Prove me wrong.
I noticed that anti-semites on here are mostly Muslim by analyzing the crappy English the Muslims use. Muslims hate that Jews are stronger and smarter than them. This is also why they hate Jerusalem is Jewish.
Prove me wrong.
I noticed that anti-semites on here are mostly Muslim by analyzing the crappy English the Muslims use. Muslims hate that Jews are stronger and smarter than them. This is also why they hate Jerusalem is Jewish.
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oy vey wut a good goy you are.
t. muhamad bin garbagi
The real Jews are the Palestinians, the pseudo Jews have Europe DNA from the Khazar mob.
Prove that wrong Shlomo.
>pol is russians
>pol is paid by russia
>pol is islam
Mashugga! Oy! Look at all these antisemites fellow Judean! (Even though you're all Kazars)
to be fair there are alot of mizrahi subjews in israel who type in the same retarded manner.
>(((Occupied Germany)))
the origin of the anti-semite
poor little jews
Pretty much yeah. They pretended to be Natsoc, and now actual Natsocs can't post here.
>80% of all posters on Sup Forums are muslim
wow i didn't know that
you mean nazis right?
also, intifada now
>it's mah land
>despite the fact that I left like 2000 years ago
>despite the fact that there are still millions of jews already living there in peace
>despite the fact that only a very small percentage of our genes even come from that region anymore
>despite the fact that we could easily set up Israel literally anywhere else in the world, it has to be here for some fucking reason
OP is correct.
Nobody gives a single fuck about jerusalem except for muslims. They're the only one. If someone is mad at trump for doing it, they're either muslim, or they're just pretending to care about it.
It's not important at all.
Jerusalem is a Christian Kingdom, heathens fuck off.
>only Muslims get angry when a clan of malevolent inbred merchants colonize their countries
White intifada coming soon.
Jerusalem belongs to God's chosen people.
Nice try antifaschistische aktion. Try harder.
stupid goy
>jews are white
>our homeland is in the middle east
haha but you are wrong you faggöt.
Jerusalem is Serbian land
thx, Ahmed, your logic is sound
Arabs ARE Semites
RIP Romanovs
it's not anti-semitism if semites hate semites... you don't go calling niggers racist for calling niggers a nigger.
The only thing that belongs to """"""""gods choose people"""""""""" is hell.
Muslims unironically want to conquer the world.
>Muslims unironically want to conquer the world.
and this is wrong because?
Elite Muslims shill Israel hate
Elite Israelis shill Muslim hate
Both groups want you scared of the other.
Is it really that hard to figure out?
Not everybody wants their wives to get raped by ahmed
>and this is wrong because?
The world belongs to white Christians.
Gee what a coincidence, good goyim.
hello, Jamal, you still in th Hun territory?
>not "Bible"
you suck. the end
I'm Mexican tho
If you hate muslims more than you hate jews you are not right wing enough.
This x a fucking million. Fuck this cancerfest of a board. Hiroshimoot should end it.
not muslim and fuck israel
You seem like a learned feller.
Does this meme speak truths?
Some Jews eat children. What's so Mohammad-like to not like a jew feeding a child to the church go-goers at a potluck?
Guess I should say *serving not feeding.
Jews play all sides, retards. Every option benefits a jew. But... it's up to us to choose the option that benefits US the most.
That means, when we discuss what we should do about israel, the question of what random kikes think about it shouldn't come up at all. It should be about what is in our interests. Not theirs.
So, the ancient Romans genocided the jew and killed everyone in jewrusalem. Then they moved greeks in. A few hundred years later the slimes genocided those greeks, and moved arabs in. Now the kikes have come full circle and really ought to genocide the arabs. Afterward we can always nuke them and then all our problems are solved: no more jews and no more slimes.
Probably more like 40%. That's still a lot. I'm thinking that jihadis are being sent here. Everyone plays the shill game these days.
That's so retarded.
Kikes and muslims need to be banned from the west, and that is probably too soft
IDK... I'm Christian and not antisemitic. Some people that call me out here seem to be one-tracked White Nazis.
hello Shlomo. How's the shekels in Germoney?
