Is this true?
Africans Don't Like African-Americans
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Egyptians really really hate american blacks...
The black Africans I met were actually very polite (Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire) and didn't have an attitude, unlike African Americans.
I'd say mostly yes, but wouldn't you if you were them? I'd certainly feel like I drew the short straw if I were African
lmfao the amount of self awareness on that guy is amazing
>why dont other people like me based solely on our shared skin colour whaa
fucking racist shit
Afaik, yes. A bunch of them kinda worship hueggers dou.
Actual Subsaharan Africans aren't that bad, just dumber than most races. American niggers make me wanna kill myself
not gonna lie that shit had me dying
In general yes.
A lot of Sub-Saharan Africans I've met, specifically West Africans but also East seem to feel that they have some catching up to do in terms of being on the world stage.
Etiquette and religion are pretty big parts of day to day life, and the rap culture of Black America is looked at as degenerate.
Also, African-Americans were the ones who got caught and sold; ie the slow and stupid ones back in the 17th century.
Real Irish don't like Irish Americans.
Real Italians don't like Italian Americans.
Real Africans don't like African Americans.
Nobody likes the mongrelized, rootless burger.
I worked with a petroleum engineer from actual Africa years ago. He was also black. Very black. Like Sudan "this nigger has no color" black. (It matters later.) He was there supervising a build for some custom oil/NG equipment designed to be modular that our company was building. (Africa has very few trucks, so they use flatbeds to haul containers built for different purposes. More efficient.) They wanted to pull oil, natural gas, and drinking water out of the same wells by wasting nothing. It's all too valuable down there.
Very British, very proper, always wore a suit in the office. Spoke the Queen's English perfectly, and was easily the smartest motherfucker in the shop. He was also the most openly racist person I'd ever met. He HATED the American nigger, and said that most intelligent Africans do. Even the phrase "African American" would set him off, because he felt insulted that his homeland's name would be tainted when describing a nigger.
Well, we took him to a nice dinner when the job was done. Which meant we had to go into the city, where the ghouls live. After the meal, as we're hanging out on the sidewalk having a smoke, these two pant-sagging lean-walking ghetto niggers see us and do that slow nigger-shuffle across traffic to get to us. First words they said? "Daaaaaaaaaaaayyyymn, youz one black-ass nigguh!"
Oh, he went off. The black engineer started into a tirade that would have made a Klansman blush. Attacked their mothers, how they talked, how they dressed, pull up your pants. Niggers were an insult to Africa, and to blacks. He just kept going. We couldn't help but chuckle, which set the niggers off, so they decided to ignore the African and get right up in a white boi's face instead. One of our guys just flipped his jacket back a bit with a smile to show his conceal carry to the nigs, who immediately went wide-eyed and ran the fuck off. It was a good day.
>tl;dr - even Africans despise niggers
You're canadian
No every other black person hates African Americans. Jamaicans, Nigerians, everyone. Nobody likes them.
well they did sell them into slavery...
I hate Russian Americans. Take (((Ayn Rand))) for example.
wow, did they loot a roid store when the Taifun hit ?
Oh, big time, even second generation Africans in America are extremely tible in black neighborhoods (in the east bay area, Ca, at least). They don't have the vitriolic hatred for American blacks that their parents do, but they definitely stick together (primarily the Ebo tribe, and Nigerians). Nigerians, to other Africans, are like the American South here; extremely prideful, lots of culture and history, and very territorial, yet ripe for parody due to their reputation. But they'll identify with one another before ever calling themselves "African-American." And most average american blacks (whom weren't educated by gutless lily white liberals at some shitty college) loathe the term "African American," yet culture is pervading these young shitbags that "Person of Color" is somehow not only a better term, but also NOT the racial slur "Colored Person" (which it is, and is hilarious).
>Actual Subsaharan Africans aren't that bad, just dumber than most races.
Hey cuck pure niggers cause rampant crime in Europe.
Yeah, because they keep claiming their history
>uh uuuh, WE waz kangz
>nasty Aaaarabs stealin' black history oh heeeeell no
Hell, light skinned folk and dark skinned ones bitch to whitey all the time about each other even. Its strange to have a thugish nigger complain about a light skin about not being black enough because they don't know a song, all the while he's cool with you not knowing it.
Sit down, relax. I will now tell you why I hate you black motherfuckers. You have no pride, you always trying to steal shit, expecially goats. You behave like babboons, no pride. You are lost in cultures. And don't bring me the "We wuz slaves" no, you were the ones that were slow, left behind. What were supposed to do? Help you? No, no,no my friend. I had problems of my own? Have you tried outrun a lion? No, do you know why? Because you were a fucking ship because you were slow!!! You nigga!
