This is Shinji. Say something nice about him.
This is Shinji. Say something nice about him
Robert Adams
Henry Ross
Good taste in husbandos
Daniel Reed
I want to make him the little girl
Dylan Robinson
he did his best
Hudson Taylor
H e is cute
Benjamin James
He's an interesting person and I want to be friends with him.
Joshua Baker
You got in the damn robot. I'm proud of you.
t. a fan
Nathan Myers
Actually a pretty big (if angsty) badass. Also a better person than he wants to admit. And also serves as a fantastic example why being an angsty bitch in a crapsack world makes your shitty life even shittier.
All in all, maybe the most complex MC anime has ever seen. 10/10 well done, Anno.
Angel Williams
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
Why is this allowed
Isaac Flores
Boys make the best girls, didn't you know?