does Sup Forums approve of race mixing so long as no niggers are involved? these kids dad is half maori and half fijian.
Does Sup Forums approve of race mixing so long as no niggers are involved? these kids dad is half maori and half fijian
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You need to find a Kiwi to chime in here
Their Anglo Ancestors COLONIZED a lot of those Maori women.
That's some serious genetic waste. But I don't even care at this point, everybody deserves what's coming.
I'm with Spanish-bro. I don't really care much anymore. I'm ready for the reset.
I don't approve, no, but life is too short to worry about New Zealanders race-mixing, we have enough problems of our own. The Kiwis should have genocided the Maoris when they had the chance, it's too late now.
What reset? It's all over. Only death and chaos await now.
dunno but both girls are adorable as fuck
From the ashes we will rise again
First of all, Moari and Fijians are niggers. Polynesians are genetically half Filipino, half Papuan. Second of all, Europeans are objectively the highest form of life which has evolved on this planet, any admixture would result in a general degenerate of our cognitive, aesthetic and moral characteristics. In the future, non-whites will be globally exterminated, mix-breeds will be sterilized and quarantined, and a global European utopia will be created.
ALL RACEMIXING IS BAD. And will be ultimately awarded by a rope. Sluts who fuck niggers will be swinging right next to the cucks sleeping with Asians and everything in between.
A small amount of intermixture between races has been going on since the beginning of history. Shakespeare himself saw nothing wrong in a black man of good character marrying a virtuous white woman. Only Nazis are frantically obsessed with absolute racial purity, to the exclusion of anything else. Mass immigration is what is destroying the West, and is tantamount to an invading army. A coloured person who opposes that and wishes to return the indigenous stock to a majority status through correct policy is of infinitely more value than a white communist traitor. Character is ultimately the most important thing in life and is what people are really to be judged by, regardless of origin.
As a nazi who spent my first 21 years of my life on oahu, i aprove of maoris alone from the pool of pacific island genes. My sister is a retard who has three bastard children with a hawaiian, and i love the kids to death, but theyd be better looking with tahitian blood instead
Sup Forums LOVES racemixing, but only as long as it's between them and their asian bimbos.
Sup Forums memes aside, race mixing creates stronger and more beautiful humans. It's literally science. But keep believing your alt-right lies that being like Cletus and fucking your cousins is a good thing.
>these soulless eyes from the fat nigger mongoloid
I've stared into the abyss for too long.
True, Brazil is the pinnacle of civilization as we speak.
>It's literally science
No it isn't, although I can see how white blood might improve niggers. Much though I dislike them though, I'm not sure they should be made extinct as you seem to be advocating.
screw everything I had enough.
I'm tired as fuck.
If you would extend your principle and call the eyes of the little girls in the OP, who are the spitting image of their mother, "soul-less" also simply because they are mixed-race, then you are mentally deranged.
Those kids are ugly and not white at all
>check the post
>check the flag
Not a bad bait. 5/10.
Maori are not papuan or their skin wpuld actually be browner you retarded fuck.
It's bullshit. Hybrid vigor is true only for very inbred populations, like pure dog breeds for example
I didn't really improve them. It raised their IQ just enough to put the mean right in the criminal sweet spot.
Dem niggas are attacking that woman! KILL EM!
those kids are little shitskins, just like you OP
this is beautiful to you? look at the state of this little mutt
>race mixing
the only time i will allow it is between Europeans of Nordic descent, and Europeans of a Mediterranean descent. in other words, Aryans and Greeks. thats as far as ill allow race mixing, and even then, that's pushing it. this goes for other races too, but im not one to tell a jew what species of rat they want to fuck.
Great post. Nice to see this instead of dumb nazis on Sup Forums
I just don't care anymore
Your people started this by making millions of mestizos.
What about when a white guy marries a slav? Is that okay?
>the kids still look decent only because they retained various European features
whew lad
No you fucking faggot. Stop flushing your legacy away.
No, you will be executed by mudding up her noble genes.
Its 'literally science" except for all the studies pointing in the other direction, Schlomo
Why bother responding to an idiot with that atrocious meme flag? Don't waste your time with sub-humans Clive.
