Sup Forums's daily reminder:

Richard Spencer is not a government spook, a jew, a communist, or any other nonsense that shills are spouting on this board to inhibit unity for identitarians. We will not be divided, that is all.

Other urls found in this thread:

He’s far worse

hes controlled opposition dumb fuck

hes a plant.

>Spencer is not a government spook, a jew, a communist, or any other nonsense

So he really is just an insufferable faggot?


Is that why no one heard of him before 2016?

hes is an admitted zionist


Thank you for proving my point, you retarded hivemind. Break from the pack and think pragmatically for once.

Nice memeflag CIAnigger

he is the real deal. only subversive cunts claim otherwise

Literally who

Who cares if he's wrong on some shit? Look who he's talking to - a good looking hapa and her audience of hapa worshiping beta cucks.

You're not going to agree with 100% of what anyone says or believes. Choose yourself what you believe, and take parts from others if you so choose.

He's talking about shit that won't ever likely get implemented in our lifetime. The important thing is being able to discuss this shit out in the open.

Join me comrades


Anybody who is so much of a racial absolutist that he would exclude a coloured person from the nation simply because he is coloured is a fool. Not even Enoch Powell or Sir Oswald Mosley believed that. That sort of thinking will never appeal to the general public, almost all of whom now have a coloured friend or family member, and only serves to make the general state of things even worse than it already is. It destroys all hope of a party with a sensible policy on stopping and reversing immigration getting into power. I will always prefer an upstanding coloured person to a white communist degenerate.

He married a nonwhite and he wants us to mix. Enemy of the White people

>Sir Oswald Mosley
Believed exactly that. He was a racial nationalist to the core. The only people he deemed acceptable were patriotic non-religious jews
>almost all of whom now have a coloured friend or family member

t. CIA agent

He said in 1975 that he would take a first-rate black or Asian man into his cabinet.

>in 1975

Mosley after the WWII was a broken man bullied by the media and the secret service alike

>HURR HURR We will not be divided
>b-b-b-but you got to break from the hive mind!
No no we don't you damn jew.

>not a government spook
Which government are we talking? USA or Russia?

all those people cataloged, black mailed and became agents kek.

you have much to learn user. start with some george lincoln rockwell.

>black mailed
Too irrelevant
>became agents
See above

FBI already has agents in every single public White group

HE's right.

The threat is immigration. Mixed babies are a small tiny amount

You realize agents are just making sure they're are no violent people or lawbreakers right? If anything they're doing white identity a favor by weeding out evil degenerates that tarnish the movement.

>who is george lincoln rockwell part II





That’s why mongrel zones of Europe look so hideous and underperform in all fields.
Do you have segregation going on or something? There is no law to respect

>I'm not controlled opposition dammit!!!

Need more elongated forehead memes so I can make the final verdict on this


nice source, really credible


> I know what I'm talking about

he says, having never experienced the world outside of his computer

Roaming millenial is a good bridge to whites that wouldn't otherwise experience the true message. If he pisses her off, he's going to lose a lot of people. Get your head out of your ass and go talk to some real people so you can experience actual human nature you dumb fuck.

I completely disagree. I would have never come here if it wasn't for him doing the difficult work of going public and letting the Antifa boys campaign for him.

That being said, that's a pretty funny gif.

There is a good chance Richard works with the service. His background and family are exactly the kind of people the backbone of alphabet is made of

OK, then it's possible that people in CIA are trying to save the white race because they see the writing on the walls and recognize that someone needs to go public that is at least moderately well versed and isn't afraid of confrontation.

richard spencer is an embarrassing fruitcake

Can be a possibility.
>is married to a nonwhite
>promotes race mixing
>saving the White race

>b-but he did nothing wrong
>doesn't provides evidence to counter pic related

Ugly ass Jews wish they were Spencer.

spencer is factually incorrect because we're concerned about total births, not marriages but dear God stop this retarded
> We wuz super hard core Nazi- pagan vykang warriors
bullshit? you assclowns don't realize how annoying it is to the base and repellant to the newfags who could easily go back to lauren southern tier alt lite bullshit

nice meme there mister Soros


> Is the gateway for many more whites to seek the truth

Only brainlets care about the personal lives of ideological figures. Remember, the "appeal to hypocrisy" is NOT AN ARGUMENT - it's a form of the ad hominem attack/ad hominem FALLACY. Ideas stand alone, apart from their speakers. The truth or falsity of an idea is not a function of where the idea originates.

I was actually laughing at the retarded comments, our people will be racially awoken once more. Every robbery, rape, murder and slight against us will be repaid 10 fold 50 fold 100 fold.

Love how you use photos where the spastic wasn't yet a fat ass like he is now.

There is no telling yet.
Kikes would def try to get out in front of all nationalist movements.
RS has taken no action that is really bad.

>shills are spouting on this board to inhibit unity for identitarians.


>do as i say not as i do


Spencer is okay, it's good that Sup Forums doesn't worship him or anyone in general but the fact that so many braindead retards think he's a secret CIA agent is pretty pathetic. Going forward the truth is that as our views become increasingly normalized Sup Forums will become less and less relevant in the coming years. Spencer doesn't exactly need too large of a following here and in the long run it's probably better for his image that he isn't too joined at the hip with this place.

That video is epic
Total Aryan Victory

Only infinityautists actually believe he's a fed or a kike plant or whatever, but then again their entire board is based around calling everyone kikes and feds.

Aside from that it's just harmless shitposting.

8gag doesn't spend too much time talking about him, even in a tangential way. I think a lot of the rhetoric here accusing him of being a fed is downstream from alt lite types like cernovitch et al. Sup Forums is a very different place these days full of primarily /r/the Donald types.

Leftist are shitting themselves because of Spencer and dumb Sup Forumsfags say he is a plant...

>we will not be divided
you already are

If Spencer were for real he wouldn't need to be memed into acceptance by shills like you. What does it say that there is so much shilling for a detestable and uncharismatic man? The establishment really wants to neatly put the 'alt right' into a box with this faggot as the leader, and unsurprisingly it's failing because Jewish men have no balls. Their tactics lack integrity so thinking people reject it.

If Trump were for real he wouldn't need to be memed into acceptance by shills like you. What does it say that there is so much shilling for a detestable and uncharismatic man? The establishment really wants to neatly put the 'make America great again movement' into a box with this faggot as the leader, and unsurprisingly it's failing because Jewish men have no balls. Their tactics lack integrity so thinking people reject it

If anything pro-spencer posters are JIDF shills. The man is the most clear puppet i've ever seen in my entire life

Trump won an election. Fail!


Anyone who thinks Spencer is a shill shouldn't be calling themselves Alt-right

They also probably have never read any of his work or any continental philosophy

this is so autistic lmao. who gives a fuck even if this is true (which it probably isn't)?

It's Moarpheus

Just ignore

>admitting to being a newfag

More proof Spencerfags don't belong here.

Ill just leave this here.