnessing ufo like basically every basic story ?

Also if we go full conspiracy theory i've read that nazi bases in antarctica and mars have been wiped out long ago

i think the witnessreports are just random people yes. the one about antarctic flying saucers seems to be a report from the CIA itself as well as the one about the german engineer claiming to have worked on saucers, even though in that one they cite another article. and yes, i believe they are in antarctica, possibly inside hollow earth.

also i doubt they got their hands on them in antarctica, operation highjump probably was for that purpose but it seems they didnt have a chance and had to retreat. as for the base on mars, i think thats some tinfoil stuff, especially since that corey goode that always talks about the moonbase gives me the MKUltra vibes. but there is this

pic related some weird lights around the neumayer research station in antarctica

pic related from the same batch of documents as

Some of those disc shapes are mobile pillboxes for battlefield emplacement. Others are flying discs using sekret alium sauce for fuel.




First of, the 3rd reich never surrendered. Only the military did, but the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended.
>The German Instrument of Surrender ended World War II in Europe. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses

Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
>Art. 24. Ruses of war and the employment of measures necessary for obtaining information about the enemy and the country are considered permissible.
Ruses like a fake surrender only by the armed forces (Wehrmacht) not the state?

the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
>General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general who served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
>Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a Nazi German general who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit, during World War II (1939–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organization for the U.S.(1946–56); and the first president (1956–68) of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) during the Cold War (1945–91).

Hitler also wanted a united europe under germany, with the EU he also basically got exactly that. except all of those institutions were heavily subverted by kikes since then.
pic related the HQ of the NATO

>secret alium sauce
akshually, they have found out how to actually bend space and time to use it as propulsion..weird shit..more here if you're into this stuff
synchronizeduniverse.com/STAN ANALYSIS3.pdf


What's up with all the overlapping text at the bottom of the pages on the FBI document?

you mean in the OP pic? i guess its just some additional notes they added over time. its released like that by the FBI at least as you can see in the link

No, like this.

no idea. i came to believe that they fuck up the scanning on purpose to make it harder to dig into the truth. cant explain some of the scanned docs i have seen in any other way


Disc shaped aircraft.

Large rotating ring with stationary crew cabin.

If Adolf wanted the unification of Europ then what was the war for? Not only he has more resources to spare, more men power but most importantly he doesn't turn most of the Europ against his ideas.
Also, one is truly naive if thinks that Hitler was pan European in his ideas. Because at the beginning of he was concerned only with his own people even at the expense of other European nations.

>75-100 yards in diameter
>~14 feet high
>rises vertically
>makes random engines around seize to work
yeah thats not the one you posted. from the dimensions it seems to fit the haunebu 2

I haven't read all the documents yet, sorry.

>If Adolf wanted the unification of Europ then what was the war for?
man, its almost like hitler never wanted war and just went into poland to protect ethnic germans that were cut off from germany in danzig because the land around it got seized unjustly after WW1 and were slaughtered there by poles which hitler just didnt want to see with (((everyone))) using this as a chance to declare war on germany instead

my bad, meant the haunebu 3. the 2 is the small

Danzig was taken over by NSDAP in 1933
So who cut off those Germans? Germans themselves?

look how germany looked pre WW1. the peace treaty stated we are to keep our land and colonies, yet both were robbed of us. yet, due to its position, danzig had a lot of ethnic germans from before it got stolen from us there. those were slaughtered. hitler didnt want fellow germans to be murdered so he stepped in.

Also these lands were rightfully Poland's. You want the history of this territorial conflict you have to go back as far as introduction of Teutionic Order to these lands. Which, fun fact, acted as a certain desert (((tribe))) and was expelled as multiple times from different nations.

By ethnic grermans you mean descenteds of germanized poles and pruss from that region?

>i am to decide at which point it counts
yeah no. the area was german, we lay down our weapons expecting we can keep it, we were lied to. simple as that

Ethnic germans were already dead.
Poles killed them in the danzig massacre and started WW2

that was the precise event i was referring to mate.

Many of the polish agitators in both Danzig and the bloody Sunday were Antifa.

pic related, the route you get when you follow the instructions in >antifa is responsible for one of the bloodiest wars in history
man, and i thought Sup Forums is good at steering shit up

German Hannabeu needed liquid mercury to run and Helium.
two subs after WW2 were scuttled with 33 tonnes each.
Operation high jump found them but was destroyed.
Hannabeu couldnt take high energy radar and two fell from the sky, Roswell, and Mesa AZ.
German ex nazi scientists started NASA, Los Alamos, the zero point energy craft, and the dark Fleet.
Douglas McArthur said " WW3 wont be fought amongst men, it will be fought by interplanetary soldiers.
He didnt say ETs or aliens.

