Alex Jones’s show is comedy/satire and his audience isn’t in on the joke.
Alex Jones’s show is comedy/satire and his audience isn’t in on the joke
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that would make Alex Jones an entertainment genius. Andy Kauffman wouldnt be worthy to lick his boots
>Alex Jone's show is comedy/satire mixed with serious political comedy, sort of a right-wing version of the daily show or colbert, and literally his entire audience gets it but the left and democrats who hate and fear him are autistically ignorant to what he is really about because they're autists
fixed that for you nigger
Have you watched it? It is legitimately funnier than all of late night combined.
So where does the idea of Sandy Hook being a false flag fit into that?
what's wrong with questioning the idea of the government committing false flags? ever hear of operation northwoods? its your own ignorance about the world around you that leads you to think people more intelligent than you are the stupid ones. dunning-kruger effect in action
>no one would ever fake an attack for political purpo.......
>the government would never consider murdering its own people for its agend.......
I rest my case
what does that mean? you mention sandy hook, i show you two really good examples of false flags or the government seriously considering the use of false flags and you say "you rest your case"? shouldn't it be me resting my case? please explain yourself dude.
AJ's show is a mix of comedy and serious political commentary. nothing wrong with that. if you were being honest you'd say you watched MSM and you've never even heard of operation northwoods or any of the numerous examples of governments being caught orchestrating attacks against their own people to justify their own political ends. when confronted with facts, you blow them off and dismiss them. ok. you know what? you should consider the daily show, colbert and all of the other left-wing programming you watch and maybe think about applying your own comments in the OP's to them
because it's conspiracy theory first and then all the other stuff second. Questioning Sandy Hook is right wing though, since the left likes to exploit the tragedy to push gun control.
Big if true. Trump loves it
people like OP act like there is something inherently bad or "wrong" about questioning and thinking or yourself and not trusting your government. people like him are the people who defended Obama unconditionally when Edward Snowden came forward and revealed the PRISM project and all of the sick unconstitutional shit our government was doing under him. people like him are the reason we have tyranny and can't be free and prosperous. he's the useful idiot of the world
>false flags have happened in the past, therefore the idea that the federal government under Obama would have hired somebody to shoot up an elementary school - or faked the event entirely - in order to enact gun control legislation is totally plausible and is in fact what actually happened, when the profile of the killer and the pattern of the attack is completely in line with the mass shootings that happen in this country multiple times weekly
Yep, you people are doing my work for me
You can question your government and its actions while also not buying into Weekly World News-style tabloid entertainment as actual truth.
Obama expanded executive power in the same ways GWB did, supported the security/surveillance state, supported big media/big copyright legislation, ran an illegal drone war, and opposed government transparency.
oh yeah im doing your work for you, ok, if by strawmanning me and alex jones and pretending we've said something different than what we've said is "doing your work for you" then whatever. there's nothing wrong with questioning and realizing that your government is corrupt and cannot be trusted.
the difference between alex jones and me and people like you is that we are agnostic. we recognize we don't have all of the information and don't see the whole picture. people like you will do anything they can to blindly defend the governments narrative and the most convenient point of view of the left-wing establishment, even if it comes at the expense of truly rightly understanding the world around you and frankly that's why people see it and begin to absolutely fucking despise you
>acting as if people here are defending GWB or something and feeling the need to qualify any criticisms of obama with criticisms of Bush
imagine being this partisan-minded. imagine being this much of a fucking shill. imagine genuinely and literally believing that the left-wing of the political spectrum is actually some magical and pure and noble cause
also you're full of crap you say "you can question your government" and then anytime someone questions it you label it "weekly world news" because it doesn't fit in with your narrative. ok. you're a full of shit partisan shill dude. whatever. everytime someone asks a question you don't like all of the sudden "muh conspiracy theories" and "muh weekly world news" and "you're stupid" and "you shouldn't do that".
you can't see why people despise you? why people think people like yourself are lower than dogshit in our world?
