Post em if ya got em.
History Memes
That time I fugged your mom.
fuggggg, wut do know, user? How go on?
Happy modern family cca. 2017 (colorized)
I guess
>Post em if ya got em.
why are there so many threads with this exact by-line asking to post memes?
it couldn't be the same user wasting time and shitting up the board with apolitics could it?
itssss a fuggin beme user.
You have no right to post these. Spurdo is finnish. Remember cultural approritation.
dibbitz gonferm, sorriez
"Hated by everyone" That's because we were the biggest and the best, everyone was jelly.
bud my fambly comes from binland xDDD
don't have any sorry....
have a heart warming refugee tale instead
You forgot to mention that none of your former colonies have become successful nations. Rather, they are all shitholes.
I want plush Spurdo.
Praise the glorious German Kaiserreich, anons