Muslims are Praying outside the white house to Troll the God Emperor

Can we do something about this Islamic show of strength?
These SandNiggers need to Know that this is not Okay.

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I remember when I was a young faggot and would think something like this was trolling.

Why the fuck are there Muslims in America?
Didn't we think to maybe stop that after 911

A fellow Muslim will do an explosion of peace


thats the opposite of trolling, its literally a bunch of shitskins showing how butthurt they are over trump acknowledging the facts on the ground

He should Montgisard them so they fuck off back to the desert . Violence is the only language they understand.

That isnt trolling
Trolling would be more like provoking muslims into protest then using police to have them BTFO on a technicality

Why are you mutts sounds so friendly with israel? Faggots muslims are not your enemy the enemy is the jew. I support Trump and i hope this is 4D chess because this is disappointing. The muslims, Palestinians are innocent.

He's in Florida

>Why the fuck are there Muslims in America?
>Didn't we think to maybe stop that after 911
King Hussein ramped up the migrant programs significantly.

Well, organise a BBQ you lazy, fat amerimutts.

Fuck off Mohammed. Go fuck your goat or something.

Good idea. Next time muzzie try this. It should be 100s of BBQ Ribs right next to it. Let them smell the Pig while they pray.

He should go bless their prayers and wish them happy Eld or whatever.

This. By the way its peacefull protest and there is 30% of muzzie population of all humans , and there is only 15mln jews, but look how much shit jews create

He wasn’t even at the White House yesterday

>The perpetraitors hid behind the veil, and in coordination with their cousins at 'The House Of Saud' painting "La Ebil Muzzie" as the proxy boogeyman
>enter 'Operation Hornets Nest' to piss off the Muzzies in their own homelands to flush them into the West
It's all going exactly as planned; yet, they wonder why they're despised worldwide

I know most people don’t like pjw here but he did a really good video on this the other day.

On why this is a non story and how people are being manipulated by the media.

At least the dude knows what he wants.

Gross, I hate arabs. The jews are smart for bringing about the conditions which lead to muslim immigration in to white countries. It makes it harder to empathize with them. Still I have fuck israel and the jews. Palestine over israel.

there's less than 1% shitskin/arab/paki muslims. the majority of muslims in the us are nation of islam black prison converts which are more of a cult than islam. all in all the total is 1% and was going to be 2% at the end of the century. now it'll stay at 1% due to the muslim ban and muslims knowing that the majority of americans actively hate them.

When you come to America for a better life you are now American and you shouldn't be worrying about the hell hole you escaped from


What did he mean by this?

Trump wont change his decision. Where is your god now ?

Just start sperging out over how it's an islamist attempt to pressure us and force us to back down.
Normies would be grabbing guns for themselves.

>muslims are not your enemy muslims are not your enemy muslims are not your enemy muslims are not your enemy.

Off to Pakistan with you, stupid bacon hater.

Mmmmmmm that’s a lot of prime ass.

This, King Nigger slipped a lot under the doorstep.

but hes so le epicly troled xddddddddd
drumpf btfoooo

>prepare sandwiches with ham
>distribute them to protesters to "support their struggle
>don't tell them about the ham

deport them all while you have them on your front lawn

>Muslims literally bowing down to the White House in which Trump resides
Masyaallah, you can't make this shit up

the capital building is east west.... matches up with their prayer angle..

have the white house cooker burn about 10 pounds of bacon and turn on the exhaust fans

God damn it, if this was 1962 they'd get the hose just like the fuck'n niggers did.

that Muslim photo is ripe for doggie doggie style chop

a bunch of christians should pray outside of obongos house

you should see the northern US, Michigan,Illinois Ohio all filled with em


Indonesia, I...
That's the Congress building, not the White House

Nobody cares, let them

>Muslims are being openly bigoted to a religious group because they are bigots
>The left says nothing
>White people say its ok to their skin color

KEK. This is america now. Jews and Muslims fighting for influence on the government, and whiteys getting that steel hard giant BBC

We fucked up hard and fast.

if you watched this video you should be asking yourself wtf proper, find the Black Sun

>the conditions which lead to muslim immigration in to white countries

Islam was never unified and has always been tribal based.

Sunni/Shiite/Sufi/Aloite/ISIS/Wahhabi sects killing "heretic" sects forever.

Islam created these Authoritarian failed states, not the Jews or the West.

Oh lol I'm an idiot

look mom i posted it again

mom i'm trolling Sup Forums!

reminds me of those pictures! :)

nah they will flood if once a dem takes the presidency again
it's part of the white replacement program fowarded by the universities, all things white and christian need to be replaced for world peace according to (((them)))

Send in the National Guard and forcibly remove them for the lolz.

This was what I hoped.