Guess I activated some almonds
i think you're just running out of points to make and things to say because you know more or less everything i've said to you is the truth.
so i have a serious question for you if you'll answer it. do you believe that democrats are "good"? like are they the "good guys"? are they "right"? do they have "pure and noble intentions"? i'm just curious? what about the left-wing of the political spectrum more broadly?
the main difference between right-wingers and left-wingers is that left-wingers tend to trust the government and their leaders. right-wingers tend to distrust the government and leaders regardless of whether they're from the same political party as them or not. i think you're making a real big mistake putting your faith and trust in the establishment, MSM and left-wing political leadership. i think you're making a mistake being "left-wing" at all, frankly, but left wingers love their big government
very typical. you guys truly do have empty heads. nice talking to you pal. you reminded me of exactly why right-wingers don't usually bother to even engage the leftoids. you aren't interested in actually talking / thinking / understanding anything. you're just braindead media zombies
Your case is shit.
>implying they aren't in on the joke
the bigger INFOWARS gets the more REEEs we get from the left lmao plus alex jones is funny
how often do you watch "The Daily Show" and actually laugh out loud? like never. infowars will actually make you laugh out loud as well as give you a different perspective on current events than the same one you see LITERALLY EVERYWHERE ELSE. big difference. can't honestly imagine why anyone would ever seriously have a problem with infowars. AJ isn't even "conservative", he's just libertarian right-wing and wants people to be free and distrustful of government. meanwhile people like OP are seriously begging for government cock up their ass
>how often do you watch "The Daily Show"
Frankly, i'm insulted you would even ask me that user...
It's true, he is drunk or coked up half the time. The show was a bit more serious back in 2001-2005, then around 2012 it just became about bashing Obama. Now the show is alt-right satire and bashing liberals all day, he took down the police state section of his website, he hardly criticizes ANYTHING about Trump. Yeah, he's a shill and a businessman.
lol i anticipated this exact response when i wrote the remark and i grant you that you have a fair point. i tried watching it a couple times when Noah took over and i think it gave me brain damage. not that it was any better under Stewart really.
that nigger ruined america
you are right about liberals and leftists wanting to "suckle on the teat of western democracy" it's only in western democratic nations where liberals can even REMOTELY rely on their government for anything. They won't be satisfied until they can ENTIRELY depend on the government for every aspect of their lives, including the way someone treats you!!
calling AJ a shill just because he's decided to support trump, because trump is unattached to certain big groups like bilderberg or bohemia grove that alex made half of his career about attacking, is pretty far out. AJ spent 8 years vehemently attacking Bush the same as he did Obama. he's not a partisan and you know it. nor is he "coked up" come on wtf? that's just a seriously shitty low blow and shows where your bias is
we ALL had to cut back on our anti-police rhetoric after around 2014ish when BLM took over and ferguson happened because every time we spoke up about police brutality it got twisted by the political left as a tool to attack white people (when its not, because cops are equal opportunity murderers). but that's the fault of the left and the BLM which decided they'd rather race-bait than fix a problem that was (at that time) already a right-wing talking point (picture related if you don't believe me).
the stupidity and evil of lefties often forces us to water down our message. congratulations.
>because the government did it before, therefore, it means all attacks are government false flags even though I have no evidence.
Evidence for x cannot be used as evidence y. Conspiracy tards need to be gassed.
im a classical liberal like AJ and always have been but sometime around the 2010s being a classical liberal and libertarian who believed in small government made me a "nazi" and "super far right-winger" which is pretty ironic cuz its literally the opposite of "nazi" and my views were very mainstream only a few short years ago
sorry i forgot to upload the picture. do that all of the time. here it is. just some proof that in 2011 it was the right-wing that were pissed off about the police state until BLM forced a switch in the positions
I tried to unsubscribe from their youtube channel but youtube wont let me. I stopped watching his videos like 5 months ago. I got sick of him blaming all of george soros shenanigans on nazis. And then when he got taken to court and his wife said he was a danger to their son so alex said he was just putting on an act. Im suspicious of him. I cant fucking unsubscribe though. Its like the buton doesnt work.
