I don't know why everyone seems to be against him when he just defended himself
Debate me if you don't think so
I don't know why everyone seems to be against him when he just defended himself
Debate me if you don't think so
Other urls found in this thread:
You're LARPing as an Alpha Male by using a Soy boy jackass who murders people for shits and giggles.
>>>Philip Brailsford did nothing wrong:
Until he kills one of your own,
He was too unstable to be on the force.
Cool thumbnail, Ahmed, wanna bring it to the White House?
He is the logical end-point of the modern American mythmaking about what their supposed "Founding Fathers" really wanted.
Why didn't another cop cuff him or subdue him while the cop covered him. The dead one was inebriated and tried to comply, apprehending him would have been easy and with minimal risk.
dude didn't follow a single instruction and kept reaching for shit after pointing a gun at people. Don't fall for his crocodile tears.
He's a manlet. Manlets always over exert themselves to claim some sort of confidence in themselves and feel like a man(it never works for long). That is why some simply get real into improving their body and sometimes even go into martial arts. The insecurity is there from the start, a runt will always be a runt.
shit argument
amerilard btfo
>gets kniffed
Stupid Americans
>Acid is thrown on his face
When will they ever learn
>10 teenage kids with sticks and bats beat the shit out of him just for fun
that they need to ban guns
Gotta admit, when he says 'don't reach or I'll shoot' and you reach and get shot, well...
kek i'll roll
Yeah, it was absolutely a self-defense situation
America: 1,000 deadly police shootings every year.
Britain: A handful in the past twenty years.
The excuse is that they were supposedly afraid of an ambush from the door to the room... nevermind that they got the wrong door at the end anyway
>When will you learn to replace your flawed system like ours that results in higher death rates of citizens per capita every single time
So suddenly the "we live in a police state", "Guns are dangerous we should ban them" crap are valid statements
And I people say im the one "LARPING"
He just defended himself from what appeared to be a thread
I honestly don't know why people are so sensitive about this.
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
Just stop, Nigel. Your police, much like all English men, are spineless sissies.
>I'm a faggot.
old and boring news
He should have not been on the force for that very reason. They used to not let people join the military or police force for that very reason. Tattoos are a sign of mental illness and insecurity
not an argument
He killed a white man
Fuck you KEK
This controversy is just showing how many dindus actually browse pol
He wasn't properly trained to respond to that type of call. Should've been handled by SWAT. So, I guess it's not entirely his fault. Poor management all around if you ask me.
No, i think he is a low IQ moron and society should make sure he won't interact with it in the future.
You just described the vast majority of black people though.
He was just like all of you rejected losers. Bullied while in school, became an angry malignant psychopath and found his victim.
Only you fucking momma's boys don't even have his guts.
is it easy to become a cop in burgerland?
>So suddenly the "we live in a police state", "Guns are dangerous we should ban them"
>In one sentence
At least this retarded statement fits your flag, if anything this shows that people should have more, heavier guns, and shoot more cops.
White man killing another white man sound fair to me
>defended himself
>A drunkard white is just as good a nigger
This just shows how pol's average iq has decreased severely in the last years
Le 56% headshot meme
>meme flag
>all this irony
Some baits are too obvious.
>Not an argument
Who said I was here for an "argument"? Quit being an autistic faggot, OP.
Op pets goldfish
Be me England
Invade the colonies TWICE
Most powerful army in the world
Blame them for being obsessed with guns
>Go outside with your butter knife and we will see how good your police force is to you
OP Cuck needs to be in this position next .
is that boogie?
In the other timeline, OP would be going door to door for madame president great leader and chairwoman hillary and shooting white men for the good of the state.
Instead he is stuck doing this soy-op for shareblue
Copfag here. You're a fucking retard OP.
I finally watched the video after days of avoiding it because I hate judging officer actions when I wasn't there.
The officer giving commands was a fucking tool. He handled that situation completely inappropriately and gave shitty commands. Any noncompliance he THOUGHT was occurring was due to his shitty verbal commands and in the end he put himself in a situation where he had to shoot the guy.