The US should get the fuck out of the middle east. It is role in the region is pretty fucking destructive. And all for what? political influence? the US is the biggest threat to world peace.
Jerusalem belongs to the holy christianity. Everything else is fucking larp shit.
Just read up on the interpretations of the bible by Chabad Lubawitsch:
First Jerusalem is Israels capital, then the jewish flag will fly over the Temple, and then armageddon in the middle east.
Lé Jared Kushner Face
Is it islam or is it their race that makes them so dumb?
You are a weak minded pathetic fool. Turn the other cheek and get fucked repeatedly.
t. Catholic that can criticize his own religion when it deserves criticism.
>herr derr
>German flag
>Defending Jews
How far Germany has fallen
Haven't like 40 different nations controlled Jerusalem at one point or another? It's not like Jews lived there first or for the longest. Ashkenazi Jews are a bunch of Europeans claiming the Middle East as a homeland, looks awkward.
This. Jerusalem needs to be under such a Jewish control they can rebuild The Temple and cause Armageddon. That is why American Christians are so chill about this, we actually want to see return of Jesus in our lifetime, so its a great thing to see us get one step closer.
>return of a fictional character
>My god is a zombie space jew who was his own father
wew lad, you chrsitcucks need to be gassed with the kikes, you are just to dumb and dangerous
sucks that religion is mostly just larping shit and causing armageddon will only lead to one thing. armageddon and nothing else
Depends on what religion, there is only one true religion and it was based on science and math. "God" is simply the source
a signal that gives form to plasma making it matter
This cna be proven conclusively
but few are intelligent enough to understand it
This is the knowledge the church tries to keep to themselves and has tried to destroy everywhere else, the Vatican are dark wizards my friend
Unfortunately you already missed him. And hilariously enough, you did the same thing to him as you did Jesus, congratulations.
>not realizing we are already in the armageddon stage.
>80 percent of anti-semites on Sup Forums are Muslim
Remember the good old days, when 100% of antisemites in Sup Forums were whites?
This is what Hitler discovered and tried to destroy and why they destroyed him
Why Jews are not citizens.
Find the Black Sun
HAHAHAHAHAHA you could cut diamonds with edge like that
except it can all be proven conclusively, for brainlets that means there can be no doubt, it is fact
these christcusk are retard tier lol
It's 2017 hans, nu/pol/ is anti reason, and evidence
Never use this term
because it is overrun with JIDF shills, yah
>being this fucking stupid
>you Christian goyim must support us even though we hate you and have been undermining your countries and faith for centuries
This explains Judaism at the political level.
tell us about it, you know apparently, as I said it can be proven conclusively. We all know the stupid call everything they don't understand stupid. Bad genes I guess, it is your karma
Kill yourself you anti white math illiterate retard.
That is highschool algebra + bullshit, you shizo.
yes goy its all the muslims, the muslims are your enemies
He is a delusional retard and a "fascists" ignore him.
Especially when he gets into his """"""""""""""""math"""""""""""""""" he gets absolutely autistic, recently met him in a fashwave thread.
lol yes you are smarter than Tesla, Archimedes, Plato, Aristotle, on and one. We are all buying it hanz. I almost hsit myself laughing so hard
t.jidf mongoloid
Everything you don't understand is schizo! gas yourself retarded faggot
>80 percent of anti-semites on pol are Muslim.
>4000% of cats are chickens in cat suits
Why do people make up statistics?
The screechy illogical butthurt tone of the posts is also a dead giveaway that the poster is a dirty muslim.
I'm a Christian
Just look at this , he just pulls the name of a half decent electrical engineer and some ancient greeks who he has actually never read.
is just the cherry on top.
I am anti semite and not a mudslime, fuck you maggot
funniest shit i've seen on the internet so far
Love to see you at the TED talk yelling schizo at the stage telling everyone how you you are the one that is smart and the speaker is the retard
>herr der I'm smot you Tesla, Newton and all the other geniuses are stooopid!
Still here and pretending to be Buddhist you cringeworthy shill Jew-slurper? Die in a fire: you’re completely transparent.
All of existence is based off of a single numerical sequence.
Our existence is created.