Nice. Even American Blacks hate "African-Americans". Anyone calling themselves that is an entitled piece of shit that knows absolutely nothing about Africa, but thinks it bestows some kind of fake-ass dignity to their Niggerish actions.
Yep. Black Americans are EASILY the most racist people on the planet. And I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is the apologizing/justifications for it, and the kid gloves that American culture treats blacks with. It's the soft bigotry of (severely) low expectations.
I was reading Puzo's The Godfather the other day, and one of my favorite quotes in that book that sums up contemporary black American culture, and how THEY should really see themselves was during the meeting with the five families after Santino was killed, where they all agreed that the only place that it was okay to sell heroin was in the "colored" neighborhoods. Their justification being that "If the blacks had such little pride in themselves, treated their families with such disregard, engaged in degeneracy, and let society grind their culture into dust without putting up a fight, then they deserved it."
That last line stuck with me.
Aren't African Americans pretty mixed racially? I think I heard that something like 25% of their DNA is European/Jewish. Perhaps due to slave owners fucking their slaves.
Why are niggers always slabbered up with oil ?
So gross, i cant even imagine the smell coming off of them
It's funny because we don't care. People from Ethiopia and Kenya are some of the friendliest and nicest people based on my limited experience.
Well, 95% of slave owners were, in fact, Jews. It is logical.
Everyone hates black Americans, even themselves.
This convenient store near my house has a bunch of immigrants from Nigeria and other west African countries. They try to be nice about it but when the store is just white people they like to ask questions about american blacks like they're trying to understand wtf is wrong. But really they're venting to the local white how fucked up they think they are. "so how come american blacks do this....." and the white people just shrug because they're afraid to explain and sound racist.
Americans who are black hate niggers. Niggers hate themselves.
Have some African colleagues and ye more or less true. Second link is funny
Probably, most american niggers (which have some white blood) don't like real Africans, which they call dark-skins and don't like mulattos they call light skins, I knew a mulatto in school and the niggers said he was too light-skinned.
Damn. That quote is painfully true.
fun story time: when I lived in chicago black people used to try and sell their food stamp books to people in line at grocery stores for 50 cents on the dollar. they tried it with an actual african guy and he unleashed holy hell and even called the guy trying to sell a nigger. the black people in line were so shocked they didnt even chimp out. LOL
Yes. It's true. Actual africans hate african-amreicans. African americans are like an entire nigger tier below actual niggers.
When american blacks go to africa they are hated usually.
white europeans also dont like white americans btw
I would, I mean its the exact same thing with "white" americans and europeans.
>keeps talking about racial brotherhood
>cant even trace back their heritage more than 3 generations
>African blacks are one people
You know that there are more then just Bantus, right?
>Not that bad
They've turned their continent into the closest thing to hell on earth that humanity has ever seen, have rampant ethnic cleansings, slavery, cannibalism and believe if you rape infants you can cure HIV.
The paper bag test is a thing and is proof that black people can be racist and they can be racist against their own kind.
Even this behavior (Africans disliking African Americans) is seen as oppression by anti-white agendists. They believe Africans looking up to white people is a result of oppression + white supremacy. It cannot be due to the fact that whites in general cherish morality and civility.
Pic related: Half Indian, half white professional victim, Jew-loving feminist who identifies as African American and calls for the destruction of the white race daily.
I Ihink it's kinda true. I saw some Kang campus club members recruiting blacks in the lunchroom. They approached some black female and she said something like sorry Im from Africa. Also an African told me that an American black was accusing Africans because ancestors of African blacks captured and sold the ancestors of American blacks.
There was an Ethiopian girl in my HS whose parents were poorfag immigrants but clearly appreciative of the country and very hardworking. She became a BLM SJW bitch even though she has no relation to the useless niggers of America. Her parents must be disappointed.
hating Russian jews is different than hating Russian americans. you dont know shit homie.
t. Orthodox Christian
African-Americans are almost all mixed mongrels. Of course pure bred Africans don't like them.
The tribalism bug got her. I've seen even a dark skinned black get called white because he had good grades and spoke in good English. He thankfully laughed in their faces and said he was 'going somewhere in life' when they asked why he was walking away.
When I lived right in the center of DC my local grocery store hired African blacks as security guards.
Being the center of town, the white side and black side of the city inevitably came together and comingled in this area. Almost every time I was in the store (which was very often) there would be some African American fellow attempting to steal something, only to be chased, tackled, or otherwise thwarted by one of the African security guards. I mean this was a nightly occurrence. The guards would really crack these kids heads around and literally kick their asses out of the store. No whites were ever involved, and we all just walked past the melees without concern.
