Trump is right, you know.
Jews are better than Muslims, and Israel is our greatest ally in the region.
Trump is right, you know.
Jews are better than Muslims, and Israel is our greatest ally in the region.
Allys help one another.
Isreal doesn't do a god damn thing except for accpeting hundreds of millions of our tax dollars.
Go fuck yourself.
>implying Trump is wrong
>about anything
You will hang, traitor.
>random europoor: "Hurr le 56%!"
>Gets blown up because his Safty Whistle(tm) didnt protect him from the truck of peace
its all fun untill you realize you are just an inverted, rotten asshole :^)
Thank go you are minority
A real "ally" would send their soldiers to fight, especially when the wars are literally in their back yard.
I have yet to see a jew on the battle field.
who is flooding europe with africans and muslims? wars for israel in the middle east using whites to die for them, and jews lobbies and groups in europe actively promoting open borders, homosexual propaganda and hatred towars musims, so that the international jewish mafia with at it's center israel remains free for all the troubles they caused, and their lies about ww2.
My greatest ally, enjoy your Jerusalem
Saddam Hussein loved american movies.
And you killed him.
Go ahead and start with democrats, I will gladly join Antifa in fighting Israeli slave Republicans.
>Israel is our greatest ally in the region.
>Another low-effort JIDF shill le based Israel thread
Congratulations, this is only your 1293th attempt today, now kys
Also fuck you mods
Jerusalem belongs to nuke dusts
What's with Israelis and posting that pic.
Do you have the full set of these Hitler quotes?
...from salvation.
Your pic was missing some words.
Only a country that has daily massacres at elementary schools could be so stupid as to make fun of others for having trucks wreck into people (then copy it back home).
Okay if that's the case then how come when Israel has ACTUALLY gone to war they didn't get boots on the ground from allies. Against coalitions at that.
>Please explain
Saddam Hussein wouldn't play ball with the petrodollar.
All dat liquid jobs ain't gonna drill itself.
because we jews are better than you. and we know it. thus why we are smug as fuck and trigger the fuck out of you by simply typing stupid shit like :^)
How have you not been to the Tiger Bench yet?
>The eternal Bintang
It's only what The Founding Fathers ™ would have wanted.
Le truth fuck thise cia niggers
>Pic related.
Is it just me, or are there alot of juden in this thread?
The USA got jewed
I like the USA
Not even shillposting this time, it's genuinely less cucked than most if Europe. You can hate me all you like goyim but I'll still respect your country overall
>greatest ally
the only ally! before Israel there were no enemies there, just think about it
Most of the jews I've known over the years were real motherfuckers. Not honorable.
Let those retarded jews and arabs have at each other's throats. Nothing of value will be lost.
$ and c not £ and p?
Dis Canada?
Please don't lie in Britain yes,
there is more than enough embarrassing true things
Could you please stop trying to embarrass my country with your boomer brainwashed nonsense? Thank you.
>Jews are better than Muslims
no they are not , it is not the muslims who are brainwashing our people into becoming cucks
Egypt and syria were pro soviet since the 50s, dumbass. Egypt became that the second it told the UK to fuck off and took over the canal
That was a good decade before the six day war, while the americans barely gave half a shit about us existing
Our greatest ally in the region is Egypt followed by Iraq and then Jordan.
why did ISIS apologize to Israel?
you are not of shem. zion comes from above. israel charges usury and supports isis and attacks you all the time. you are a pedo traitor and molech whore. it's right on your logo with upside down stars
america is fucking cucked yet again by the jews but the delicious part this time is ((our)) guy did it hahaha Get fucked yanks. Youve no control over your (((democracy))!!
The Amen priesthood? Nah faggots just like you OP
imagine the money given to israel had been used to wall off europe and the usa.