Society says that this handsome son of a bitch can't deflower a high school girl because it's "an inherently exploitative relationship" and "a gross abuse of his position."
Society says that this handsome son of a bitch can't deflower a high school girl because it's "an inherently...
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At least they're not saying that the agegap is wrong, it's only a matter of his position, or hers, both of which are easily changed.
It needs to happen because Kotori is in the 'for loving sex and marriage' tier.
He can deflower his daughter.
Good old japanese beta mentality.
UsagiDropfags need to leave.
Ya'll know that's a piss smelling pussy
But that was fine because it was a decision she made as an adult and they weren't blood related.
Normalfags need to leave.
I agree, good thing I'm not one isn't it? I just don't like, or have, shit taste.
People who didn't care for Usagi Drops's second half are normalfags to their core. It may as well be a normalfag test.
She is his aunt, you know? They are blood related.
what did she mean by this
Someone didn't finish the manga. There was an 11th hour tweest.
Oh really?
I admit, I am an animeonlyfag, the manga ending turned me off from reading it.
The second half is an entirely different kind of story, but I enjoyed it. The ending doesn't come off as creepy at all if you see how they got there.
I wish.
It is good to see a father that loves his daughter.
Means she hasn't had her period yet so they can do it raw safely.
I hate myself for imagining things as I watched this.