In a just world these four greatest detectives to have ever lived would have their amazing movie nominated for an...

In a just world these four greatest detectives to have ever lived would have their amazing movie nominated for an Academy Award, but we do not live in a just world.

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I hate detectives. They only pursue truth, never justice. They are like vultures, feeding off of innocent criminals that only want to live their lives of crime in peace.

Have they ever spent a single thought on the possibility that maybe crime is just nature's way of balancing out the injustices of the world? That maybe the rich bastard deserved to be robbed of his possessions? That the fat lady deserved to be stabbed in the guts with a rusty spoon? No, they haven't, because they don't care. They won't care even if they manage to break the fragile order of the street, leaving countless scam artists and pickpockets devastated and hungry.
All they want is to solve cases. Like addicts they are only looking for their next fix.
They should all be locked up.

Go back to your grave, Moriarty.

>these four greatest detectives to have ever lived

Which detectives are we talking about again?

Spoopy holmes

I'm grateful that this movie was made in the first place and it truly is the movie that Milky Holmes fans deserved, especially after two seasons of nothing but horrible things that made you want to gouge your brain out with a rusty spoon.

I'm even more grateful they had a limited cinematic release of it in my country so I could watch it in a cinema.

I'm rewatching the original season, shit is fucking GOAT, everything is simply a delight. I'm watching TD on the side, I was expecting much worse but at best it's painfully mediocre.

I guess we're never getting subs for the new year special and for the movie commentary tracks?

>we've waited 4 years for the S2 loose ends to be wrapped up

Did you ever consider that maybe the rich bastard who got stabbed actually didn't deserve it? That he worked hard for his position, without fucking anyone over, and not gives to charity?

>believing the official story

My only wish is that Poporo could've done something in the movie besides open its eyes, but I'm glad it got acknowledged in the first place.

Poporo appeared in the movie?

Luna from Sailor Moon is a bitch in heat for Kamaboko

Twice! Once it was shown in the background, 2nd time was this when it opened its eyes

Nice catch, I didn't even notice.

I think pretty much every single character from the first two seasons made an appearance at some point, most of them in this shot.

Should I even watch the last two seasons?


Fuck, for some reason everything that happened during the end credits was completely wiped out from my memory.


And here's the background scene I mentioned earlier.

Do note that I'm just skimming through the file, I noticed these while watching it last Sunday (as mentioned above, cinema)

Not only from the first two seasons, unfortunately.

Caught so many details I missed while rewatching. This movie is PACKED full of love. Fuck whoever made those awful seasons/OVA past the second one.

If anything, this show proves this to be more true for the police than detectives.

True, true. I booed whenever the Feathers were on screen. I think besides me only two other people, coincidentally those were my friends, had actually watched the show and understood the hate.


All I see is a bitch, an exhibitionist, someone who belongs in an insane asylum, and a Semen Demon.




Don't worry. I still have more stuff to discover on my first rewatch (waiting for two friends to sort their shit out for a groupwatch).

I'm also having issues wrapping my head around just what exactly Kokoro did towards the end - the way I understood it from looking at it she took two moments where the Milkies lost their Toys (from the movie and a TV show?) and erased them from the past?

No, I'm pretty sure the point is that they were hit and lost their powers in the past due to Kokoro messing up with time there, like a stable time loop - which means, when adding the movie's initial scene, every single time they lost their powers it was actually due to Kokoro.

Basically Kokoro playing with space time distortions is responsible for the MH losing their toys in S1 and S2.

Think Terminator.

Side note, she's also responsible for the MH losing their toys in the movie itself.

These little callbacks really make me want to rewatch everything to see if I catch anything else.

Jesus christ and here I thought Kokoro redeemed herself with the end, but no, she cemented her worst girl status for eternity

Yes, but you'd have to be asleep to miss that

Check the statue of the place that the Milkies are guarding, wink wink nudge nudge

Maybe its just me being sleepy when watching it, but I just recently watched S2 for the first time, and it didnt seem as interesting and funny as I thought S1 was when I watched that for the first time about an year ago.

S2 isn't anywhere as funny and well structured as S1.

You mean best, without her there would've been no dame dame in the first place.

Objectively wrong opinion

Just you being sleepy. Episode 6 is the best episode of the first two seasons overall.

Is that the train episode?
Then I agree on that, overall it wasnt as funny.

Yes, it is. Poporo best girl

I seriously have to wonder is ever Milky Holmes thread made on here made by Zeta?

S2 solid stuff is limited to the island and bus episodes. The rest is just random wacky stuff.

Cordys reality distortion field, Nero losing all of their money by investing it into Greece, the fatty going ham after being constantly accused for two seasons long...

I'm not Zeta

Christmas special subs never.

>tfw the Milky Holmes movie was basically the S3 we deserved

Where are you movie user?

Sharo is adorable.

You do realize that the entire hidden point of the movie was to say a quiet but respectful:
"fuck you, the franchise is moving on, don't expect fun stuff like season 1 and 2 anymore buy TD Blu-rays and the next season is a new idol too!"

I missed it the first time, but when I realized that they essentially cut every plot point out possible(including Moriarty's cameo in the OVA) that they disguised the movie as a funeral for S1 and S2. It's extremely disrespectful to the fans, there was even that part where Nero, the money grubbing whore she is in the movie, calls to Feathers by their name.
The people who made Milky Holmes Counterattack want to move on with their lives. The milky holmes you loved in season 1 and 2 is dead and this movie is a stake nailed into it's grave.

Heri isn't a slut though, she's just a pervert.

I've never heard of this.

Here, just wondering which raw to go with. I guess I should stop postponing it and go with Ohys, and stop worrying about my autism and the commercials.
Did we see the same movie? It was a love letter to the first two seasons, and the OVA goes on with more love. If the movie was the end, then what sense does the end of the OVA make?

Would main Arty and switch with Kamaboko.




kokoro is THICC

THICC IQ OF 1900000000000000000000000

Bless you.

Nigger you what? they could have shelved the whole franchise and they would have been justified.
It took all those awful spin offs for the fans to realize what we had, the movie was partially funded by the fans and was a big success even thou it only had 11 theaters.

We caused miklysuicide by ourselves by not supporting season 2.

Truth is the only justice!

It was the true sequel to s2's finale.


Fuck off, twitter meme faggot.

>the movie was partially funded by the fans

Is this true?

An idea of a movie adaptation was first teased in the form of clues hidden within the end cards of the delayed fifth episode of Tantei Kageki Milky Holmes TD for fans to solve. Tokyo MX, TV Kanagawa, Hokuriku Broadcasting, TV Aichi and Sun TV aired the same episode in different regions, but showed a different pair of letters in the end card, which when rearranged vertically could be read as "Milky Movie". A leak also emerged from the Japanese retail website Gamers' listing for the April issue of Monthly Bushiroad magazine, which included an image sample of a bundled publicity image extra which said "Milky Holmes movie adaptation planning start!!" The image has since been taken down from the website. The existence of the project was officially revealed later in a special edition of Miru Miru Milky, a variety show starring the main voice actors, and confirmed by the Milky Holmes official website the next day.

However, it was also announced that they need support from the fans to realize its production, meaning the project hasn't gotten greenlit for production yet.

Whatever it means.

I've just realized that the movie wasn't directed by the guy who did S1 and S2.