reminder all yellow fever neets and gook loving faggots
race traitors get the bullet first
reminder all yellow fever neets and gook loving faggots
race traitors get the bullet first
But asian woman are beautiful, white roasties can‘t compete.
isn't it like this everywhere? did makeapp not teach you anything?
I'd still bang her without the makeup.
The West is shit
They look like shit and they're the best the asian race can provide.
Based frog
This but unironically
These "asian women suck" threads. kek. funny stuff
If your genes are sub par it is permissible.
Alternatively my brother wishes to mate with a Japanese women.
This is partially permissible because he has always had yellow fever and the japs fought the good fight in ww2.
I am still disgusted but I will contain my disgust.
Ehh, I just assume a woman is fugly if she's wearing any makeup at all. There's really no other point to it.
Jesus, I cunquer
You're just butthurt because you can't even get an Asian wymn, let alone a white one. LMAO.
In your eyes I suppose a great man like William Adams, who lived in Shakespeare's time, would deserve to "die by a bullet" because he married and had children with a Japanese woman. And yet nobody at the time thought so. Nor did Shakespeare think Desdemona "deserved a bullet" for marrying the virtuous Othello. It is almost as if a lunatic, absolutist, and murderous obsession with racial intermixture is the mere offspring of the deranged Nazi movement that arose in the earlier part of the 20th century, and lacks any real roots in Europe's history.
Beta white bro here: had to marry an Asian foreigner, no choice unfortunately.
is that 'conquer' or 'concur'?
I can't understand this desu, 7/10 women looks better than 10/10 asian women.
7/10 white women I meant
Yellowfever fags future son
I disagree, plus that girl was apparently gang raped in Chicago
Ages like milk and is fucked in the head from Jewish propaganda.
a „7/10“ white roastie turns quick into a 0/10 blob.
Who cares about that, that's a 7/10 to me and she looks better than the yellow cunt you posted.
Those are isolated instances in completely different circumstances, you kike. We don't have the luxury of isolation afforded by shit-tier transportation any more, so if you let one shitskin in or one niglet mongrel be born, you allow them all.
Just breed more delicious hapas for us.
We are already a LE 56% society so we have nothing to lose.
wtf just look at their fucking faces for gods sake
That's just because she's blonde and seem exotic to you
Thats your opinion man, but desu yellow fever nerds are BETA asf
you picked shit asians
japs are objectively the ugliest of east asians
Asian woman is what Perfection looks like.
>“b-but m-muh white uggo roasties that are 7/10 for like a year!!!“
The ones in the pic are actually korean you blind nigger
This one is kinda better. Also my mother, one of my sisters and my gf are blondes you somali faggot.
Nothing can compete with Chinese women
White roasties look even worse without makeup
OP is right, the biggest beta's go after asians
same shit before surgery fritz
>Asian woman is what Perfection looks like.
Well at least you're not a faggot I guess...
You can try but they most likely own guns and you don't.
Oh fuck off now
Looks way better than pan faced gooks.
Even a 6/10 white girl is more attractive than 8/10 asian girls to me. I guess it's me being a mediterranean and not a German faggot
man girls over there are that ugly huh
Why are you so insecure, nobody is preventing you from getting a white girl right?
How can one resist the charming beauty of the white/euro woman?
Immigration policy is why white people are dying off in the West. It has nothing to do with intermixture owing to faster methods of travel. Even in the 18th century it took as little as 35 days to sail from Africa to America, to say nothing of steam transport in the 19th. Mixed-race individuals like the Chevalier de St Georges or the three Dumases were some of the finest and most respected intellects in Europe in their time. You are too historically ignorant to know that your ravings about "shooting mongrels" are nothing but a post-modern and caricaturish offshoot of Naziism.
Holy shit.
You have some bad taste.
Compare that to this
K bro whatever.
their tendency to ride all your friends before settling for you
White and Asian women are so ugly. Brown and Black women are so much better
Or to this
Yeah I'd get the bullet for either of those. Just give me a week to enjoy it and you can shoot me twice.
Why are Whites and Asians so ugly? Especially the ones with Yellow Fever.
>Immigration policy is why white people are dying off in the West.
Exactly, retard, and my point is that back in the day, you couldn't just put a nigger in a boat to barge into white countries unless you were going to sell him. Too expensive.
>Mixed-race individuals like the Chevalier de St Georges or the three Dumases were some of the finest and most respected intellects in Europe in their time.
Completely irrelevant, not to mention that pure white genes would have done even better for them.
Disgusting french person only thinks about sex.
average japanese
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Sorry, I've caught up black fever.
No you said 7/10 white wymn is better than a 10/10 Asian. Then you post a 10 white woman. Go fuck yourself loser.
>A yellow fevered faggot
>Calling me a loser
Kys my man
Pure perfection, how can worthless white roasties even compete?
Good thing I am basically asian.
We built the Great Wall of China!
>Posts 7/10 white woman "she's hotter than 10/10 azns"
>'user you have shit taste'
>"NUH UH" posts 10/10 white women "SEE LOOK HOW HOT!"
That being said, some of these gooks are hideous
donno why u guys keep posting jap girls. ive been all over asia, japan is not where its at . thailand/ laos girls man. the onces u guys post are the best japan has and they still look like fucking rabbit bucktooth cunts
>thailand/ laos girls
Those have had surgeries.
Like fake boobs, they are nice for a while, but you can't shake off the reality that it is just a fake.
you mad white girl?