Why do american women look like this? Weren't her ancestors white puritans from Britain? wtf happened?

Why do american women look like this? Weren't her ancestors white puritans from Britain? wtf happened?

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This is now a 56% face thread

Why are people who do not have the privilege of living in the America obsessed with America?

more like 65.9% in the case of the mom

>Weren't her ancestors white puritans from Britain

You've already found the reason.

Europe is a lost cause. They will never elect anyone even remotely close to Trump. We still have hope while Europe will get worse every year until the whites are gone.
-The end!

She's much more likely to be the descendants of German or Irish mongrel immigrants as opposed to the Anglo pioneers.

No, a lot were bonded slaves, sent out to work.

Not necessarily. Her ancestors could've been endentured servents, or irish, or something else.
But there are so many coal burners now (I see them daily on campus) that you wind up with whatever you want to call her.
Add to this the fact that white people want to act like black people (flat bills, pants drag the ground, dreads, say sheeeiiittt, blast rap, etc.) and you wind up with a bunch of hafricans and people that idolize them

Every generation grows exponentially. You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents.... by the time you get back to ancestors who were "puritans from Britain", like 20 generations ago, you have 1,048,576 ancestors. Not all of them were "puritans from Britain".

>el monsturo

Um no you're fucking retarded, thats like a 10% segment of the american population that lives in the upper north east.

Are you sure about that Bobby?

>these are 11/10's in Bongistan

Your shitty island should be the next Atlantis.

Actually I saw more white European men race mixing than the women. And WW/WM couples far out numbered the Riced/ Blacked men.


we's bees axing da same ting... wtf

damn thats good


Your typical CB slut from New Murica, hopefully someone is trying to change their mentality, but since they're former humans converted to niggers, this is practically impossible.
Only to make them dead, is the way.

>wtf happened?

>being this delusional
I feel bad for you

>Europe is a lost cause
>We still have hope

Wasn’t Spencer the one who said that first Americans were the elite of Europe?


>tfw every day I look in the mirror and see a 56% face
This meme has destroyed me. Why did my white dad have to marry a mexican

why do I fucking hate coal burners so much? I remember being like 7 years old at subway and body builder nigger walked by with his blonde fake tits wife and their two mongrel children and I was straight up disgusted. Ever since then I've always hated coal burning, daddy issues, white whores

you mean 50% face

Same reason people past the Rhine frontier would still be interested in what Rome is doing. We can shake their world

Varg looks like a typical redneck American in this video.

Also most White immigrants came during the 19th century to escape famine or for better opportunity. We do still have a lot of retarded fat people though.

The jews and mainstream culture has ruined the women.

I entered the thread because I thought the kid was blowing him kek.


that's a saxon not a celt

Quickly glanced at the thumbnail and It looked the kid was blowing "her". Shit... I need a break from this place

>puritans from Britain
Looks like the average Brit

At a certain point in the early 20th century, WASPs got degenerate and stopped running the country. The Jews took over. This is the result.

Jews did this

id fugg the blonde and redhead,dayum nigguh