The left remains silent in their refusal to choose between Muslims or Jews because as cowards they can't stand to be seen as Islamophobic or Antisemitic

>muslims protest and resort to violence eventually like they always do when not getting what they want

>Jewish Israeli lobby openly subvert and steal lands from Muslims , soon the media will say the Jews have the right to steal. Opening themselves up to criticism.

never coming down

dis guy

Well, it's still a white house.

Doesn't change the fact that these pseudo-muslim idiots are more worried about political shit between Israel and Palestine, two (((secular))) nations that they aren't a part of across the ocean in a continent they don't even live in, instead of concerned with actually religious matters pertaining to their supposed faith.
These syndicated "muslim" cucks in the U.S. are as much muslim a a jewish lawyer and his convenient semitic connections in business is a practicing "Jew"; not one bit.

These are "cultural muslims" living in america, and this heed to the call for prayer was probably the first time they laid out their carpets this year, because just like their identification as "muslims" they are doing this for umbrage value and minority gibs in the great race that is the oppression olympics.

Jew =/= Zionist
Muslim =/= Palestinian apologist
Christian =/= White supremacist
Atheist =/= Multiculti marxist

These faggots need to stop injecting faith and religions into politics and pretending that secular state affairs such as foreign policy have jack shit to do with their beliefs.

Say something when you're forced to bake a gay cake or marry a lesbian couple in a mosque; until then muslims aren't an oppressed minority for shit.

Religions in the United States -
Christian: 70.6%
Unaffiliated ("nothing in particular"): 15.8%
Agnostic: 4.0%
Atheist: 3.1%
Jewish: 1.9%
Unitarians: 1%
Muslim: 0.9%
Buddhist: 0.7%
Hindu: 0.7%
Don't Know: 0.6%
New Age/Pagan/Wiccan: 0.4%

So the grand amount of Muslims in the US is... twice the number of Pagans and Wiccans in the US. Wew

wrong. look at all the resources that would have to be used to bring them here. giant boats and airplanes and all that fuel wasted. its easy for the shitskins and africans to go to europe. they can do it for free by walking on foot, surely you've seen the pics of thousands of them just walking there.

and again that 9% is mainly black americans to begin with. we are truly blessed to not have arabs/pakis here.

Wtf is that supposed to feel like? A limp dick?


>Muslims are Praying outside the white house to Troll the God Emperor.
Trump should go out with a bacon sandwich in one hand and a beer in the other, that would be trolling.

0.9%, and yet commit 90% of the terrorist attacks.

funny, it was less than 1% here not so long ago
now we've got loads of the smelly fuckers
yours seem to be even noisier than ours are considering how few there are
give it 10 years of unstoppable breeding and you'll have a whole new population of rapey, yelling inbreds to go with the ones you've already got in the ozark mountains

Get off my lawn!

so instead of doing literally even 1 productive thing, they're crying to a god that doesn't exist?

sounds like the story of muslims since forever

i appreciate that you are trying to make us look like nazis but can you try facebook or something?
i dont feel like going outside to bother some dumb brownskins - doing that makes it almost sound like someone cares.
people care on facebook right? try there

Trump should move the designated bowing space to N.W. of the WH so it looks they're worshiping him.

Fuck off to Pakistan and don't make love jihad in the way out.

They should be rounded up and arrested.

This is true. I have often argued with people claiming to be muslim only to lean that they are actuall nation of islam.

That is the Capital, not the White House. You fucking idiots.


Please note: this man has 10 kids with his sister.

video record and investigate every single one for islamist ties, how convenient of them to all gather in one place to be processed
deport any who are visa overstays

go cook pork outside the white house. or the white House should hang bacon in the doors like people do with garlic and vampires and wear hog or boar

meh. its been destroyed before, they'd just rebuild it. its just a box.
That said, muslims need to shut the fuck up about jew-rusalem, they are a bunch of whiny pussies. This is a deal between the israel and the US, they need to mind their own fucking business.
t. muslim

When did "God Emperor" become a lap dog of the Jews?

How has Sup Forums fallen so?

>Trump literally got Muslims to bow to Capitol Hill in prayer

Someone needs to fly a drone around over them with raw bacon strips on a string

By sucking jew cock

Fuck now I 3ant a ham sandwich.

If theyre praying in front of the white house arent they facing north and not east?

What I don't understand, is why they need to come to US or to the west, if you can't live without your faith and your customs, why not stay with your faith and customs, in your land where they're the norm?

Could it be, because there the land is built by borderline retards and they don't have anything resembling of a good nation, but yet they demand we dismantle our "comfy states", for them?


Just get there with a bunch of tailgater, ribs, pulled pork, a full piglet roasting. Heck that sounds great even without purpose.