So if all women want to get railed by Chad & Tyrone, what happens to the other 80% non-chads? Thai import?
How the fuck is this going to shape society?
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you already know what happens
They get weeded out
Any guys that lift here?
Would you say Momoa is on roads?
get jacked
Here's how it goes:
1. Betas stop participating in society
2. Society becomes uncompetitive
3. Shitskins invade - USA becomes Brazil
4. We live through another fall of Rome
5. Some 2000 years in the future, there's another Enlightenment
That's the scenario going forward.
you dont know Thots Pareto's Principle?
traps-shoulder proportion looks ok to me. so not
strong masculine white men will breed the white women
weak intelligent white men will breed the japanese women
all other white men will fail to pass on their seed in any meaningful capacity
descendants of Chad and Tyrone will become servants in the hapa ethnostate
Stop listening to r9k complain about Chads
they contract a disease in their clique and die off.
spreading their immune diseases to chad which inturn kills off the best men and women in the targetted society.
Incase you where unaware google the propaedeutic function.
This guy is white as fuck compared to the average burger.
I doubt it. He looks like natty to me. Plus he's only a year younger than me.
Well, he's only 50% and not 56%.
Where the fuck is he supposed to be looking?
They die out hopefully.
He's looking for his white heritage.
underrated. very plausible scenario
They ride the cock carousel until they become to unattractive to settle down with chad due to their aging and lack of attention paid to their bodies. Then they lie to some beta male about their sexual history and marry him as a provider. The beta is happy to have a wife that he deems above him in the sexual marketplace not knowing his value is actually higher and he is simply settling.
This is a naturally attainable physique. Some people take a low dose to get to the high end of naturally attainable with less effort.
The tell would be if he looked like shit 6 months ago and then turned up looking like pic related, that's roids.
If he always looks like this, then probably not.
i'm skinny fat but I'm really good looking and I have a 9" cock, I do alright.
He looks natty, only a bunch of really good pics that make him look unnatty
Watch this shit. I tried to make a thread about this the other day but it got deleted.
That's my problem bro. I'm in the process of getting fit, I've had decent looking girlfriends in the past but after school and college it's like since I've only got an average income no one wants me. I've been told once I'm 30 in 2 years it'll change, then I counter with so what, I'm supposed to just wait my turn while any decent non morbidly obese woman sleeps around? what's funny is they never have a response to that because they know it's true.
I got on the yellow bandwagon the last two years. I've dated a filipina who was a 6, a chink who was a 6, and I've been talking to a 7 Japanese woman but she's 29 and doesn't want to come to the US so I have mixed feelings. this, and I want my kids to look like me. my 23andme showed I'm 100% European and I want to have my offspring be the same. So now I'm stuck in the "marry a thin, attractive Japanese woman, but have to give up my heritage" or "marry a fat girl with an okay face or thin girl with an ugly face, both of which have had 20+ sexual partners, and hope they give me more than 1 whote child". It's a tough decision.
Those most keen on societal cleansing are ironically the ones cleansed.
Seriously though, if you don't want to play just because it isn't easy for you, you're a pussy.
Incels are losers.
dont got to be a chad. tho most likely u will never bed anyone past a 7/10. who fucking cares. there are some amazing women out there that may not be the prettiest, but they will literally bend over backwards for your love, attention and loyalty. its finding them and locking them down to u. ive bedded hot and ugly women and in betweens and srsly the less cute ones fuck like wild animals in bed, the kind of sex that you can never get bored with while the hotties mainly laid there like pillows and didnt do shit and could barely get 2 inches of cock into their mouths. theres chads and betas, but ppl forget about us Gregs. we are in betweens, we are cute, pleasing to the eye, goofy, slightly autistic in some ways but we r keepers. got a woman right now head over heels for me. shes not hot but shes a fucking doll with eyes that can pierce your soul and a mouth to make a sailor blush. she cant ever get enough of my cock we fuck ALOT. as soon as my divorce is final shes mine
have you considered a humble 20 year old Polish or eastern european housewife
how old are you
how old is she
how did you meet
does your wife know or care
why do you type like that
you have been here to long and are unironically blackpilled on the subject
my advice is for you to get out there and look. if a woman passes u up cuz u poor then fuck her if u can and dump her. u find a woman who doesnt care about high living but wants to stand by you thru it all and give u love attention and kids if u desire. but not everybody gets to that point. u could just be a player all your life. you give the illusion of well off just to pmp and dump, make some bastard kids. fuck it
JB Peterson points out that to be successful in a field, place yourself i a situation (pool) where you are in the upper 25% in the rankings. In other words: play at your level. Maybe there are foreign chicks who you could date, women in the west have a lot fo options these days and that is not going to change in the aeon of Osiris (deregulation of the sexual marketplace/ men now face equal selection pressures to women). Even when the selection is few, you will occasionally find women that find you of a high value for whatever reason. There are many unlikely couples out there if you leave your house.
nope and doesnt matter anyway
i type like that because i have free will and dont give a fuck. get my point out there in the least amount of time. got a household to run and Sup Forums is a quick distraction from cleaning, feeding, changing, gaming, house maintenance
Just have someone shape your eyebrows like jafar from Aladdin. This guy just pays with his eyebrows.