That's not excusing the kid. If you have guns pointed at you you should not reach for the small of your back three times in a motion that looks very much like you're going for a weapon. BUT had the officer not been completely incompetent the kid would have never had a chance to do thst in the first place.
>his superior yells at the obviously distressed and unarmed man to flawlessly perform complex movements while threatening him with death
>the drunk man barely screws up, just anybody would
>Mr. "You're fucked" asswipe unloads into his skull
"Did nothing wrong"
How's it feel to defend a murderer OP?
If you are simply arguing the case that there existed a possibility that the guy crawling on the floor could have been reaching for a weapon, and the person who shot him did so in self defense I would have to agree with you.
My issue with the situation is whether that is standard operating procedure, from the video after they got the other person you can hear them sort of struggling with restraining her in some 'proper' manner.
If this is correct procedure, then looking back in hindsight, they could have just as easily ordered that individual to turn around, hands on head, and walk backwards to them.
>actual policeman's totally reasonable take
this is the credited response
his commands were as easy as this dui test
Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy
>law-abiding citizen
>agents of the state threaten you
>demean you
>force you to play out their sick Animal Farm fantasy
>licking his lips, he guns him down, harder than diamonds
This is why we need the second amendment. The oppression by the state is already coming. The man who got shot, whether he knows it or not, died a martyr for true American freedom.
When cops come to my house to arrest me for wrongthink, I'm not giving them the chance to find an excuse to gun me down like a dog. If I can kill one pig before I die, that's all I want.
Cops are tools of the state. They are goosestepping fucking Nazis, and in this very thread we have bootlickers just EAGER for big brother to fuck them right up the ass. This board, in order to stick it to leftist cucks, has become authoritarian to the max. Not me. God bless freedom. God bless America.
they had trouble restarining her because she was a fat cow and they needed 2 cuffs
>Out of curiosity, I tried "crawling" with my legs crossed and my hands in the air.
>After about 9 inches I got a cramp in my hamstring and automatically dropped my hands.
mfw I wouldn't have made it.
>"Make A Mistake and I'll Shoot!"
>"Put your hands up!"
>"Now crawl towards me!"
>"But I can't do both..."
>"SHUT UP!Make a mistake and I'll Kill you! Now Crawl Towards me!"
>Starts crawling
>Gets shot 5 fucking times.
Crawling does not equal walk on your knees. Also he was drunk and it's second nature to pick up your pants if they fall. He probably didn't have the capacity to move towards police and not pick up his pants.
And all this while responding to a call about a guy with a fucking rifle when clearly he doesn't have a rifle on him. Nothing about the scene fit the description yet they proceeded like the Vegas shooter was active behind the door.
The orders were stupid, the procedure for this scenario is stupid, and the fact that we as civilians are forced at gunpoint to approach cops under whatever legal amounts of alcohol we have consumed, while being expected to follow conflicting orders to their satisfaction, is ludicrous. This is disturbing because it could have been any of us.
The person making the false call? No charges, no responsibility.
The cop that shot an unarmed man 5 times? Not guilty, no responsibility.
The department that approved conflicting orders and situational procedures that would obviously not work for everyone, no investigation no responsibility.
The people that developed those procedures but failed to test that people would potentially fail to understand the commands. No investigation, no responsibility.
The local government that failed to fund the development of better training and procedure development, no investigation no responsibility.
The bottom line is, they had never measured human performance expectations and despite their obvious failure, no one did anything wrong. You can be buzzed on vacation with your wife and next second be facing an inquisition of simon says that isn't even proven to be understandable. Messing up costs you your life.
What the fuck ever. What a modern dystopia we live in.
what is the whole story? why were they called? did they shoot because he kept grabbing at his pants?
what about the fag judge that didn't let the jury see the video.
i am sure if they had seen the video there would have been a different outcome.
it seems wrong that they can block such important evidence.
>someone thought they saw a gun
>swat team shows up
>makes the guy play Simon says
>guy loses balance for a split second
>gets shot 5 times
Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy
tfw every encounter with the police in the US of fucking A is a Hunger Games style death roulette, where every move could be your last. you are reaching Soviet Style police state methods burgers.
