I don't fucking get this, semen doesn't smell. Why do they keep acting like you can smell it from miles away in hentai

I don't fucking get this, semen doesn't smell. Why do they keep acting like you can smell it from miles away in hentai.

Other urls found in this thread:



>semen doesnt smell

you may actually be infertile. or you are one fo those dudes that washes very badly and is so used to his own smell that he cant discern smells

You're just desensitized to its smell because you get covered in it every day. Jizz can smell a lot.

you just cant smell your own

oh have i got news for you user

Better get yourself checked for TB m8.

What? It doesn't?

>semen doesn't smell
You should probably see a doctor.

I would assume this is the case OP

If it was really that bad my entire room would smell like cum. And I can promise you it doesn't

user I think there might be something wrong with your nutbladder.

>my entire room smells like cum

I promise you, it does.

that's because you're used to it.

You're probably so used to the smell because your room is so dirty. Clean your room and take a shower then smell your cum rag.

Try to taste it.

Surely my mother would say something to me

You can smell your own.

>semen doesn't smell
I think you might be so regularly bathed in semen that you don't notice the smell anymore, like how smokers don't notice that they stink.

So basically OP is a giant fucking faggot.

>walking into OP's room

Post a pic of your disgusting NEET-den OP

You better see a doctor quick. That or you just got used to the smell. Are you smelling your cum everytime you fap?

No rag just tissues in a trashcan

user your mom is just trying to not embarrass you. Or she secretly likes the smell of your cum

Reminder that every time you fapped your parents could smell it. They just never brought it up because it was too akward and it's not like they could stop you.

Either your mother likes the smell of your cum or is too embarrassed to ask you to stop cumming everywhere

>not only fapping at late night and allowing the smell to dissipate by the time they wake up and visit your room again
Were you the kind of dumbass who fapped with headphones on when there were other people in the house?


Nice keyboard op.

Are those keys suppose to be white or did you paint them white with cum

They're just cheap Chinese PBT caps

>computer facing towards doors

>not fapping with your mother in the same room

Does anyone have the screencap from that thread?

user that's a closet

>semen doesn't smell
You're either genetically defective, a VERY heavy smoker, or have absolutely horrendous hygiene.

What if the boogeyman sneaks up behind you and catches you looking at lolibutts?

Must be a jap only thing.
I have a daughter and mine doesn't smell, and I'm very hygienic.

Semen smells like bleach.
It's not a strong smell, but it most definitely smells.

>I have a daughter
If you haven't done lewd things with her you've failed as a father


Once you become a father, thinking about that stuff just feels wrong and regretful.

Don't be a homo

Most of the time mine stinks, but sometimes, it's scentless or smells sweet. I think it's affected by what you eat.

or how much you fap

>he doesn't eat pineapple exclusively

How does pineapple semen smell?

Smells and tastes very nice.

I've never tried this before. I'm not going to taste my own semen.

I've heard rumors that 3 cups a day for 3 days makes it sweet. Not sweet enough to be delicious, but significantly better than however nasty it's supposed to taste.

>I have a daughter
You might want to get a DNA test.


It always does wtf

Your mom is also used to the smell of your cum, probably.

>I'm not going to taste my own semen.

Whose semen are you going to taste then?

>tasting semen

I don't remember Sup Forums being this gay

Already did behind her mother's back just to make sure. I'm the father.

because once you've changed her diaper and seen all her awkward moments then it's really hard to be attracted, the only way I see father/daughter incest happening is if either the father was never there in childhood or one of them are insane and horny

but of course the only way of this really happening is if the daughter is attractive and since she's inherited Sup Forumsnons gene then she's definitely ugly

>Cum on a tissue
>Fold it, put it in my pant's back pocket
>Go to sleep
>When I go to the toilet in the morning I flush the tissue

I-I'm safe, right?

You must be new here

Sup Forums isn't gay, we just like girls with dicks and boys dressed up as girls

Young children have a quite strong sense of smell, is one of the reasons they tend to reject many types of food.

If you fucked more lolis you would know that.

Unless you triple layer it your load will seep out and stain your pants.

>semen doesn't smell

Yes it does.

okay buddy.
give me the source right now.

Isn't this the room where there was a video of a kid throwing a screaming tantrum over Runescape or something?

>live with family
>just cum on the floor and random objects

i hate myself i'm so disgusting

i blame my overly strict parents, they shout at me if i ever leave my room when i'm not supposed to, i pee on the floor sometimes because i don't want to get attacked for leaving my room

You need to wipe it on the wall.

Dude, I'm pretty sure that's child abuse.

You can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to us.

It do, mate.
You must have a pile of cum rags laying around 24/7 and can't smell it anymore.
Much how entering a smokers house is horrible but if you're around it all the time you don't notice.

Why not flush it right after?

How is tasting your own semen gay?

I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure the artist is Henreader.

No that's my room, check the filename I took a photo.

I do play RuneScape3 though

I gotchu lads.

I was completely wrong, thanks user.