Mexico is only second to us now. We have the second most Spanish speakers in the world. What in the ever loving fuck are we going to fucking do?!

Other urls found in this thread:

>all according to keikaku

who gives a shit


makes sense, spain is tiny compared to us

yeah spain is full of muslims now. so it makes sense.

It's because they won't recognize English as the national language and then they blow tax dollars on making English and Spanish versions of all govt documents.
They did this on purpose.

It's a meaningless statistic. The US also has more English speakers than England. Who gives a fuck

Q se siente ser hispano, amigo gringo?


The US also has more white people than Britain and Germany combined. The U.S. is just a giant landmass so of course all stats on it compared to other countries will look skewed.

Fun fact, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. And the Spanish that's spoken is not the one they speak in Spain.

This news is about as stupid as getting upset that there's more English speakers in america than in Scotland. Well Scotland is tiny and those marmy cunts barely even speak english

Its European language cunt. It could have been worse it could have been some moon speak or tongue clicking.

>plus 11 million who are bilingual

>sniggering conquistadors.mp3

>spain is full of muslims now

Greetings from the 8th century, brother.

lol, it's not European genetically though. Ebonics is a European language too by your logic

Not when the mestizos speak it. Spain Spanish doesn't normally use an 's' sound in their words, it's usually a 'th' sound. The mestizos use the 's' sound, they're nothing but failures

We also have more English speakers than the United Kingdom.

We also have more white people than Germany and France combined.

Who fucking cares? At least they speak a European language and not Arabic.


>Q se siente ser hispano, amigo gringo?
por lo menos sabemos manejar submarinos, mi querido amigo negro

Your whole post is retarded. Delete and try again but this time actually think before you type

goddamn I hate mexicans
as a white californian I consider them my natural enemy
jew, muslims, even niggers take a back seat

Literally prove me wrong, your post proves me RIGHT. Insulting someone is proof you lost the argument.

Same bro! But Jews brought them here to outvote whites and ruin ethnic homogeny so they are right up there with mexis.

>preferring the fag speak they "speak" in Spain
You're a true faggot. Do you pretend to have a Yorkshire accent because American English makes you mad?

Spain isn't nearly as populated as america and there are many people who are bi lingual. Brainlets will never be able to come up with an excuse for it, they just don't have what it takes to improve themselves if they don't have to.

That's really not hard considering how small your population is
Unlike our Spanish speakers though you're all also part kebab rape baby

>Telling people to at least speak properly is wrong
You must love listening to the beautiful sounds of ebonics. I fucking hate hearing Spanish here and would give so much to make it fucking end or at the very least speak English. Them not speaking their language properly is proof they're nothing but bastardizations of the real thing


>Unlike our Spanish speakers though you're all also part kebab rape baby
negro are you retarded, yes they are. mestizos are mixed with that moor blood too. I'm a mestizologist and speak spanish fluent as I live in this shithole known as Arizona.
Mexicans are scum, but castizas are breeding material.

False equivalence, the spanglish abortion spoken in the US barely deserves to be called a language.

That guy said to be glad Spanish is a European language like English and not some kind of nig speak. You popped in talking some dumb bullshit about genetics and said ebonics was European according to that guys logic, when he never said a damn thing about logic. I can kind of see where you're coming from, but its hidden well behind a wall of retardation. So rewrite it to clear your point or fuck off

>castizas are breeding material.
Hang yourself race traitor
Also you're completely wrong, there were still plenty of pure Spanish when they conquered the americas

>Among the sources cited in the report is the US Census Office which estimates that the US will have 138 million Spanish speakers by 2050

But that's literally fucking wrong, this entire news article is based on population projections from 2008

Also 1/4 of Hispanics can't speak fucking spanish so where are these bilingual faggots coming from keeping in mind there were only 58 million hispanics in the US in 2015?

The entire article is based on bullshit by retarded people who are so fucking slow they don't realize subsequent reports have already outmoded the data they're reporting on by several years

Why the fuck are you (and they) so dumb?

So you are saying you DO speak in a fake English accent. Mexican Spanish is far superior to the garbage they shit out in Spain. That's just a fact of life. Not speaking with a fake lisp like a fag is an improvement. And before you focus on just that, tell me again about how you hate American English and you yourself speak in a fake English accent

>the spanglish abortion spoken in the US barely deserves to be called a language.
>t. joto chairo

>Hang yourself race traitor
>wanting to breed with white spanish women is being a race traitor

>I'm a mestizologist
Let me doubt that, you need take Casta studies in the university of Salamanca and receive a sanctioned authorization from the Holy Office to receive that title.

>Spanish is a European language
All the more ridiculous that Hispanic immigrants don't learn perfect English in only a few years. If everyone else can, they most certainly can. But they live here for 20 years and never learn English.

Lol enjoy your shitskin mutt kids who will be excluded from even visiting the future european white homeland.
But anyone shilling for race mixing probably isn't white anyway, so you can't have white kids no matter what

You're making absolutely no sense. I'm just saying the mestizos speak an abortion version of proper Spanish and I still want them gone. I just want people speaking English that's it

If they're accounting for people speaking it as a 2nd language, then it's not that big of a deal. Still not a good thing though.

This fucking article literally cites WIKIPEDIA for the number of spanish speakers in Alaska

What the fuck, how shitty is the state of British journalism?

Honorary latinoamericans.

Only Cuckalonia, almost 10%.

edgy as fuck

u wot m8

Wh. HAsnt trump done an executive order to make American the official language?

What about the 5 million Latin Americans in Spain?