Right wing is only concerned about the police state when a Democrat is in the White House, like under Obama and Clinton the right was freaking out about the police state. When a Repub is in the White House the right doesn't care that the police state is growing larger like under Reagan, Bush or Nixon who each expanded the police state. In fact, the right openly cheers the police state when Republicans control the executive branch.
same except now i'm on the trump train after voting for him and getting the glorious results of the TRUMP BLESSING
um well i think you're really misunderstanding or strawmanning here. the big issue is that lefties and the MSM always try to act like anyone who questions the governments official narrative or suggests that the government could commit a false flag is shouted down, insulted, demeaned, labelled "muh conspiracy theorist" and subjected to moral accusations that they are "demeaning the families" and blah blah blah blah blah.
but if you can prove that you live in a world and a country where there's a noted history of false flags and exactly this kind of behavior, then the fact that you're calling for "gassings" and putting people down for asking questions becomes pretty revealing about your own agenda and how unwilling you are to accept the nature of this world then, doesn't it?
you're trying to silence people and turn them into pariahs for asking questions. VALID questions with valid precedent and reasonable foundation to be asked. so it says an awful lot about you and frankly your entire "political side" IMO.
now there were many other suspect things with sandy hook too but i dont really care if you believe it was a false flag or not, and im not saying it was or wasn't. but for you to say "just because the government did it before then that means it did it this time" and act like that's the argument is just a pure strawman. plain and simple. there's just no way around that.
i would say that the governments corrupt history and the entire history of corrupt governments does show that governments WILL do this sort of thing, no doubt. but in the case of sandy hook specifically? this is only one component of the argument and you're creating a strawman to try to make it look like the whole thing
Didn’t Jones walk that back? I thought he admitted to it being legitimate when he was on Rogan’s podcast, after talking to the families of the victims or something
It's what happens when real kids die.
Who killed them it's another story.
im not really here to make partisan defenses and if you're coming from a place of partisan affection for the left and democrats i think you're silly.
"the right" isn't one person. there are a lot of people on the "the right" that cared about all of that stuff even under Bush. Alex Jones is certainly one of them. Ron Paul and all of his supporters would be another.
the reason people have mostly hushed up about police brutality (including myself) is because the left really latched on to this BLM "it's all about racism" thing and since nobody wants to touch the racism discussion in our society (where it can lead to negative consequences for you personally) they've mostly just let it go. i don't blame THEM for that though, i blame the BLM and the left for creating the atmosphere in which we couldn't talk bout that issue anymore.
I'm really not here to "defend the right" or anything like that but what i will say that in a general broad sense what "the right" has going for it is a belief in small government, whereas "the left" generally believes in big government and that's always going to end badly.
beyond that, i don't really care what you call it as long as you don't infringe on me or my family or my rights
i support trump too but there are a lot of things i disagree with him on. i frankly just wish the liberals and lefties were "smarter" and not such evil authoritarian and hypocritical pieces of shit because if they could drop the anti-whiteness stuff and the illegal immigration stuff, as well as the fucking socialism crap, then we could actually focus on stuff i care about. and i could stop supporting trump and find a better candidate that's more in line with my real views, like ending police brutality, ending government subsidies and tax breaks for big businesses, (hopefully someday) abolishing the IRS altogether, ending all of the big brother government spying programs, ending the fucking evil technology that's being created (like AI or brain-chip-implants) that has the potential to murder or enslave us all.
this is stuff i really want to care about and advocate over but its impossible when you have these retard socialists who only want to grow the government and whine about "muh racism" and unironically support an obviously phony political witchhunt russia investigation that literally exists to subvert our democratically elected leader. like that investigation literally represents the death of democracy if they are able to remove trump and NOBODY on the left is pissed about that. THAT FUCKING HORRIFIES ME and i would feel the same if it were obama who i literally despised
I'm not partisan at all. I'm registered Independent and hate both sides. I've just noticed right wingers freak out about police states under Dem presidents and then go back to sleep with Repub presidents. It's pretty sad because Repubs are the ones who expand police state.