good poster + good thread
you are spot on

The Van Allen radiation belt was hard to beat.
So again ex nazis invented HAARP.
It pushes the ionosphere open and creates a gap, so ships can fly in or out of Earths gravity without getting fried.
Muh Earthquake weather modification mushine.
Nope. It forces the Van Allen open.

since you mentioned stuff about how they work, this is what i could dig up

When looking into this stuff Victor Schauberger turns up frequently it seems when looking into the UFO stuff. pic related are what some suggest how the UFOs fly.
however i believe they combine a multitude of phenomena.
hey seem to work with electromagnetism from what i got. possibly even gravity shielding which would explain the UFO being able to fly maneuvers that would usually crush the pilot through the g forces which gets negated by the lack of mass through the gravity shielding.

here it talks about some guy claiming to managed to create gravity shielding resulting in a loss of 2% of the weight, which isnt much but if it works at all it only needs some finetuning to be valuable

from the guys wikipedia article
>In a BBC news item, it was alleged that researchers at Boeing were funding a project called GRASP (Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion) which would attempt to construct a gravity shielding device based on rotating superconductors,[8] but a subsequent Popular Mechanics news item stated that Boeing had denied funding GRASP with company money, although Boeing acknowledged that it could not comment on "black projects".[9] It is alleged that the GRASP proposal was presented to Boeing and Boeing chose not to fund it.[10]
why specifically mention the blackproject instead of just saying "we dont do it?"

this gravity shielding however makes me think of the supposed schumann levitator in pic related which you find on some of the UFO plans and is essantially the same as the gravity shielding, except that you switch the superconducting ceramic disc against an alluminium disc. combine those 2 and you might get some interaction enhancing the effects of both

made a thread about this device some while ago on /sci/. general consensus was it would lift things, but would be extremely inefficient
but it working at all tells me that it just needs some finetuning to enhance its effects greatly

Another thing is that a lot of rumors are out there that the UFOs run on mercury. The old hindu texts for example (didnt read them myself yet, but thats what i heard) tell about the workings of the Vimanahs, ancient UFOs and they too seem to run on mercury. Pic related is supposedly telling about the workings of the glocke, also involving mercury. What makes this interesting is the following:
>She departed from Kiel on 5 December 1944 on her last mission, to transport to Japan a large quantity of mercury and parts and engineering drawings for German jet fighters
>mercury and "jet fighters"

in this text which suppoesedly tells of the working of the glocke it seems it uses mercury mostly a solvent for other particles. i heard someone suggesting they induce it with magnetic particles like some kobald, so they can move it around by controlling the magnetic field essentially getting rid of mechanical moving parts as you now just have to readjust the magnetic field and the mercury will form itself like you want (assuming you can influence the magnetic field precise enough.) making it pretty much a shapeshifting UFO. allegedly you also can create energy/propulsion through a mercury vortex

Same can be said about you, Germans
If the guy who steals your bike holds onto it long enough does it make the bike his? Answer yourslef. You could seriously succeed and be leader of actual unified Europ, but your hubris gets better of you. All the time. In this regard you can shake hands with Poles. Your pride is going to be your undoing.

The new version runs on a combo of NON mettalic
Germanium, Paladium, and Tellurium.
Solid fuel , safer for long travels, very fast.

Always liked that map, and thought it interesting that the continent shows signs of ice age scowering.

They dont run on liquid mercury.
The amount of Mercury stays the same, it just has an affinity to gold, and can maintain motion.
Earlier versions consumed helium.
Then went to all non metallic powdered fuels.

one theory i liked is that the magnetized mercury is actually the hull and interior, held in its position by a magnetic field, getting rid of of moving parts and thus attrition since you just have to readjust the magnetic field in order to move mercury out or into a certain position

It was almost too simple for us to understand.
Noble metals like Platinum and Paladium are highly magnetic.
Liquid mercury has an affinity for gold, and when mixed with monataoic or chelated gold can also absorb palladium, and germanium.
Reverses polarity from the magnetic poles, and rides them like a hovercraft.
Kinda tippy though, and heavy as hell. But fast.

this is the google earth image of the southpole by the way. you can clearly see the circle around the pole being shopped. other pics have the same or a hole claiming its too difficult to get a satellite over the poles

Sits on a gimbal with hydraulic rams.
Works like a helo pitching the rotor.
Pitch forward it goes forward. And can turn 90 degrees in less than a second.
Kind of like a hovercraft with no turbines.


