If /ourgirl/ Lauren survives coalgate, will she become the new leader of the Alt Right?

If /ourgirl/ Lauren survives coalgate, will she become the new leader of the Alt Right?

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Women have no place in politics. Ban all women from Alt-Right spaces. If you want to red pill them, date them, they'll forget their own beliefs after a while and adopt yours. We need strict enforcement on this issue: NO WOMEN IN POLITICS.

im guessing its the ongoing crusade against tradthots

shut the fuck up, please stop posting lauren every 25 seconds

She fucked a nigger


Politics is a male arena.

Begone e-whores.

What is this niggerish?

she admitted her ex bf was a half black guy on her Twitter then deleted the tweet within 3 minutes.

get this nigger fucking whore out of my sight.


nigger fucker

It's a paste you can use to brush your teeth


She was never alt-right. I can tell you're a shill because Lauren herself says she isn't.

fuck all e-celebs no matter their political stance


>has she BTFO'd us Sup Forums?

Every time women enter into politics they side with the beta males, outnumber the alphas, then proceed to fuck everything up. REMOVE WOMEN FROM POLITICAL DISCUSSION.

Sensible chuckle

No. No she didn't.

>No. No she didn't.
Yes. Yes she did.

This "no fap" shit has destroyed your thirsty young minds. She has no unique insight, she is just making money off of you. Yea women can have political opinions. No they should not vote. Yes you should stop lusting after a 6/10 just because she panders to you. Treat women with respect. Dont put them on a pedestal.

Go rub one out and calm down.

Show me proof

>Filthy shit skin complaining about white women
Remember to donate some bitcoins to him

>leader of anything
>associating with “alt” anything

I have to stop coming here until people stop posting fucking e celebrities

>women have fundamentally changed every "boys' club" they've ever come in contact with
>it won't happen to the "alt-right"

>even the mutts are not nigger enough for her

Manufactured bullshit by shills trying to rally the easily led into brigading lauren about having a black bf.

They created a heap of accs with MGTOW in the name and shat up her social media pretending to be you. The threads are so it looks legit.


She screws admitted she screws blacks.

Basically, she gets paid thousands of dollars in patreon funds each month. This is because she spends 30 minutes a week making a right wing video (20 minutes putting on makeup, 10 minutes making the actual video). The video itself consists of the most basic bitch right-wing talking points.

She sells Alt-Bugmen the fantasy of politically oriented women. The idea that an "aryan princess lol c:" will love them because of ideology, and will gloss over their beta male, non-dominant persona. This fantasy makes them feel better about themselves.

It's a unique product which many e-thots are successfully selling to a large contingent of thirsty NEET larpers on the internet-right.

But where does it say she dated him? It's like seeing a chick next to some random dude and assuming they're dating. That is literal autism.


No, but her followers will still sniff her bicycle seat

The kekistani cuck brigade has arrived.

How much do you contribute to her "black-dick patreon fund" each month?

i don't even know who this is

Twitter and youtube isn't "in politics" its commentary. Women had opinions long before they could vote, nothing new there. Stop letting women control you. Be a fucking alpha and they will follow. Alt-right is to thirsty to be alpha. Stop that shit. Traditionalism doesnt mean we are fucking muslims. Stop following insincere women. Step one. Step two, don't make them a main source of information. They are and have always been a valuable voice, they just should have no real authority.

Guys, you don't understand, it was a BASED black guy she fucked, not a normal black guy.

>he voted trump
isn't she from canada?

Remember the kike Ezra levant shoved this bitch out there for the dumb alt lite
Funny how a Jew would get a coalburner to be the leader of the white identity movement.
Really makes me think kikes ought to be gassed

>half black half Irish

Isn't that just an amerimutt?

Then again racial purity is just another form of SJW shit, lighten up guys.

He meant The TradThotocaust (TM)

It's an e-thot. She sells thirsty NEETs the fantasy of politically oriented women. She then proceeds to have sex with blacks when she's not making her silly "Trad girl" videos.

She admitted this the last few days on Twitter and that's where all this talk is coming from.

>But where does it say she dated him?



I haven't been paying attention to eceleb bullshit, did it finally come out that she buggered some darkies?

that's the joke

>half black half irish

In America we call this a "nigger".


>Lauren dated a Muslim!
>Lauren "He was black, not Muslim"
how is that not basically admitting she dated him?


Trad E-Thots

Roosh is a pathetic faggot

She fucked a nigger. And that's ignoring the fact woman do not lead anything.

Sorry, but we already have a new leader.

She bluntly stated (albeit proudly and defiantly) on twitter that she dated the negro.

That's where all this began.

That context is completely unsubstantiated. I get you r/incel fags like to hate on chicks but where the fuck does she say she dated him? The person in the subtweet doesn't even know who Lauren is but randomly assumes she dated a guy she's pictured with. Ffs that person doesn't even know the ethnicity of the guy in question. Kek


Keep ignoring reality and defend the e-celeb thot that will never sleep with you.

This probably isn't her. No need submit lies, she's already a tradthot e-skank.

By correcting somebodies ethnicity implies she's dating him? Sure she didn't deny but that's still an incredibly minor point to make your claim.

I already have a leader. Back to Canada vile thot

the beta cries out in pain as he beats off to his glorified camwhore

Leftypol noticed that the large number of incels in the Alt-right could be riled up and used to push women away from the movement.

Now we're flooded with thread complaining about "Muh e-celeb thots".

average alt right beta cuck bois get off on the fact that she is a slave for the BBC. this will only make her more popular.

But where Kek? Where is the tweet where she said she dated a black dude

I don't even watch that bitches videos but I sure as hell won't jump to conclusions to make myself feel better. I mean if we're going to tell women who to be friends with it I'd only natural we also cover them from head to toe in a single garb so only we can see them.

>you spent all night up eating Chinese food! Get some sleep!
>it was not Chinese food it was Indian food!

>you went to jail for assault
>wrong, it was battery

>your girlfriend is a whore who fucks her coworker
>he's not her coworker he's her boss

I could go all day but you'll see the point if you want to.

> By correcting somebodies ethnicity implies she's dating him?
If she doesn't correct the dating part then yes, it's implied that this part was true.

Every single day
>Meme Flag
>Something something Lauren /ourgirl/
>Actually Lauren met a nigger in high school
>Real user: Who fucking cares?
>Wow here comes finncuck

You're annoying Moarpheus.
We all know you and what you do.
If Lauren says good stuff, we'll praise.
If she says something retarded, we'll flame.
As we always do. We're not ideologues like you, you commie waste of space.

>if we're going to tell women who to be friends with it I'd only natural we also cover them from head to toe in a single garb so only we can see them.

we should be doing that

Islam's position on women is right.

That's some logic right there boys. Sorry, I'm gonna need more than a single picture for me to assume she dated some nigger. I mean how hard could it be to find if she was a cosplayer in public?

As I've said, I'm gonna need more than that. It's a single picture with no context whatsoever.

Fucking Kek

this. they are right about that, women should be covered up especially married women.

Southern goes full anti-invasion, full-Europe-must-remain-white, etchno-state for Europe, and suddenly she's attacked from all sides -- mostly from (totally not influenced by Islam) (and tottaly not butt-hurt mutts and mixed raced manlets) MGTOWs. Going full shit for days against her.

Really makes you think.


The absolute state of pol.