I think people take Alex Jones a bit too literally. When he says things like “the world is run by pedophile vampires” I don’t think he means literal vampires. I think he’s just making a point that people with a lot of power and influence (pop stars, politicians) make a lot of buzz off of exploiting tragedies and exploiting people in general to bolster themselves in one way or another. He’s pointing out that there are evil people in this world doing evil things, he just uses a lot of flowery language to get a point across. He doesn’t use a TelePrompTer so everything he says is a stream of consciousness so he makes it sound interesting.
He does sound very conspiratorial at times but that’s because he makes a lot of bold inferences from real reports. Turning the frogs gay came from reports that chemicals/hormones leeched into water messes with biology (real report). Pizza gate came from videos of a woman who is hired to perform satanic rituals doing an event at a pizza parlor linked to politicians (real). Hollywood being infested with pedohpiles comes from real reports of people speaking out about their experiences of sexual harassment (real).
Unfortunately people only see the headlines that float around Facebook and they don’t bother to actually tune in to hear what he and the others have to say. They see provocative headlines like “Pedophile Hollywood vampires” and they laugh it off like there’s no legitimate content to be found.
I’m not a big fan of Infowars but I can at least say that it’s not all just insane ramblings with no evidence.
He believes in "psychic vampires" which aren't literal vampires, but he does believe in literal interdimensional aliens trying to push through to our side. When he got high on Joe Rogan podcast he let it all slip out unfiltered.
Alex Jones started as a merchant who wanted the Bill Cooper audience because he wouldn't have to do any investigation, he could just make up claims and sell people water filters and emergency preparedness kits. So AJ lied about Y2K and made up doomsday bullshit to sell things. But he also did a lot of research on existing conspiracy theories so he could speak the language. At a certain point he smoked enough pot and drank enough whisky to rot his brain and he started to believe his own bullshit. Now his mind is full of conspiracy nonsense that he tries to weave into a single unified conspiracy mega theory that doesn't make any sense.
>It's pretty sad because Repubs are the ones who expand police state.
yeah you're not partisan at all huh
and who defended PRISM after edward snowden leaked that info under obama? who defended obama when he militarized the police?
im sorry but if you weren't partisan you'd be recognizing that this goes two ways, and you'd also be recognizing that the only people who actually HAVE cared about this stuff consistently over the course of their entire careers, whether its republicans or democrats doing the fucking over is a few people on the right-wing of the political spectrum.
that's not a defense of republicans but lets be real one of the big differences of right-wing vs left-wing politics is that the right wants small government and the left wants big. are most of the people on the right full of shit? yes. just like the left. but there have been a few genuinely good voices on the right and even though i don't want to get into the partisanship that's just the simple reality as there have been NO consistent libertarian voices on the left. none. not a single one. literally not a single one and many of the people who were libertarians on the left in the past have now come over to the right because of what the party has become (like dave rubin for example).
you know lefties believe all of that stuff. if you talk to them they believe all about like eastern religions and "energy work" and fucking "reiki" and stuff and new age shit. then alex jones lets loose on a few of his spiritual beliefs and people try to paint him like he's insane.
he's got spiritual beliefs. whatever. he smoked dope and told the world about them. he is entitled to them. who gives a shit, you know? nothing wrong with it. EVERYONE is guilty of that unless they are straight up atheists and subscribe to a strictly materialist worldview which frankly speaking is actually debunked by science anyway via quantum physics and experiments like the double slit experiment.
Bipartisanism it's a fucked shit that would be unacceptable in a real democracy.
No, retard. It's like professional wrestling and it's fun to watch.
How is that partisan at all? Nixon started the War on Drugs and grossly expanded the powers of the ATF to police US citizens, Reagan expanded the WoD from a metaphorical war to an actual armed war against US citizens. Bush Jr. added the DHS as a new layer of police state to manage the other police agencies.
Libs aren't wholly innocent either. They gave us the FBI and CIA. But in the last 50 years it's been mostly Republicans pushing the police state.
Believing an existing spiritual belief like Eastern mumbo jumbo isn't insane, it's normal. But making up your own mumbo jumbo is either insane or a scam of a con man.
