Sup Forums It's time to roll the Dice
>You get to choose the year you are born
>You get to choose the location you are born
>You get to choose your gender
>Dupes get to choose between coming from a filthy rich family or having ultra chad genes
>last two digits decide what percentile your family fortune is in (e.g 95 = top 5%er) 00 you are born into Rothschild Family.
>Last third digit decides your race
>> 9 is pure white of your choice (Nordic is obv choice unless you want to be a bumfuck white anglo)
>> 8 is 56%er
>> 7 is east asian
>> 6 pajeet
>> 5 Indian American (hope you aren't born in the wrong period XD)
>> 4 hispanic
>> 3 sandnigger
>> 2 African
>> 1 Nignog
>> 0 JEW!
>Last Fourth digit decides your genes (5 being avg, 0 being born with severe mental diseases or needing to live the rest of your short ass life in a hospital, 9 being Olympic god at your sport of choice)
You get another Shot at Life!
Other urls found in this thread:
>7th century BC
I choose non existence
>3570 AD
Well I already won the lottery this time. White, blonde hair blue eyes, 6' 2'' good sized fuck stick.
Let's see what my next life will be
Now I make huge casino dollars and get drunk all day.
Thank you jesus!
lol a fucking hispanic with below avg genes
Eighteen year old male - 1941 - United States
Lets do this.
>Los Angeles
>1960s America.
The poor male nignog in 60s US, could be worse.
>wants to live in post-WW2 America
I mean unless you want to kill that nigger King I see no reason. Yeah it was rich but so was Venice or the Netherlands in the XV century.
Roada rolla da!
>00 you are born into Rothschild Family
So you become a Jew by default? No fucking thanks.
1992, fllorida
>slightly above average wealth
>a joo
>slightly above average genes
Good enough. Just gotta stop this
Slightly above average looking hispanic athenian from a poor background able to help fund stoicism. I'm ok with this.
Why 301 BC and why Athens and not Alexandria for example?
Easy. I would be born 20 years ago, black female. Get my BA in queer fem studies and then use affirmative action and grants to go to either Yale or Harvard Law, run for Congress. Then announce I am actually Jewish from the lost tribe and run for president. Halfway through my second term I would blackmail every one in COngress to make me President for life and then announce I am actually a White Male and send the degenerates for helicopter rides. Start 1,000 years of peace and prosperity.
>You get to choose the year you are born
This is when Zenon started philosophying under the stoa in Athens. I don't care about shit such as Alexandria.
Bonus is being able to witness the fall of alexander's empire, and Rome starting to become the real deal.
So is this like Back to the Future time travel, where we have knowledge of upcoming events? Or a true reincarnation where we pop out on the other side naked and our memory wiped?
I'd be ok even being a nigger if I could go back just 20 years, fuck some white bitches, and become a bitcoin whale.
>59th wealth percentile
>Rome 7th Century BC
Does this qualify you for the equites? Or are you just the higher tier of peasant? Being a freeholder with stability and resources wouldn't be that bad.
>27th wealth percentile
>5/10 genes
Congratulations, you're an impoverished veiled Muslima housewife of mediocre station and ability
1946 Detroit, USA
>freeholder with stability and resources wouldn't be that bad.
higher tier peasent. the wealth is based on the time period
>Yeah it was rich but so was Venice or the Netherlands in the XV century.
That wealth was also distributed relatively by evenly, in the aftermath of the 90% tax on the rich that came around the war years and all the socialist programs implemented by FDR
no memory otherwise I wouldn't mind being reborn in a fucking walmart and being a jew
So I'm a very intelligent Asian guy from a very wealthy family in 1946 Detroit? Am I interpreting this correctly?
yes gtfo quick before they steal your kpop designer jackets
Male, Roman Republic, pre civil war.
Cool, maybe I can scrape enough together for a proper bronze cuirass
Sure, lets give a post-Trump presidency a try
>Northern MI
bahahaha you're extremely poor
dw bro I'll employ your great great grandfather
I wonder if this famously multiculti city was a shithole in the way vibrant diversity makes our cities today
2027 male USA
Baseball it is
new York
1925, rural America
I mean he almost has olymipian genes he can do some good labour
>inbred rich jew manipulating the normans to btfo the eternal anglo
not to bad
>Bottom 6%
>Strong as fuck
Shit, at least I can be a god tier gladiator.
above average family wealth
indian american
and you have exteremely horrible genes and health
I'll fight in the arena. It's my only chance.
lol a 56 with bad genes that's an oxymoron
better luck next time pal
20 000 years BC
Western lands of Lechia Empire
1952 America
Georgia, USA
nignog with bad genes but rich af in germany rip
might as well sellout the nignogs dont worry you're white in our hearts user
a poor hispanic with bad genes in the 50s
rest in pease carlos
Rerolling, I wanna try the future
>1st digit determins gender, even=M
Thankfully I would die soon
>retard injin
At least I wont live past infantcy.
1830, England, going for quad 0s
welp since trump is president he'll prob wipe out china soon
>2000 BC
oooooooooooooooooooo WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS you are in the rothschild
Checked, but you're still a retarded Amerimutt
you've got bad genes but you're white so i guess its ok but your family poor af
The year 2200, on one of those earth like planets, male
Not really since niggers and arabs were out of the equation. Jews caused quite a bit of trouble later when the Romans conquered it though.
poor af but its the future so hopefully there isn't poverty anymore
That's what I'm counting on, even being a nigger could be cured
send the coloured jew plz
rolan for 1930's California
9th century right here in Småland. Male
>Nigger thrall
0000 get
I wouldn't change a thing.
Time is now. The future belongs to us.
no zeroes no zeroes
C'est la vie as the Franks say.