Sup Forums food thread

Sup Forums food thread





>all this feminine food
When half the food either looks like pussy or smells like it, you know you are in a seafood restaurant.

Saori is delicious.


Why would you start off with a show about tanks?

The food in it looks nice




Because /ak/ shows tend to also be /k/ as fuck, that's why.

>/k/ as fuck,
*/ck/ as fuck




Wasn't there a mention on older /ak/ threads of GuP's plethora of food helping some user's little daughter out of her eating disorder?








eurotrash plz go

I can look past the redness, but can you tell me if this is supposed to be bread or sliced potatoes?

You what?


>those spots
>that color
>that shape
What the fuck kind of potatoes do you eat?

Good ones that don't look like bread, I swear.


People ignore that food porn is another big aspect of GuP after tanks and cute girls.


>no fruits
>no veggies
These girls are seriously messed up.



They make all the food themselves and they can't be assed to bake a pizza ?


the cake teacher downstairs shared it with them


Post ja/ck/

My beautiful waifu Hana likes this thread.

I want to eat Saori.

Duck meat is red when cooked you mongoloid. Americans I swear have less experience with food than the average Brit