I watched that entire podcast, I know what he said. I stand by what I said: I don’t think he was being literal. If anything I think he was just trying to relate to joe’s stoner audience by making his point through “trippy” and floury language.
If he legitimately believed that rich people and politicians are literal aliens the tenor of his show would be a lot different. It wouldn’t be “some people are good and some people are bad”, it would be “holy shit guys are you listening to me? there are literal aliens out there what the fuck are we doing not doing anything about it”.
In the podcast he said he didn't like to talk about the alien stuff because he does believe it but that people would try to paint him as insane if he talked about it more.
So you're saying all originators or spiritual thought are insane?
You’ve been inexorably blown the fuck out. Now go make some coffee and catch up on the reality he linked for you.
>Have you watched it? It is legitimately funnier than all of late night combined.
50-75% is "comedy" the rest is real stuff.
before 9/11 and after it he was the real deal after Aaron Russo.
Ofc he is sensationalist and comedic. He is managing an entire entertainment/media corp., he wants a huge audience for dem moneyz
he was talking about globalists before it was cool
and the name infowars is perfect
A lot probably were but we can't know for sure. I would say Abraham was pretty insane. He tried to murder his son because he was hearing voices and then mutilated his penis instead because he saw a talking goat. That's pretty insane.
I listen to him every night while I go to sleep. It gives me really fucked up dreams which are fun.
this is so stupid im not even going to get into this unironic "look the right is worse on authoritarianism and government overreach" crap. it's a farce. it's not true. both sides have equally advanced the same anti-freedom agenda over the past century. both sides drop the ball when they're in power. both sides make promises when they're OUT of power then get into power and do the same thing. im not even going to go down that road, anyone who thinks "democrasts r better" is wrong though.
im not to make excuses for the right because they've dropped the ball but i'm also not going to deny that the very few voices who HAVE been consistent over the years and HAVE done the right thing even when they get in power have been on the right. there's exceptionally few of them and i'm mainly talking about ron paul here as far as elected politicians go. but there have been a few true libertarian commentators and thinkers on the right that have stayed true too. and if you want to be honest you will admit that you CANNOT say that about the left.
i don't really care what you call it. call it right, call it left. but you can't have "libertarianism" with big government and that's what the left wants. just pointing out that's a fundamental flaw in so-called "left libertarianism"
>making up your own mumbo jumbo
so you think spiritual beliefs only make sense when they're dogmatically absorbed from organized religions or written works? come on. that's silly. "making up your own beliefs" is what makes the most sense. you should "feel what feels right to you" and explore your own spirituality in that way, IMO. i have spiritual beliefs that aren't reflective or rooted in any kind of written work and i don't think im insane. maybe you'd disagree though. like i said i feel i can pretty soundly debunk any materialist worldview though by virtue of science and observable experimentation that's been peer reviewed and replicated
You're proving my point. If it's both sides then why are the right wingers only freaking out under Dem presidents? Don't be stupid like the right wingers and Alex Jones.
Yet people still follow them. I'm failing to see how this is an argument against watching his show.
>so you think spiritual beliefs only make sense when they're dogmatically absorbed from organized religions or written works?
I never said what they believe is true. But that's the definition of insanity. We don't consider people legally insane when they believe in existing stupid religions. We only consider them insane when they make up their own. This is the standard difference used by mental health professionals to distinguish between insanity or sanity. One set of beliefs is absorbed through culture, the other comes from internal mental illness.