Don't marry anyone from a people who achieved civilization at a later date than yours, especially those who never achieved it at all.
Underrated post
That Women is 3/4 white.
The Man is probably 1/4 White.
Unlike most colonies we literally fucked the natives white.
White woman (roastie) detected.
OK, then why did you post pictures of ugly people?
I guess I should only marry a Slav then as I am one myself. Make America Slavic. Death to the inferior Jewmanics.
Also my Half sister is 3/4 white 1/4 pacific islander and she has blonde hair blue eyes.
The whole idea of "muh hybrid vigor" and "muh healthier mixed children" is quite literally jewish tricks.
See pic-related, by (((Alon Ziv))). This fucking kike literally goes around shilling for americans/europeans to BLANDA UPP and tells us that it's good for us.
Here's his website:
Here's a particularly good gem from his FAQ:
>Q: Are you advocating eugenics?
>A: Not at all. For one, Breeding Between the Lines is not an instruction manual. I encourage people to marry whomever they want. Secondly, eugenics historically argued for the exact opposite of interracial unions. Racist eugenicists were attempting to create some kind of "pure" race. Breeding Between the Lines shows why this type of institutionalized inbreeding is a very bad idea.
The fucking audacity of these kikes
My friend is 102% pure central African. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and pure white skin.
Op picture makes me want to blow my brain out thanks
fucking BASED. Someone play matchmaker between him and lauren southern
Those lolis are sexy.
you are both retarded. P.I Come from Asia btw
the funny thing is NZ is so far beyond your expectations of racemixing already its kind of irrelevant.
Its the Maoris who have been bleached
The whiter ones are usually a lot better off, generally more attractive and the girls can be stupid hot with just a dash of brown in them
The darker ones are often a lot slower, a lot more aggressive and 'street', and more prone to total retardation after a few drinks then the heavily bleached ones.
NZ already is the "2050 Mixed race" place you see in your magazines and we dont really care that much, because 1/3 of people already half /quarter something anyway eg Maori, Samoan, Tongan, whatever.
Btw we have like next to no niggers, seriously its a novelty to see a black person
Its the endless hordes of chinks people worry about, Because they wont really integrate they just take up way too much room and do nothing other than study, play league of legends/lol and stand around looking like thier eyes are closed
says the wop dago animal, if we want a comment from europes niggers we'll ask
Bleaching shitskins is just as bad as the other way around. Either way you're STILL blurring the lines between races, encouraging further racemixing, and NOT HAVING ACTUAL WHITE KIDS. You're still reproducing mongrel genes, and it'd still be better for you to commit sudoku than ever have a mixed race child in the first place. Have white babies or none at all. Doesn't matter if you're white female + male shitskin or white male + female shitskin. Racemixing is racemixing.
Fuck no. The kids aren't white
I'm dating a native american chick, so I guess so as long as it isn't an african nigger or chink.
>Bleaching shitskins is just as bad as the other way around.
We are/were a colony Yank it is in the job description.
We were a colony too and you know what we did? We ethnically cleansed the fucking redskins instead of breeding with them.
Go ask Brazil how they're doing if you think "bleaching" is a good idea. Enjoy your deracinated mongrels
You literally fucked the redskins out of existence it is why you have Pocahontas Commander in Chieften. Stop importing niggers and you solve most of your problems.
Those shesprogs look like they've been dipped in shit and brought out of there in like 50 minutes.
They look like filthy gypsy sluts, please get the fuck out with those kind of images, for me they are a little more beautiful than some nigger shetwats. But those atrocities should be kept in the attic.
i approve of race mixing as long as it doesn't involve my gf or my daughters
>memes aside
The irony of you saying that with your flaming post.
Kek sure thing bud
If someone would consider a turd(ler) shit-looking a "beautiful human" then some bad shit is into his brains and eating out the brain cells.
Fucking disgusting.
That bitch isnt even white, who cares if mongrels mix with other mongrels, Saadiq?
All nonwhites must go
FIFY, part 2 - electric jigaboo
> she is 3/4 white
really? nz'ers are 75%ers?
Maori and Fijiian are the same race, Polynesian.