Is she cute, Sup Forums?
Konosuba Season Two
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What the fuck are those helmets?
She is cute. If Kazuma would have flirted a bit with her, he would not be in this mess.
Yes. Glad we got that out of the way.
nah, just your random stern-voiced no-bf-and-bitter-about-it female officer
Even that pervert Zesta bullied her.
Poor Sena-chan.
She's fat
She's delicious
She's Christmas cake
Po po po po po po.
By the way the epilogue for Vol. 10 is out in the usual place.
>“Weren’t you making those all those rustling sounds!? I mean, you slept next to a beautiful young woman like myself right? There’s no way you didn’t have any sexual fantasies, you lying NEET!”
Sasuga Aqua-Sama thats fucking brutal .
Megumin is the only good girl in the show.
Iris is truly the superior loli. How can a malnutrished peasant compare?
>How can a malnutrished peasant compare?
By being of actual marriable age
id walk her home gently if u know what i mean
Is this a JoJo or a Shaft reference?
they don't have statutory intercourse laws in australia you baka
My new favorite artist
Ah so the heart shaped iris is an edit.
Damn I got tricked.
>“As for you, I have this rock that looks like it’s blended with gold. I discovered it during our Dragon subjugation in the gold mines.”
>Kazuma is still collecting rocks for Aqua
What a tsundere
But you do need to be 14 to marry
>She chewed on the dried squid that was given to her as thanks, and finally arrived at the Eris’ cult’s church.
>Continuing to chew the dried squid, she joined the line for the distribution of rations to the poor. It seems that she was a regular here as well, and the Eris cult’s priest sighed as she gave a piece of bread to her.
>Then, she reentered the line again and again, and took bread again and again.
>Finally, after being scolded and told to stop, she went off on her way, now, with a large amount of bread.
>Six past noon.
>Arriving at the Axis cult’s church, Aqua began distributing bread to passersby alongside Cecily.
>‘The Eris cult is not the only ones who distribute rations to those who are less fortunate. The Axis cult does so as well.’ Axis cult this, Axis cult that. She cried out such things.
Holy shit, she's a fucking genius.
I want her to indict me!
I know, right?
I've been scanning his pixiv every single day for the last month.
Anons please, spoonfeed me. Google gives nothing
Shou ga nai
Only because this guy deserves more exposure.
thanks senpai
What the fuck is that body armor?
>what should we do for torso coverings?
>just make a copy of one of the chest plates and mount it sideways
>but that leaves a big gaps on the sides, why not forge a new piece that covers the whole front?
>also armoring the arms if for bitches, just need shoulder and elbow pads
higher level = less armor.
any1 have the webm with Megumin slime slip?
I wanna lick her body.
She felt the most pleasure right there in the last five years.
Guys, I was just rereading the fiction when I came across this
>'While listening to the commotion in the living room, I placed the hat on top of the wine bottle on the table as I prepare to make dinner…
『Thank you for tending to my tomb and telling me adventuring stories all this while.』
I turned and looked at the hat in surprise because of the sudden voice.'
The voice was the deceased girl, right?
no the other 1 when shes trying to get up but this is good too thank you
You might be a genius user.
also if you make webm's can you make where the cat plays with boobs
yeah they've been hinting all series long at the dead girl Anna in the mansion, and it seems
anna was just lonely and so them fucking around in the mansion is making her happy, but i don't know what they're gonna do with this plot point. Also i'm like 80% sure the demon king is that japanese scientist
Got it.
thats the stuff
thank you
And hot pussy on tits action.
doing gods wörk user
does Sup Forums dont have sound?
>ara ara
i aint clicking on that shiet senpai
1) None of those would sound like porn.
2) Only /gif/ & /wsg/ have sound webms iirc.
oh thanks
I didn't get it during my first readthrough, might be because I bingeread it.
But wasn't the Japanese scientist the pile of bones in the mobile fortress?
user-kun the last time i fell for the meme Lelouch was dead
Yea well Lelouch is a main character, man. I'm interested in the antagonists identity too, though.
In all the right places, of course.
>the way her skirt rode up in that scene
Scene ended too soon.
At least there will be loads of porn of her, right? RIGHT?
I hope so.
I always wondered why Aqua doesn't convince the ghost girl to pass on.
However, remember that Talking Armor that wants a girl to wear him?
What if Ghost Girl possesses that Talking Armor so she can go on adventures?
Or Ghost Girl makes some deal with Vanir or talks with Wiz to do some necromancy business?
Wonder why moot made that rule that only /gif/ and /wsg/ can have sounds.
Why do only clips from actual porn movies get to have sound on Sup Forums but not anime?
Or ghost girl was a one time plot device and has already passed on at the end of volume 1.
Probably to reduce the occurrence of dub vs sub wars.
His reason was to nip any issues with screamers at the bud.
Oh yeah, those faggots. Forgot about them. Good call, moot.