You dont get to breed loser.Good riddance.
The kalessi method.
theres absolutely no chance hes 100% natty. hes getting the hemsworth thor treatment. got a big movie comin out, get huge out of nowhere, return to normal size 6-10 months later. If i was getting paid millions of dollars to look like a fucking comic character you best believe id be on the joose. people think you have to be on a bodybuilder dose but even small doses will do wonder for your physique.
>as soon as my divorce is final shes mine
she's fucking a married guy?
Oh you idiot..
Would you fucking dumbasses just watch this shit?
i didn't know that was a thing and i fit right in that category. thanks user
This. You better believe any serious actor is getting some low dose treatment. Obviously he has good genetics though.
>i'm cute, pleasing to the eye, goofy, slightly autistic in some ways (LOLim such le nerd) but im a keeper!
kill yourself
>So if all women want to get railed by Chad & Tyrone, what happens to the other 80% non-chads?
They marry these women when they're too old for Chad to fuck them and after few years cuck is divorced.
mandatory feminization of all sub-Chad "males"
Even professional singers and vocalists take roids for their vocal chords. Porn stars do it, models do it. Wherever there's competition it just naturally finds its way in.
Chads are chucks compared to Thads.
>sexual commodification (via tinder etc) has empowered women with an unprecedented power of selection
>top tier males basically get a fuckload more pussy, the rest only get it from meaningful relationships
>divorce rates among the previous generations are high as shit so nobody wants to get serious
>society is still monogamous so the limited supply of top tier males will naturally end up with the limited supply of top tier females
>this all means women will still be settling, but much older on average
>most parents will have children in their 30s as that will become the new age of intellectual and economical maturity
>there will be a shitload more kids on the spectrum because that's a consequence of having children while old
the landscape is changing and it's becoming increasingly harder to date as an average man. unlike our boomer parents we just can't reel women in with our jobs and automobiles. they have jobs and automobiles of their own now.
with that said, unless you're a delusional incel who expects sex to come to him all the way inside his computer room, you'll know it's still pretty doable. most dudes should have no trouble finding women. it's just longer and harder on the ego.
Notice how most photos he's just grinning. That's his best look. Shave his beard and get rid of his meme hair and have him give a toothy smile and see what he looks like.
Go lift weights and be a chad then you stupid goof
Traps look normal and he doesn't have mutant tier vascularity. He's probably natty, if not, the stuff he's taking sucks.
look at muslims
tons of angry, horny young men doing nothing with their lives
what's the result? yup
So you're a housewife? kek
r34 of short girl?
>drank 53 beers and kept the bottle caps
Sure buddy. Sure.
>what happens to the other 80% non-chads?
we riot and burn society to the ground
Hemsworths roiding is just ridiculous. Any non-marvel movie and he's a fucking twig and then he shows up in avengers looking like he weighs about 250 lbs.
Nobody's going to comment on his Pacific Islander Supremacy tattoos? Holy shit, this guy is racist as fuck, and nobody even calls him on it? Ugh. He's only like 1/4th PacIslander anyway.
But to your point, user. There are millions of women out there who don't buy into the bullshit social programming. Just find one.
No need for that. Just stop working and pay taxes.
Chads and women are too fucking dumb to get shit done. Just let it crumble.
omg and all the excess thai guys in thailand just become traps it makes so much sense now
Based. I remember watching him on Stargate Atlantis. Never expected him to be the one who made it big.
No, you nasty establishment faggots want to rail these stupid unremarkable "Chad" type guys as you call them.
Stop projecting onto women, shill faggot.
Yeah, maybe foreign import, Asian or eastern European.
And American men are desirable around the world, hence our ability to "import" like that. Not so much American women.
So we can take advantage of our opportunities all over the world! It's just smart. This is not to say we ignore American women. Just that if they're hoping to exercise some sort of control via market power, we deftly step around it.
What's up with him? he looks like roman reigns.
