who's your favorite loli artist
Who's your favorite loli artist
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Benantoka newer works are so shit.
I just love how his loli characters look.
Ootsuka Reika for the story.
Henreader draws the softest looking lolis.
Ootsuka Reika. She draws both her lolis and their sex partners in a very attractive way.
I feel like it has been ages since Ootsuka Reika released anything.
She had a "real" manga going for a while, but I think it flopped.
Toss up between Atte7kusa and BeNantoka.
Minasuki Popuri
so soft
I wanna touch
Satsuki Itsuka
Gomenasai is my honorable mention.
But stories is just pure sweet.
Focke Wulf for a combination of great art and material that interests me. Too bad he isn't super prolific.
Special mention to BadHanD for drawing tons of fox lolis.
Found out about Ookami Uo recently. He's ok.
Shiruka Bakaudon.
>No mention of Onizuka Naoshi
my dick
I already did
>still making the same imouto incest stories
maybe he should mix up the settings a little, since it's been the same since like a decade
>Ootsuka Reika for the story
She doesn't draw H now
Explain why Gomennasai's latest tank isn't translated yet
774's vampire manga is one of my all-time favorites but I don't care for most of his other stuff.
>train arc will never get continued
Whats the doujin about that guy that works part time at the beach
Tamagoro (I wish he would do more)
Maeshima Ryou
Tanabe Kyou
Sasahara yuuki
Mutsuki haru
Ookami Uo
Koishi Chikasa
Basically any loli artist with a proper appreciation for deepthroat
This one?
That's a granny.
Too lazy to go look up the title, but the artist is Yam.
I forgot but I know there's lot of them.
Senke Kagero (I love his milf too)
Takatsu don't judge, that girl in king appli made me cum bucket.
Bottom left loli reminds me of yamatogawa's power play brown girl.
New Towako fucking WHEN
Okada Kou
Higashiyama Show (too bad he changed his artstyle)
Sekiya Asami (pic related is his non-H manga)
S Rank: Quzillax, Amasomething Shogun, Okada Kou
A Rank: Fuyunomikan, Ponsuke, Gomenasai, Yukiu Con, Sody
B Rank: Inuboshi, Misao., Azuma Yuki, Gengurou
C Rank: Noraneko, Rustle
There's others I'm forgetting, keep discovering new (old) artists who don't get much exposure, probably dude to lack of translations. Losing 5 am was a huge blow to loli manga translations, no one has tried to pick up his pace, as a result there's unmeasurable amounts of untranslated stuff that would have been translated had he not been poached by Jewcob.
All of them.
used to be gomennasai but there's a new god in town now
and gomen is kind of moving to oppai loli now so he's dead
>Losing 5 am
When did that happen
I could've sword they just released something yesterday
in 3 months I thiink
it was march of april
I think april
just follow their twitter
Benantoka has drawn more disgusting older women with oppai than Gomennasai you know
He works for Fakku full-time, so he doesn't take commissions and only translates in his free time when he particularly likes something.
As a result, his output has been reduced by like 10 times
People don't like Takatsu? His mummy series is great
I wish someone translated his vampire one
See that's the point
Benantoka is doing either loli (which he's done more than anything) or straight milfs/vanilla for a different mag
He's doing them separately
Last 2 gomen's work (the long hair loli and ATM) i.e. read last 6 years of his content were both growing breasts at an alarming rate when he's never done them in that range before.
Before gomen's lolis were kids, now they're mostly teenagers with defined breasts
Not like people don't like his work, that's not what I meant. it's just that I love his loli more than his milf
Gorgeous Takarada, Sekihan, Ogu, or Minori Kenshiro.
>still no English translation of that recent /d/ Higashiyama Show work
life is pain
yeah, it's been years since any of his h-works get translated
you could've already learned moonrunes in a year to read it, and in 2 to get really good
so why wait for years
LEE for his artwork.
Gomennasai for making the most avant-garde loli manga of all time.
shikura bakaudon
Gomennasai would be great if he didn't release a story once every 10 blue moons.
It's a shame but I figure that with his level of detail and pagecounts it has to take that long. I still wish he'd go legit and do a psychological horror manga, but it'd probably take forever to release unless he sacrificed quality for quantity.
Sekiya Asami
Yukiu Con
While lolis aren't among my main fetishes, Maeshima Ryou is strangely among my favourite artists. Jikkusu and his early Precure stuff are top tier stuff.
bitibiti is my new favo loli artist
Dumb question but is OP's image from a loli doujin? Source please!
It's from a GILF doujin
Like you know grandma and stuff
amano kazumi (pic related) is nice
I see... Source anyway?
Just search for Towako stuff, it's one of the more popular comics from it
I see. Thank you. Sorry for being bothersome!
For anyone else looking for it:
Took me a minute to realize the theme this image has going on.
But then again I was too distracted wondering if the dude who made this went out of his way to pick the dirtiest shit-tier magazine scans possible.
that's just every story from towako ichi
must've been made before the scans were released
>quoting doujin
Is this some kind of shitty meme
Gomennasai for the plot.
Satsuki Itsuka for the comedy.
Ookami Ou/Noise/ponsuke on an average day.
China when i don't care about the art and just want to watch rape and feel bad about it.
Ooyamada Mangetsu when nothing else does it
Shut up
It's late and I feel generous today
Now I'm disappointed by the lack of Satsuki Itsuka in this thread
user, published works are not doujins.
yes they are, doujin means indie and original manga can be called doujin aswell
Fuck Okada Kou and her obsession with NTR
I'm editing and typesetting a chapter right now, will be up in several days
Thank you, from the bottom of my prostate.
>Doujin means indie
Yes, literally self-published, or single work published by a circle, this was a commercial magazine distribution, it was as far from "indie" or self published as it gets.
You post it .
tanabe kyou
azusa norihee
Satsuki itsuka
and obscure favorite
o.p com
Hell yeah motherfucker.
Peeholes are the best hole.
>Gorgeous Takarada
you disgust me
yeah, his vanilla stuffs are much better.
i spent litres of cum from fapping to that slutty little sister getting (not) raped in her sleep by his brother
And then BAM. NTR chapter. Her lolis are fucking adorable, but holy shit, I hate it when she does that. Fucking women mangaka, man, so obsessed with that shit fetish
>Not Loving based Cannon Sensei
The art is kind of spotty, but the stories are great
benantoka's stuff is moderately fappable but it's his stories that make him great.
Himeno Mikan
Yuri lolicon is great too .
Reika is a girl? B-But her lolis are so lewd
>shota x loli
Dude her stories are probably just own fantasies considering how hot the guys are (no homo)
You may pick only one.
Older man+Loli, Shota+Loli or /ll/?
Okada Kou is a woman? I just realized it.
Maybe it's true that women has sicker fantasies than most men.
I'll be the one guy: Oyari Ashito