Daniel Shavers is a pest control dude with a few friends in a La Quinta hotel room. He's drunk and shows his friends his pellet guns.
Someone sees Shavers holding a gun and calls the police, and they arrive. They order the wife and Shavers out of the room and order the wife to crawl to the officers side.
They shout commands at drunken Shavers and say that if he fucks up he dies. While crawling his shorts get loose and drop and he reaches back to adjust them.
Philip "YOU'RE FUCKED" Brailsford unloads into him.
this is almost like the little nigger that the cop shot within 2 seconds of stopping the car.
They were called because someone falsely said that room had a man pointing a rifle out the window and was waiving it around and that there may have already been shots fired.
They thought they were dealing with a potential Vegas Shooter situation.
They were also told 3 suspects which is why they were freaked out that they said no one was in the room.
The windows don't open, no reports of pistols. No attempt to investigate the scene or video cameras at all before rushing in a squad that's terrified for their own lives. For all they knew, there was a third dude behind the door with an AR looking through the eye hole.
The caller has faced no charges for false claims because the individual was afraid. IMHO this should be treated like a swatting case and the caller should go to jail for manslaughter.
That's what I've seen so far, please correct me if this is incorrect.
He did do gay porn scenes though.
They found blood alcohol in his system, he reached for his shorts without probably even realizing it. It's just a natural response.
Small town PT cop that has to call the troopers for nearly anything other than traffic because we dont have the resources to detain and process. I basically write tickets, initial contact or being a guide for troopers, and make sure the kids arent smoking weed behind the bleachers at football games but I can do a better job than those guys.
Will post more later.
you're trolling but actually he wasn't the one giving the orders
so what if he was incompetent. the atrocious thing is that he got free. NOT GUILTY.
what is going through the mind of such a judge.
>defended himself from a crying drunk man lying on the floor that he and four other police officers had guns trained on
>these are "white" "people" in Britanistan
Thank you!
>from what appeared to be a thread
There was nothing threatening about that weeping, blubbering, and begging dude crawling on the ground.
>inb4 reaching towards his waist
The police don't gun down every person who does this because of a little thing called threat assessment. Either Blairsford ignored it or didn't see it, either way, he's a fucking piece of shit. And you know why I'm absolutely right? Because in reality, that dude wasn't a threat.
Pass test.
Pass interview.
Pass physc eval (If department can offord)
Pass training (cadets get an hourly)
Then your a cop. Where I'm from they start at 30$/hr with full benefits and plenty of overtime opportunities. Also the city can't hire enough (they advertise everywhere they are hiring). Too many nogs running wild.
A county away a friend of a friend made 250k playing world of Warcraft on his laptop connected to a phone all day. Took overtime to watch inmates in the hospital. Not a bad gig.
>muh contrarian position on everything
remember when pol was fun?
you gotta be a real pussy to need an AR15 to "defend yourself" from a crying drunk man on the floor
in big cities like NY and LA yes just cuz they need bodies. In more suburban white neighborhoods its all about who you know in the town you are applying to.
In what case is playing an endless game of simon says, until you give yourself the leeway to pull the trigger, normal police conduct?
You order the perp to put his hands in the air, and walk backwards towards you, then you take him down and cuff him.
How could someone be so incompetent as to think that letting the perp flail in the hallway is a safe or sane ideal?
>8 While tipping the officer.
Also, roll.
He's a fucking /nu/-male and probably fucking kids in the Philipines right now.
he put his hand behind his back even tho he was specifically told not to do it.The cops knew a suspect was armed and dangerous.Imagine to outcry if he was a nigger tho.
Marine fag here. If this manlet did this shit to a sandnigger civilian he would be in so much trouble. He'd be sitting in a military prison.
He's clearly a pussy ass sadist mother fucker. If you can hear your enemy crying, you've won, you've made him your bitch, and you can act accordingly. This faggot went full poser, thinking he's some active combat soldier, he's a fucking dillweed.
