Here's a picture of our police officers after capturing an important drug lord. This country is like a fucking reality show.
Here's a picture of our police officers after capturing an important drug lord...
Hue hue hue
Man those are some shit guns. Holy fuck
3/10 gun would not pull my pants up for to get shot by
>he's alive
The only thing Brazil has going for it are the death squads and you post this shit?
Is that a mini-14?
Why would they let that tiny ass woman have the select fire .308, she's so small she can't even use the stock what the fuck
Yes mini 14, folding stock
Hk91 clone folding stock
Could you imagine her shooting that unshouldered?
>show face on internet
>favela gang knows your face
>come home to a dead family
>get tortured to death
Hubris is a helluva drug
the level of stupid, I can't even I just can't.
>*Tropa de Elite theme song intensifies*
lmao that one guy on left looks like a spic varg
>A Corregedoria Interna da Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro (Coinpol) estuda punir os policiais que tiraram fotos com o traficante Rogério Avelino da Silva, o Rogério 157, após sua prisão na última quarta-feira (6). Pelas selfies, o... - Veja mais em
Apparently they are getting up to 90-day suspensions for taking the fucking pictures.
Great. How many left to go, a million?
Even police have nigger level stupidity in Chimpzil.
shut up drug dealer. They wouldn't do shit, because the cops would level their entire favela in response
If Brazilian cops are allowed to have fun switches it would explain why all the favellas are covered in holes
What is this country, holy shit
unironically looks like brazilian doppelganger of Varg hahahah wtf lmao
kek, mixed varg is quite a sight
He knows they're all gonna die and he'll be free soon
that's pretty dope man
it's popular to fight crime and you think that's bad?
Apparently he told one of them he "hopes they get instagram famous".
>be brasilian drug lord
>be captured alive by police
>be american civilian in hotel
>be shot by police
Makes me think
>Thinks police operate in S. America
Later on shots were heard in Rocinha, said to be a rival gang commemorating this guy got arrested. So yea.
Intelligence officers does all the work in tracking him down, and the people who walks up to arrest him portrays themselves as some sort of super heroes catching bad goyums.
I've read somewhere once about some brazilian women's jail where the women inmates handcuffed the male guards under the promise of an orgy and then evaded the premises.
Cops were found semi naked locked to bed poles.
that's a FAL dumbass
A few questions:
>why doesn't the dress code require them to shave their beards?
>why is a woman there
>police officers
>all of them look like thugs
oh i wish
fucking dumbasses the intelligence guy gonna magically internet arrest him? fucking idiot
brazilians are not white and non-whites look like thugs
>imagine being this young
yes, intelligence is a field limited to the interwebs
Fucking Vargcinho
thats a lot of 56% faces
I do agree with you though. Our average military police is a mongoloid
these fuckers are being pumped full of steroids
they do this the world over...enjoy your shortened lifespans you deserve it
Is a FN FAL.
You'd have to be nuts to be a cop in Brazil.
You'd have to have a fucking death wish to join BOPE.
Big south american drug lords usually pay hefty bribes.
>this will be America within your lifetime.
Guy on the left looks like Varg
>people thinking these cops will be punished by criminals
You're thinking of the mexican cartel.
>As if reality shows aren't based off of reality
do you guys like testing my patience?
>implying Argentina won't become a indio-mestizo country in the next 30 years thanks to Bolivians and Paraguayans.
OP playing tibia
Underrated comment
What an odd mish-mash of long guns. Do these cops buy these guns themselves?
your subhuman mestizo kind will be extinct once whites are wiped off (or leave) the american continent
the jew wont cater to you anymore once kalergi plan is finished
you will be left to your shitskin subhuman indio ways and you will perish
you will drench in liquid shit like your ancestors did, behead people, marry your relatives and have retarded inbred offsprings
you subhuman monkey shitskin
i unironically hope you die a painful and slow death
Give them a break will you?
I'm pretty sure capturing a drug lord in Brazil is all out urban warfare.
Lmao chill the fuck out faggot, im no filthy mestizo or indian.
Just saying, take care of your borders, end birth right citizenship, deport bolivians.
Don't sweep me bro
Brazil. Where the police looks like criminals too
What happened to the lowest guy's stock?
Your policewomen are sexy. I wish they arrested me.
they're ugly as fuck
>one unit
>mini 14
>ancient Colt Commando
this is a brazillian policial officer
>This country is like a fucking reality show.
Every country is a reality show, all an illusion user
>all those huehuefaces in one pic
>bunda patrol
>you have the right to remain aroused
Probably personal weapons.
What about these ones I can agree with you. Their faces are not really beautiful. I looked first not at their faces lol.
But these girls are really beautiful. I'm a libertarian and normally don't like the cops very much, but what I like in Brazilian police, like in some other South American countries, is how your policewomen are dressed. They look very feminine. A policewoman in leggings is extremely sexy.
I meant these girls
are really beatiful
That’s a high test bitch
You give hues to much. These guys are on a whole different level of stupid not even ameriniggers are as stupid and gruesome as they are
Boy what I wouldn't give to see them get decapitated by drug dealers with a dull hunting knife.
did he strike a nerve, my very white friend?