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More music soon.
Who /hokuhoku/ here?
I don't want chara songs, where is the ost.
I thought I remembered reading something about it, but I can't find anything on the webpage now.
My daughter.
Watch this, expected Ping pong Saki, got AIDS. What to do?
Use protection next time.
scorpion belly
Would you give Ace a Diamond in exchange for her Heart?
My stinger is now erect.
Those street clothes are pretty cute too.
I'm not following the threads, is it out already?
Not yet.
Cute Hanabi.
>that munemune's munemune
Agari-chan with suspender skirt. Truly the ACE.
Oh god, Hanabi and Hokuto's character song is too fun.
I need S2.
Friendly reminder that pingpong is tanoshii.
Kumami did it first.
Ace is superior though.
Is this yuri?
>getting wrecked by Kumami
>Me when I get first blood
>OST to be released with the 3rd BD
But will anyone purchase it?
1st BD sold like 1.4k copies.
And then rip it?
I want to rip the ace's clothes out of her body.
It deserved 100k
I miss this show so much already. It will be a while until another show compares. Season 2 actually when?
She got wrecked by the soon to be japanese ping pong champion and then got back on top quickly. Just because she is the ace doesn't mean there can't be some tension in her matches.
so good!!
Do I spot a slav?
Why is Hokuto wearing a slavsuit.
>not a fan of Saki
>love Shakunetsu
Can't explain it.
>love Shakunetsu
>give Saki a try because everybody keeps making comparisons
>can't get into Saki at all
I can't explain it either.
I can understand, Saki characters while just as gay are a little more subdued, the characters are colorful but the moments between matches are more calm and quiet while Shakunetsu is very hyper charged with energy constantly, not just during matches, it's a very frenetic show.
Also saki matches are more about the mind games and bullshit luck while shakunetsu is more about pushing your body to the limit.
>your body to the limit
With the exception of Toki, holy shit that triple sight was more hype than the Kururi match.
That is pretty much why I am not that much of a fan of Saki, too much bullshit draws that aren't really engaging other than being kind of cool. This is also me coming off of watching Akagi.
Wanko > Hanko
That vanguard match was the hypest shit ever.
It's just 1-0 right now. Kumami will probably get another game when Agari realized that TANOSHII is the way, causing Kumami sadist mode to BSOD and win 2 game but lose on the final one.
>deko's heterochromia
For what purpose
Yuragi's face looks weird.
Did you watch the show?
Nope, I read the manga. She didn't even get a page for her match.
Well that explains it then. You should really watch the show, it's great even if you've read the manga already.
I will get to it later. But really, what's with the heterochromia?
What other shows let me follow the struggles of the ace?
Also what are the chances of season 2?
Forced drama the show
She is a chunni
But there is barely any drama, and all resolved fast like Agari and Kururi.
What the fuck are you talking about? There was no drama aside from Ace feeling insecure about losing her title to the doggy, and even then it barely qualifies.
Kohime is such a homewrecking whore.
The Agari drama lasted 3 episodes and they showed it in your face in every spot.
The Kururi drama was stupid . Her thinking that her friend wouldn't like her if she lost and especially the whole "what do you play for" was retarded.
Wasn't it obvious to her that she just plays for fun or doki doki. Why do you even need a reason to play something you enjoy. And in this too it was showed in your face in multiple flashbacks like the audience would forget it during the same episode.
And then there was the bear girl thing
Those first 3 episodes had 4 matches and most of the time was it was introducing all characters personalities and play style. By the end of episode 2 Agari already accepted her match, and by half of episode 3 she was already having fun. There was never any relapse.
Kururi is not a normal person, and Zakuro literally only approached her because of her ping pong skill. It's not weird to think that's what keeps them together. And the conclusion for Koyori wasn't even that she plays because she enjoys it, it was that she plays to make her competitor enjoy it as much as her, it's her brand of ping pong that is not obvious or normal.
And the bear girl barely took any time, it was just Agari worried that her smash was not good enough for competition level, and she develops a new technique soon after that. Bear girl drama would probably happen in a hypothetical next season.
So your definition of "forced drama" is any arc centered around an emotional conflict.
Hoping the BDs will fix the QUALITY moments
Someone post the Hokuto's mouth edit.
what are you watching this season?
Jesus Christ these subs are cringeworthy as hell, who the fuck thought this was a good idea
I should apply for a job at Kinema Citrus.
Is this gap moe?
Reminder that the website says what paddle each character uses if you're curious.
If you enjoy being worked to death and not getting paid, then go on.
Great job by the way
This is really the best thing that came out of these threads.
Yeah for some reason alt+I doesn't work anymore for me.
ost where?
Are they really middle schoolers?
Winning at ping pong increases your bust size.
Is this true? Thank you Jesus, some actual news. The wait is killing me.
stop asking this.
Daiya no Ace
>47 volumes + 5
Not sure if want
Can anyone confirm this?
If so that is very inspiring and I'l do my best to win as much as possible.
See Hanabi.
See munemune.
How good is the manga compared to the anime?
Anime is better in almost everything
Possibly the only thing that is better in the manga is the music.