Is Steven Crowder another one of /ourguy/s?

in his latest video he absolutely destroys 3 people arguing that there are more than 2 genders.

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This guy is way to extreme. He has a swastika tattoo on his dick. I would keep your distance

>he absolutely destroys 3 people arguing that there are more than 2 genders.
Wow, truly a monumental intellectual task. He's a very basic conservative, still better than nothing I guess

It's not 2015 anymore user

BASED. Low hanging fruit officially BTFO

Anyone falling for this bait and who doesn't sage is an idiot

son he does other shit too

Yeah, just your basic Conservative like Ben Shapiro. He's an ally to us, but certainly not /ourguy/.

He was anti-Trump during the campaign. He's essentially a boomer Conservative who's young

fuck off burger

He is /our guy/ but his new show format doesn't suit him.
It was way funnier when it was just him by himself and occasionally his producer would chime in. Now it's like a 3 way comedy team with no chemistry and 2 out of 3 of the comedians aren't funny. He should stop his prodcuers from talking and stop trying to copy the format of other late night talk shows

I just want to clarify, I don't like Shapiro. I hate his guts. NOT /ourguy/ AT ALL!


He's most likely a shill, just like (((infowars))) and (((pjw)))

Shapiro's like 50/50. He's based when it comes to internal issues like abortion and the gender shit but he doesn't give a fucking about niggers invading

I'm so tired of these faggots just doing retreads on the same gay talking points from the last 5 years. Liberals are stupid? Oh geez no way! Why waste your time? All these "E-Celebs" are dumb and gay and just whine and bitch as bad as the fags on the left.

Ben Shapiro is not even close to "based" he is an absolute bitch

They faked their Alexa video, not trustworthy

no they didn't lmao, they literally uploaded a video the next day proving it

well not based, but somewhat knows what is better

Your a dumbass. he posted the raw footage to prove he didn't fake it. any argument to prove otherwise is as far fetched as faking the moon landing. Occam's Razor.

you can check the questions and answers you receive from Alexa with an app with written text. They posted it on twitter proving it and other people received the same results when asking. Shut the fuck up.

Atleast he has people do actual journalism unlike any of you shit posters.

crowder is based and is great optics

Shapiro cannot be /ourguy/ by definition since he is a Jew. And not even a good Jew that says Jews are the problem.

I agree many of his positions are fantastic but by his nature, and the remaining positions, he simply cannot be.

crowder wasn't anti trump. he was wary of him at first, but got on the train soon after. this seems to be the usual journey of true conservatives. my dad was leery of trump and is now nearing red pilled status.

good joke

>doesn't care if America gets browned but thinks Israel should only be for the Jews


hes just a boring youtube-tier meme man

if you take anything these kind of people say im sorry but you are fucking retarded, go read some actual interesting philosophy or something

He's a climate denier and all climate deniers should burn. Thankfully they will soon.

Post pics

Crowder is a typical neocon douchebro.


He loves Israel so fuck him.

Fair play, here's the link

he wasn't entirely against trump tho

Stevens reaction to this monstrosity of a creature is funny

He's too radical for us.

i forgot about that lol