well first of all if you're going to claim that alex jones supported the patriot act or anything that was done under bush them OMFG you are just being outright dishonest. same with people like Tucker Carlson who attacked those policies and rebuked the entire bush presidency as well as the war in iraq. my point is exactly that there ARE voices on the right that are willing to call out right-wing politicians and policies and say "this is wrong" when stuff like this happens but when the left gets in power it's a hivemind
and the reason is because you can't really be a "libertarian" and still believe in big government. they're literally mutually exclusive. so people on the left are oppurtunists when they pretend to care about rights. 99% of the people on the right are too but the only people who have remained consistent over the years are actually on the right. that's just the reality. and if you're gonna deny then i'd challenge you to find me any significant number of republicans who seriously defend bush. his entire party had deserted him by the end of his presidency even, and he was a huge party man. Obama and Clintons by contrast? my god, their parties defend them to the death and cover up all of their wrongdoings. these are the differences. you don't want to face them. whatever. this conversation is stupid IMO. i don't even care about "left vs right" all i care about is whether or not people are going to trample on my rights
live now
>spiritual beliefs are ok only if you believe what other people tell you to believe
>unironically stating this
>using the crackpot psuedoscience of "psychology", known to be provably false via p-hacking, publishing bias, less than 50% replicability problems and other corruptive issues, as your "evidence".
oh my god you really are a lefty. leftyism confirmed now. only lefties really thing that big social institutions who determine "who is sane and who is insane" are anything other than an authoritarian arm of the corrupt government / establishment and also the gov - pharma complex
you fucking people really GENUINELY do NEED to be told what to think and feel about everything dont you? otherwise you perceive it as "deviant" and "wrong". holy fuck that's so sick. this is why i and so many other people stay away from your types
You're a full on retard. We have only one definition of sanity, it's not good but in this case it's right. People who learn this mumbo jumbo from culture aren't insane, they're just brainwashed. There is a difference.
>we don't consider people legally insane
You got part of that right. People are no longer slapped with an insane sticker and thrown into an asylum. They are given specific diagnosis. There is no "standard difference used by mental health professionals."
>mental health professionals
This is when I knew you were full of shit. Just FYI.
That internet thing makes it easy to cut through people's crap to determine if they should be seriously considered or just arm chair professionals.
uh huh im "a retard" because i called you out for what you are when you were trying to act like you're not. ok. why don't you just admit you're a secular atheist? you are a full on "in this moment i am euphoric" secular atheist and leftist. ok. cool.
you literally think that people who don't believe what they're told to believe, and have any kind of original or intuitive beliefs are "insane". ok. cool dude. omfg you people are the worst of the worst though. i have nothing left to say to you sorry. have fun being a brainwashed sheep
Enlighten us how that one clinical determination of "insanity" is made, please.
Oh you poor stupid people.
>the current DSM-IV definition of delusion exempts religious doctrine from pathology altogether.
Let me educate you since you're too stupid to know what I know. (Stop watching Alex Jones and learn some real facts, it will help you). They call it delusion, in common terminology we use the term "insane". Either way, religions aren't included. Only insane delusional idiots like Alex Jones talking about interdimensional aliens are included in that term.
cool bro, so in the 70s the DSM listed "homosexuality" as a mental illness. i'm curious if you still think that's true? oh what? oh your secular progressive leftyism says that's not true? awwwwww. well i guess the DSM is full of shit and totally inadmissible then, isn't it! glad we cleared this up dude! feel free to throw yourself off a bridge or something!
wanna see something ?
we not only have police reports and transcripts of their encounters with these creatures we also have them on video.
You mean the satanic pedophile armies aren't constantly invading your thoughts?
He's hilarious, it's already been said that he's trying to instill a healthy distrust of the government through satire. He's the same as all the late night shows except the difference is most viewers take those shows as serious and believe it. Most people who watch Jones know he's doing it for comedic reasons, but still instills that healthy distrust of government.
NO NO NO.... I totally disagree that delusional and insane are interchangeable. Alex Jones IS delusional, not insane. Many normal functioning people are delusional. Stop conflating.
You still are too stupid to understand the difference the (flawed) DMS is pointing out. Delusional people get their delusions from malfunctions of the brain which cause bad interpretations of reality. Like Alex Jones, and you. Religious people aren't misinterpreting their own perceptions, they are just accepting the common cultural religious beliefs of their culture. It is still wrong, but not delusional (insane) because their brains are working as expected. They aren't seeing anything that's not there like Alex Jones does.
What if that's just what his audience is into? That's why I tune in personally. He also has incredible knowledge of history and frequently drops interesting events I had never heard of which I can then read about independently of him.
