Where does homosex come from?

Is it because their fathers are beta bux and their mothers are sluts?

Example: Shane Dawson confronts his dad (Deep)


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I swear I got gayer after I got one in school.
I think I was round 10-13 then and they were mandatory for everyone

this is fake news we are not putting atrazine in your food and drinks and medicines.

50% of faggots are were molested as opposed to 5% straight. And that's only those who reported it, how many were too young to remember, felt ashamed or just convinced themselves they liked it?

Go shill somewhere else.

You did what!?


can confirm. got molested and it made me think i was a gay until i decided to quit being a faggot. now i just want to kill all the gays. Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 when

How am I shill? I just proposed something then you two meme flag loonies pop outta nowhere and attack me like some pack of gypsies at midnight.

If my intuition is still sharp I'd guess you two are from Israel.

It's telling how he seems to have no sympathy for the dad before the meeting. A lot of mothers will stoke tensions and bad feelings between fathers and their kids for reasons not valid. This could be the start of a life changing deal for this guy. Leave the thot sympathizer bitchboi mindset behind hopefully.
Might even end up straight.

Yeah, I also experienced my divorced mother bad-mouth my dad. My dad was not a strong male role model, but he didnt deserve to be demonised.

I read lots of books by successful men to compensate for lack of a father figure.

Get loads of pussy now (heh). But I can see why young men would become sexual with older men.

OP here. I just don't like you, so fuck off.

>I just don't like you, so fuck off.
Great, a Turk.
Since I'm feeling less edgy today I won't call you that word ITT.

Feel free to watch the video and then make an educated reply instead of attention whoring.

Also German here, not that nationality is relevant to this thread. I'd actually like some input on the role that weak fathers and slutty mothers play in producing degenerate kids.

It's common that they only apply rules about what's "fair" to peoples actions towards themselves. A huge red flag, not only for women, but way more common among them.
If you were to list traits of "toxic femininity" this would be top 10.

>german here
Prove it nigger.
What are you afraid of? Besides meme flags don't hide IPs

Oh yea and some people have flag filters on so you're missing out on traffic.

Yeah, from my experience of having sexual relationships with women, they are almost only concerned about themselves: "What about me?" Literally.

Had some short flings with border personality disorder (BPD) women - they show no empathy for other human beings, but are great in bed, and inflate your ego. (At the beginning).

Would recommend 'Illimitible Man's' blog on cluster-B personality disorders and what to watch out for. Kinda fun to hook up with women and pay attention to which red flags appear.

>German here
Take off your meme flag then

Comon 'Bulgaria', share some stories relevant to the thread.

I'm actually planning to travel abit to Bulgaria/Hungary when I get some time. Mainly for the women heh.

Country seems less degenerate than the West.
(Thanks for the tip abou flag filters)

It is probably caused by a contagious brain parasite which is spread by child molestation. Of course, no research can be done on this topic without attracting the ire of international Jewry.


Sure thing
Do people on this board not travel/work abroad?

Thanks bumping my thread.

If you want a somewhat normal interaction here you have to pay with honor.
And you don't honor us with your real flag.
Even a proxy/VPN flag was good enough but no, you just have to be cheap like that.

>expect German
>get le 8% face saffer cunt instead

Don't you have a bull to prep?

There, was it so hard?
It's not like you can fool anyone who knows how to game round' here.

>mental illness
>child molestation
>no father
>too much estrogen
Some of the above

Majority of faggots were molested as kids

Lol, you should leave your council estate mate ; )
You know, do some work abroad and some travelling (in Summer).

Share a story about your dad whether your mom was a thot.

Saw plenty of single mums in trackies pushing their kids round the town centres when I was last in the UK.

Eh, the flag doesn't make much sense unless you're in your home country. Too lazy to VPN.
User data is probably scraped off this board tho.

I imagine Bulgaria has more trad nuclear families?