>be American
>be drunk
>get 100 conflicting instructions yelled at you, all while being threatened that if you mess up YOU'RE FUCKED
>get confused and fuck up
>get shot 5x
I have a vet friend who told me this story when I showed him this
>I was in a situation where a guy reached for my gun. I got control of it and he began begging me not to shoot. I didn't shoot. My LT explained that if I shot him after I got control of the situation it would have been murder. So I can literally say with 100% certainty that U.S. Soldiers have a much higher standard than cops and if I had done this I'd be in prison
And came here to post what I've posted in every other thread
The cops are 100% completely at fault as this was entirely preventable and the shooting only happened due to police incompetence.
>“For him to be safe, for us to be safe, there was one simple rule and that was to keep his hands in the air,” Langley said.
Yeah except that wasn't the one simple rule he had to follow.
Just watched it again, here's how the commands go. Oh and dear statists please remind me how calm and collect and perfectly you would've followed these orders with 5 police officers aiming rifles at you while telling you they will shoot you if you fuck them up.
>lay on the ground
>put both hands on top of head interlace fingers
>cross left foot over right
>cross legs
>put hands palm down in front of you
>push self up to kneeling position
>dont put hands down for any reason. if u go down you fall on your face. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS WE WILL SHOOT YOU
The kid was probably best off just laying face down and palms on his head and ignoring every other dumb fucking command. Even then he still probably would've got shot.
The kid had no fucking chance.
>Dude with a job, wife, and kids is no better than a nigger because he was drunk
When British police fuck up, it's just a funny video, and maybe they'll look a bit pathetic.
When American police fuck up, country-wide protesting, revenge bombing, thousands of people dying per year.
Yeah, not sure which I'd prefer.
It's fucking funny how some of you throw a bitch fit about "MUH POOR DRUNK FAGGOT!" "MUH RIGHTS!"
and say "LYNCH THE COPS!" "PIGS!"
While you stay quiet about (((them))) nor do anything about it.
There is another cop who is being treated unfairly for gunning down two robbers, with guns drawn, inside of a pharmacy. He claimed self defense. Just like this case, yet, his case is valid and this one is not.
The main thing being that the other cop saw them with their guns out. Guns only have one purpose. A man child breaking down has no purpose. They weren't justified in anything they did there. They came in like blitzkrieg in a public place, they barked like fucking wild pitbulls, and then they played the hero their little mind was feeding them with whatever they were feeling at the time instead of controlling themselves. They had lost their shit before they were even there and is it no surprise? That's why it's wrong. They were TERRIFYINGLY in control of the situation, so much so that the dead man broke down in tears before being shot. There is no good here, just a man denied his repentance because some asshole that is of the same cloth as me decided he had to be a big man because he was surrounded with like minded people. That shit is a feedback loop and it's the reason why politics always goes to shit no matter the ideology.
All the bitching won't bring this kid back
The cop that shot him will suffer the rest of his life...Karma has a slow methodical torture that will visit him in his dreams the rest of his life.
Practically the same thing:
>Justice wasn't only blind, but also kinda retarded as well
>be white
>crawling on the ground as told
>get murdered by assault rifle
cops need to stop being such cowards
Cops could have just jumped on him and cuffed him. Cops could have just tazzered him and cuffed him.
obvious excessive force
>cop acquitted of all charges
pretty sad actually
Good stuff. Look how butthirt OP is about a quality meme. The amerimutt d&c shills are all jealous
>defended himself
>against an unarmed man
True, I can be harsh in my tone sometimes.
he is right, if you have tattoos you are both mentally ill and not white and thus should not be a cop.
It wasn't in reference to you comment, I was just generalizing
>So suddenly the "we live in a police state", "Guns are dangerous we should ban them" crap are valid statements
>And I people say im the one "LARPING"
No but the actual correct thing to have justice in this case is to place him in the same situation with an con on the other end of the gun, liquor him up let the con give him orders until hes ready to shoot and then see the guy shuffling off to his just reward.
The guy didn't even try to control the situation he just wanted to inflict pain, so let him have some.