Jones never claimed it was a false flag, he stated that there were inconsistencies with the story and that they might be covering something up. The idea that he called it a false flag is a Mediamatters/Moveon/Shareblue/etc. meme to keep the normies deathly afraid of listening to anything Alex or Infowars says.
You really dont know huh? Oh shit man the future is going to plow through your tissue-like asshole.
But yeah hillary was totally gonna win. Oh yeah totally. She's got such a great chance for 2020 KEK
2020 and no optics. Irony
>thinking that the DSM is anything other than a book funded by big pharma and angry impotent old men
>thinking that "psychology" is a real thing and isn't proven false through many of the things i mentioned earlier in the thread
>thinking he can just say "but look! muh liberal lefty psychologist says this is the way it is so ur wrong!"
soooooooo here's a good question. hypothetically. guy in 1980 goes to a psychologist and says "i think that reality only exists when we observe it". psychologist says "well that's insane" by your definition. you agree with this psychologist.
some years later quantum physicists prove that the guy is actually right via various versions of the double slit experiment. you labelled him "insane". weren't you the one that was insane? you were the one that was disconnected from reality.
maybe if you can understand what im saying to you, then you can begin to understand the deep seeded problem that people have with people like yourself
you can call me and all of the independent thinking "right-wingers" "stupid" because you can't make any other argument other than to dogmatically quote your secular cult books, but maybe at some point you should look in the mirror
i see how horrendous people like yourself are and then i realize why i have to sometimes identify with "the right wing". its really because people like you and people on your side are the most depraved and clueless of all and you represent the biggest threat to us, even if there are things i wish were different on "the right"
alex jones is secretly bill hicks. hes the biggest deep state shill for the right atm
That is not what quantum mechanics proves at all. You do not understand it. The slit experiment proves that quantum wave functions are altered by the devices we use to measure results. They are not changed by human observation specifically, which is a common misinterpretation by the layman. So if you went and said that, yes you would be delusional (and objectively wrong).
LOL no dude where did you read this? some lame secular lefty site? the whole point of the double slit experiment is that observing the experiment causes a quantum wave function to collapse and materialize. looking the at the experiment as it runs results in two separate patterns, not looking at it results in an interference pattern. that's what the experiment is about you're factually wrong. you can try to spin that any way you want it but its been reproduced literally thousands of times at this point and it's always the same result. that's what it is, end of story.
>atheists fucking despise quantum physics
and how about quantum entanglement? there's another one. curious to hear how you feel about that. too.
your entire view of the world is literally debunked by your own science god
Pol can never give me a proper alternative to infowars so I'll keep watching
I ask what people who don't like Alex watch and it is always a good kek
atheists be like "muh science! muh science!"
and then they hear the words "quantum physics" and all of the sudden all of the wires in their heads go haywire and their entire facade totally fucking falls apart as they offer up nothing but bizarre rationalizations and anti-intellectual mental gymnastics
You are objectively wrong. Human observation does not change the experiment at all. The detector itself changes the experiment by measurement (which requires changing the experimental environment). This is the true way quantum mechanics operates but it's not the way spiritualists and mumbojumbo frauds teach it because it's not as fun.
Educate yourself:
You brain does not change quantum mechanics. Sorry to disappoint you.
Alex Jones is misdirection for those with a sense of something not being right. And he is a scapegoat for those still heavily sleeping. For everyone else, he serves a Pavlovian effect. Anytime someone questions the narrative, the crazy image of the Jew masquerading as a goy in Alex Jones comes to mind.
"look muh youtube video of some dude says differently"
dude you're fundamentally miseducated as to what the double slit experiment is on a fundamental level
Just how much of a faggot are you on observation pretty fucking faggy.
observer implies observer ever heard of schrodinger's cat?
The data will not be editted untill human eyes look at it.
Delayed Choice
Bent Lasers
Reverse Time Travel.
OF COURSE we're in on the joke
Alex Jones is on Israel'd payroll
You are both retarded. The "observer" is the detector. Just watch the physicist teach you about it. The detector would still change the result even if no humans existed in the universe.