They have to shop the south pole - look at the live sattelite feeds on Nasa.. notice anything about the south pole scale.

funfact, the space x livestream also seem to never show any footage when going over antarctica. didnt see it at least yet

Shit op, you need to make me want to read, not think you are a pretentious dick

1933, 28th of may. NSDAP won with 53% the parliament election in the free city of Danzing. May I ask WHEN does supposed masacers occured? If it happened before this election then it would be poles voting NSDAP (which is very weird) and if after the election then it means that NSDAP allowed Polish minority to kill off the major German population of the city (which is even weirder).
History is not accurate, we all know that but you can't assume that Germans are the holy cows that did nothing wrong. I literally say the same to Poles. Both grupes act equally retarded and as said before, can shake each other hand. Their pride and unwillingness to admit they did something wrong is on par with each other.

i usually made the OPs like this (here is a rundown on all the lay outs i had)
but mods put them into the "banned text" category so that posting it will get you b& instantly (parts of the 1st and second version) or put it in a filter so it gets autosaged instantly, or just delete it. turns out (((mods))) dont know what to delete if they have to read through documents first :^)
so yeah, while it this way doesnt get many people reading it, it at least seems to prevent a 404

it happened right before hitler went into poland to stop it
here is the propaganda version of it

Two names for you to look up
>Hermann Rauschning
>Arthur Greiser

>Germans did something bad thus it's propaganda

My God. You literally sound like avrage Pole...

Seriously what is wrong with Poles and Germans and not learning form mistakes of their predecessors?
Both of you repeat same dumbshit over and over again.
>le end of the world. Poles and Germans like an alzheimer patients and already forgot why but they do it anyway because they grandfathers did the same.

>implying its not propaganda like pretty much everything (((they))) tell you about the nazis
next thing you gonna tell me is that the holocaust did happen

>be jew
>get released alive from deathcamp

>Implying every historical fact that doesn't favor the Germany is propaganda.

You seriously sound like fucking Polish boomer.

Never siad that holohoax is not, well, a hoax.
Every one had prison camps, such is the realities of war.

not every, but most are blatant lies

Seriously, Germany and Poland could do great things together. But both would had to leave their supremacist tendencies behind the door in order for that to happen. That is not going to happen soon sadly.

But why they were at work camps? Why just didint deport them?

jews/commies did already (i think in 1918?) try to start a revolution. they infiltrated and subvertedcountless institutions and organizations, and undermined politics, economy, media and pretty much everything, or in short: they jewed around just like today.
so he takes all the jews and puts them in a camp for the time being as they cant jew around from there. he also worked on getting a place to exile the jews, namely israel (haavara agreement) but he had to do something until that can happen.
i think hitler planned israel as a huge selfsustaining concentrationcamp, with all jews and their enablers sent there forcefully, resulting in none of them left to jew around. and since noone would be jewing around in foreign governments (since they are all in israel who would do that) israel would have to behave properly and isnt getting special protection like it does nowadays.
thats also the only way i see how we can solve the jewish question without genociding them (not that im interested in a solution without bloodshed and murder of millions, im just saying)

This does not change my point. I highly recommend to check the names of two German gentlemens I mentioned to you before in regards of Danzing and stop acting like a holy cow about which >most information aka that show us doing shit are propaganda.
Paraphrasing Evola : there is this much you can blame on Jews and propaganda.


en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_of_Inaccessibility_(Antarctic_research_station) what about ths did soviets tried also to find something after stealing nazi information?

nazis built flying saucers and shit, and are now probably in antarctica or hollow earth

Okay lets say they are under antarctica and inside agartha, When will they liberate us from the pest known as marxism and jews?

Its the biggest question there is. Everything I see in the NWO agenda maps to the idea of an advanced race/species keeping the local wildlife in check.

This digital stuff we all have was seeded here specifically with the goal of managing humanity with an AI. We didn't invent transistors or integrated circuits or fiber optics.

We are analog creatures and past civilizations used analog technologies to create machines like the pyramids. The pyramids themselves are machines of frequency and sound.

Whites are the problematic race. We are the ones that want the Star Trek future.

If they were still there they would probably be doing this right now. Unless they are waiting for the economcial collapse. Or this is just OP's wishful thinking. Every option is viable in this case.

So there was already jewish ghettos whats the need for camps?

They were just the prison camps possibly.
Fucking wooden doors in chambers with highly poisonous gass. Genius.

the ghettos were for those that could behave themselves and didnt jew around. note that the pic in shows that jews were released alive from a "deathcamp". there are also a lot of reports that the ghettos where the jews lived were among the first things that were bombed seemingly with priority

well, maybe they just wait for the time that people realize hitler did nothing wrong, and thus wont attack the nazis when they come and thus having the nazis fight those very people they want to save. maybe they dont care about us at all anymore. who knows?

People from ghettos was moved to camps as i know chronologicaly

>waiting to people realize Hitler did NOTHING wrong

Well they sure will have more chances of success in reality where he didn't fucked his own plan over.

Welp op is already cought by police i think.

nope, still here. im trying really hard to get the van treatment though, but im running out of stuff

are you implying that Poles and Germans could conquer the world if they were allies?

>48 replies
ya man is ok relax i understand you wanna get the word out
disclosure is coming soon dont worry
they dont come with peace.