Gabriel Dropout: Baka devil Satannia best waifu.
Gabriel Dropout: Baka devil Satannia best waifu
Other urls found in this thread:
Umaru: Shitposting mascot.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Adventures of Space Griffith
Evangelion: Teen angst, robots, and 2deep4you.
Planetes is shit.
Berserk: Rape, misery, miserable rape and gore.
>Flipper Flappers
Lesbians who arent actually lesbians?
Mayoiga: The worst anime ever made.
Haruhi Suzumiya: Better keep that psychotic god pleased in a literal romcom high school slice-of-life world
Pink little girl meets a talking cat who gives her magical powers and promises a wish. Pink magician girl wants another little girl with chubby tits dead. Third little girl (dark magician girl) wants to have sex with the first little girl, but that's forbidden love so they have to fight blue magician girl. Magician girls decide to stop fighting amongst themselves, become witches and fight the cat who is secretly a devil trying to make girls lesbians.
K-On!: Childish drame and waifuism never rocked so much
Yugioh Something: Harem shenanigans
Lucky Star: outdated references the show.
Yes, it's on my to-watch list, but the Sup Forums threads make me very confused and all I understood is that the cat is literally Devil and girls are borderline lesbos and try to kill each other instead of cooperation.
man;y man's hair changes from black to blonde when he is angry while fighting green anthropomorphised space pickle men.
Close! Not lesbians that are actually lesbians.
It's exactly that.
They're gayer than a secret RNC camping trip in the mountains.
BanG Dream!
K-On!! 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Hibike: Teacher won
Macross delta: love tesseracts
You're pretty much wrong on every front. Go watch the show blind, its got some good plot twists.
Yotsuga no Sora: best incest trainwreck ever
LWA (TV): too many best girls
0079: Amuro is a bitch, Char is best boy and the ending is apparently weird
Also, elves!
IdolM@ster: underage anal sex
Kind of like Amagami (which I also haven't watched).
Erased: kid goes into a coma for years and wakes up a cuck
Nailed it.
XXX-monogatari: Monster harem with a side of action.
Legend of the galactic heroes: Romance of the three kingdoms but with two kingdoms.
It's better thab TTGL, that's all I know because it is only mentioned when someone brings up TTGL
Girls are on a band, but they never play anything
Yuri on Ice
It's gay.
oh and there's ice skating too I guess.
Dragonball Super - Worse than GT.
Why would you go into threads of an anime you haven't watched?
top quality post
Cute vampire
Gundam Age: Old man exterminates all vegans and somehow this is considered bad
Fate/stay series: A loud annoying dude makes two girls wet for reasons unknown in a battle royal.
For (you)s
To shitpost what is popular
To get some spoilers.
How else am I supposed to find out what I should watch?
first of all, not by listening to a board with terrible taste.
The Iori anal threads succeed every time.
pretty accurate tbqhf
To shitpost of course.
OnePiss : Rescue and romance between companions on the sea
This, more or less
Can you really gather that from our shitty threads?
Skinny Nico can't even compete against cow tits. This is central for the plot.
From Bleach threads only one could think that Kubo is the main villain
FLCL: 2deep4u coming of age story
Girls and.. I don't know..
LWA: Western cartoon shit.
Re:Zero - Guy freaks out a lot, no user cares because he's not one of the girls
Keit-ai: I didn't find a way in the Oscars.
Cancerous thread. Sage.
Harem isekai but its actually an xd parody
Yuri on Ice: Yaoi on Ice.
True Tears: Best Girl Loses
also applies to many other series such as Baka Test, OreImo, Yahari, KamiNomi, and more
One Piece
SanjixNami will be canon soon
Rose of Versailles: If LotGH and Utena had a baby
Konosuba and LWA
one punch man: a guy who is bald, punches people and has no gf
Goblin slayer: A knight slays goblins while crawling dungeons or something
Cowboy Bebop: some dense looking guy with an afro does a finger gun and says "See you space cowboy" and everyone cries like a bitch because Sup Forums
Evangelion: MC is gay and has daddy issues
Super Lovers: Gay as fuck.
Madoka threads are 95% yurifag fanfiction.
Moe sentai: The musical.
Yuri on Ice: it's about gay figure skaters.
Log Horizon: people stuck in an MMORPG run around and do MMORPG things. And something about losing memories after dying a lot or something so respawning isn't totally free.
To see if a webm or post will make me want to watch it. I lurk show threads I don't watch all the time.