The Africans were the only antidote to the African Americans. If anyone deserved to be tipped regularly, it was those men.
NOBODY likes basketball americans.
Or: nobody likes Americans :)
>The Africans were the only antidote to the Basketball Americans.
The absolute state of cultural enrichment
Americans and the French don't like leafs.
Québec is riddled with French expats fleeing their European Maghreb
Blatantly false
Yes. My neighbor is from Kenya. When he moved with his family to the US they lived in a mostly black area of town but they moved out by me because he said it's safer.
Yes. No one likes US niggers. Just look at the demographics in the US. Every time blacks move in, all of the Whites, Asians, and decent Hispanics gtfo. I've never met a single group of people in my life who could truly encompass almost every distasteful aspect of the human race. Were Hitler to rule the US, he would put the Jews on the literal back burner in favor of the nigger. As much as I hate Islam, I would become Islamic if being a US nigger was a crime against Allah. If the Jews were trying to exterminate the US nigger, I would support the Jews. If the Mao communist said they wanted to remove the nigger, I'd become a communist. If any country were to invade the US, in order to get rid of the US nigger, I'd defect.
No shit Africans hate them, Africans caught and sold the ones that became African Americans. You have to be pretty low on a totem pole to get sold by them to another race.
I wouldn't even sell Italians to other races.
Aye, well said.
I don't think a lot of people outside the US, know just how bad the US nigger is. They always think of the normal blackie just working 9 to 5 in there country. Even the Abos in Australia are better than them, and they have the lowest IQ in the world.
you know it.
Very true. Even their children avoid "african-americans". Most of the token blacks who hang out exclusively with whites have parents who are african or caribbean immigrants.
Of course.
African Americans are on par to Somalis and everybody hates Somalis, even Somalis themselves.
This is why you Americans should remind African-Americans that they're African-Americans, and don't let them hijack the word "black".
Subsaharan substandard iq is due to the lack of education, infrastructure, and literacy. American blacks are just degenerates and thugs.
>That pic
>Researched fitness routines and steroid cycling
>Traditional African men
Living in a country where half the people still live in the iron age tends to make that half quite strong.
This is true, I work in a warehouse and have heard it first hand.
The Africans (from Africa mainly Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia) are some of the nicest, most polite, hard working and friendly people I have ever met in my life. (They are friendly enough to forgive the BO).
There is one I trained to drive forklift, and he wanted a copy of the acknowledgement form they sign before I give them their license because he wanted to frame it, because he was so proud of that achievement and how much his life has improved since he came to America.
The AA's on the otherhand... nigs gonna nig.
went to Uganda with a charity. Firstly it was great, yeah they have fuck all but mostly they are happy people, but they don't get why US blacks don't take the opportunities they have there and make something better of themselves. They don't think they have any pride just like to blame everything on others and things that happened in the past when they should work harder.
African Americans are to Africans what European Americans are to Europeans. The entire continent of America should be nuked, it's the easiest solution.
The average "african-american" is a quarter white.
oh look roid monkeys in skirts
Fuck the Haitians though... sneaky, lazy mother fuckers.
Hell, even african Americans don't like african Americans.
nobody likes african-americans
I love how their reputation is so bad, that you know of it from the other side of the world.
That reminds me of this one mutt meme where an American moves to bavaria and is surprised everyone isn’t drinking beer and wearing lederhosen.
Tbqh, I agree. I noticed that foreign africans are actually quite helpful when I have to work with them.
real niggers are significantly worse, try living in South Africa, maybe on a farm.
>meme flag
>1 post
It's not hard to just look up videos and pictures of detroit and read up on what exactly happened to the city.
Fuck all niggers. I don't care which niggers don't like whatever other niggers. They're all fucking niggers and should be dead or in a zoo
I don't think anyone likes anyone anymore.
Came to post this.
Kek this reads as it if were written by Uncle Ruckus
Shitty Genetics + Entitlement Mentality = Basketball Americans
Look at this plastic anglo.
>They stole us
They bought you
Then you guys are probably middle-class meeting upper-lower class africans that had contact with whites back there.
In Spain, since blacks don't have contact with whites, they are more feral. The ones that are not so much usually are the ones who had american missionaries in their homeland.
Maybe they're not as stupid as black americans but they sure are as violent and allergic to the law.
no one likes americans
>Actual Subsaharan Africans aren't that bad
I'm sure they aren't, muttboi
this pasta is stale
do have to admit, the patterns on those clothes are pretty cool,traditional clothing usually looks nice
And youre a mutt
T. 56% rootless leaf