>Good physique, looks good than the most of 4chaners who post out there about "muh white pride" and "muh ancenstry" shit blahh blah blah...
Either become a Chad or die fucking trying.
same for China; they'll have millions of Tylel Duldens to deal with in the near future
20% chads
40% traps
40% an hero because cannot become either of the above
You really dont want to be dating thai women user
Of course he's on the juice. All these Hollywood hams are on juice. The faggots in Hollywood also push for these guys to pump roids and other growth enhancers because their faggots who like for their guys to look this way.
These establishment shill faggots in here want you to think he's "natty" the same way they'd like you to think women in Hollywood aren't plastic surgery products. Hollywood men get plastic surgery also, btw.
lol that fucking lazy eye. Sucks to suck
If interested in say Poland or Ukraine, go there and look, have a nice vacation trip it's cheap. Don't restrict yourself to those who advertise themselves online. That seems somewhat incompatible with the sort of traditional woman, with deserved pride in herself, that many of us want (or have!)
>24 minutes
ain't got time for that my nigga
He has sort of "roid face" in the standing pic. Reminds me of those baseball players who testified to Congress. They still had the roid look in their faces.
Other 80% go full jihad. Look at rag heads, 4 wives per 1 man, other 75% fucks goats or blew themselves up.
Lmao faggot nobody wants your faggot Chad bullshit. Get lost.
Just like in the old days
80% live their lives as perma-incels and at best will be stuck with a wretched shrew with a massive chip on her shoulder that she wasn't able to make it in a Chad Harem and is stuck with a failed chad anchor baby.
It doesn't matter what your ideology is. Having a large number of unmarried young men is an existential risk for any society. We've known that for thousands of years. If they don't do something to address it, societies will drown in their own blood. But boomers think history ended so they'll find out the hard way.
strong jaw
Betas are perfectly happy supporting their 35 yo girlfriend and her 3 chad kids, that's how it's always been, I thought this was known
>what happens to the non-chads
They continue to have sex with 4/10 girls, and make ugly babies.
0. Western world offshores all unskilled/semiskilled labor.
There was a period in time when women reproduced on average 5x more than men. Did men revolt then? No. If a beta uprising occurs, its only a matter of time before shit will turn into feudalism, and then the only difference is that instead of a pretty boy fucking girls, the most ruthless warlord will.
We will transcend all of this within 100 years. Sexbots, artificial wombs, immortality, augmented brains, re-engineering our very reward systems. Within 50 years I bet you can re-program your brain so that studying math gives you literal orgasms. Who cares what women, betas, alphas do then? We could all go our own way in the universe, creating our own meaning and adventure.
This is the explanation OP
See this chart.
Shape society? This is how society has always worked. The alpha gets the majority of females while the betas REE in the corner.
nigga right here knows what's up. hollyjew uses tons of camara tricks and they make them do a mini warmup to get the pump going before shooting.
You mean renaissance? The enlightenment was when everything went wrong.
It's as if feminism and all its demands is completely out of sync with reality!
"Some of the factors suggested as causes of the gender imbalance are warfare (excess of females, notably in the wake of WWI in western Europe, and WWII, particularly in the Soviet Union); sex-selective abortion and infanticide (excess of males, notably in China as a result of the one-child policy, or in India); and large-scale migration, such as that by male labourers unable to bring their families with them (as in Qatar and other Gulf countries[56]). Gender imbalance may result in the threat of social unrest, especially in the case of an excess of low-status young males unable to find spouses,[57] and being recruited into the service of militaristic political factions. Economic factors such as male-majority industries and activities like the petrochemical, agriculture, engineering, military, and technology also have created a male gender imbalance in some areas dependent on one of these industries. Conversely, the entertainment, banking, tourism, fashion, and service industries may have resulted in a female-majority gender imbalance in some areas dependent on them.[58]"
Wheres the gif of him raping that whore from Game of Normies?
the fuck is wrong with his eyes? They're looking in 2 different directions
THis is why we will never make it to space , because giving women freedom destroies societies.
>not ottermode
Doesn’t this guy have a kid from his wife’s previous marriage?
This guy is no Chad. Check out how he got that scar.
Where are the ruthless warlords of today?
Expand on this thought process, if you would. Interested in hearing you out.
It's called war!
This is nothing new in human history son. You think the meme TFWNOGF is anything new let alone unique to our era?
You've got to do something with all these young pissed off men.
Daily reminder that in 1800-early-1900's Christian society had a place, a wife, and a husband for everyone.
isn't he married to a nigger and raising the nigger's kids from a previous marriage?