Are we just going to pretend a million Mexicans didn't get deported this year, with another million leaving voluntarily.

D&C demoralization shill thread.

>Press Dos for English


Nigga you lost the right to talk shit when you switched out z for th. You should be thanking the people who made Spanish the second most spoken language in the world for fixing your fag speak and getting rid of your gay inflections

Day of the refrito soon. Beaners are subhuman

i was memeing. i mostly have just spent a whole lot of time around mexicans and their shitty culture.

>Lol enjoy your shitskin mutt kids
castizas are white you fucking sperg. Also known as blanquitas or "gueras" (white girls) you literal asspie fuck. Gueras don't fuck non-whites and if you look at the media or upper class of mexico they're all white. You're so ignorant you would probably be prohibited from entering the ethnostate due to having Somalian tier IQ

See The data either includes white people who learned spanish in highschool and university and speak it for a living or it's just outright fucking wrong.

They speak Spanish

You deficient Latin IQ is heavily leaking through this post

Yeah but other spics on here say they're brown mestizos from shitholes like Peru

There is no official national language in the USA. And even if English was one, Spanish would become the second.


Allow better Immigrants to come in. Probably from Asia

>siseando como serpientes
The true nature of the New World inhabitant, you're just jelly of our distinguished manner of speech.

>mfw the US becomes the country with both the most english speakers and spanish speakers in the world

You are not supposed to fix shit in this world. You are spectators. The only thing you still may try - flee from your dying cuntry.

You're the one making no sense. The Spanish are the ones who speak the abortion of a language. For some retarded reason you think its superior, well then you must think English from england is superior as well. That's just how it works. American English is better, Mexican Spanish is better, but Canadian French is worse. You just plain don't like Mexicans, so say you don't like Mexicans, cause saying their language is bad compared to fucking Spain is retarded.

To understand just how stupid you sound, imagine somebody saying American English was an abortion and that fake cockney English accents were superior

Helping you becoming independent just to be backstabed over and over just in a few decades was a mistake too.
Now face your destiny.

when whites are the minority spanish will be the largest-spoken language in America

you dont know how bad things truly are
the united states is 62% hispanic
we own you
we are the shadow goverment

retiro lo dicho

castellano is more refined than the shit they speak here i will give you that but it still sounds homosexual.

t. Bryan Panchito Panchitez de Villahermosa de Guadalupe

Latin american spanish is pretty fucking bad negro

>China has more English speakers than anglosphere combined

But that's okay tho, right?

We're still pretty good with France what are you talking about?

Pues, supongo que deberias aprender espanol.

We don´t have 5 million latinos here. I mean, the nation has 45 milion population and roughly 8% are imigrants. Many of ´em just came here, worked during the good times and went back when everything went to shit in 2008.
Even if they stay, moroccans and romanians are the most problematic people here.

Hola manuel como esta la polola?

>Amerifags defeat Spain and Mexico and take their territory.
>get colonized by the guys they threw out

You mean gay. And let me translate that into something more recognizable to you, my paella snorting friend
>thitheAndo, COMO therpiEnteth

spain also joined the revolutionnary wars but didn't have enough charismatic leaders for mutts to remember today.

such is the life of the moor.

I went to a Chase bank this morning here in OKC.

Did not hear any English until I got up to the teller.

Closed my account with them.

Nosotros necesitamos a expulsar los mestizos

>american education

With that logic English isn’t European genetically because Indians, Asians, blacks literally everyone speaks it.

Hola, ma llamo ross.

Vivo en texas.
Tengo 27 anos.
Como esta?
Bien...y tu?

No puede comprar cervezas despues dos en la manana. Es la ley. Lo siento, senor.

Quiero follarte, chica....que rica.

Los mexicanos son putos.

Rate my spanish

41 million n is like 1/6th of the country, its fucking nothing.

You're literally giving your opinion on what is good and what is bad. What you think isn't what everyone else in the world doesn't think retard.

Took 10 minutes. The loan officers were all speaking Spanish with Mexican customers.

Close the borders, please, for the love of God and country, if you Globalists understand either concept anymore...

Mexico was independent by then Hans but I wont blame you, your country didnt even exist back then
They only history you probably learn in school is that about 3 times you ruined europe


>letting us live
Yeah Spain totally did not want to wipe out millions of pagan savages. They did not let us live, they just could not kill us. Get rekt loser this land is our land

Say that to a mirror next time buddy. Cause the vast majority that speak Spanish, DO NOT speak the Spanish they speak in Spain. So unlike your dumb opinion, the rest of the world actually does agree with me

>muh glorious history
t. country falling apart literally right now

Ever heard of the Spanish-American War Pablo?

>wanting to talk with a gay ass feminine lisp
White people really want everyone to be effeminate cucks like them kek

>Cause the vast majority that speak Spanish, DO NOT speak the Spanish they speak in Spain
I've been saying that you stupid fucking retard

Given traitions of past allies, Hans is, and must be, our new best friend.

>Rate my spanish
go to hispachan or Sup Forums and see how the halfbreeds bantz with eachother. then you will understand the true power of spanish. When you can combinate simio, congo, negro and ANO in 45 different ways then you are in.

Why is this thread filled with so many retards. Proper Spanish is better sounding than the abortion heard in the United States. That is just a fucking fact, I don't like hearing Spanish at all but I can at least tolerate Spain Spanish

The only territory that was taken is Puerto Rico, the true territorial gains came from wars with Mexico and Mexico alone
Cant wait for Germany to collapse for the 3rd time

Castizas can create a white offspring they are the least mixed people