ITT girls who would've been fixed if they were given the dick

ITT girls who would've been fixed if they were given the dick

Isn't gettig the dick in prison what messed her up in the first place?

I think you mean
>ITT best girls

I mean, that´s pretty obvious.

Well if she had gotten it again they would cancel out and fix itself.

I'd contribute, but I don't feel like compositing every yandere in the history of anime into one picture.

>Hey, are you a virgin?
The story would be completely different.

I would let her walk me home violently.

It's getting dicked that messed her up in the first place, that and years of all kinds of other abuse.

But she looks so happy with the huge phallic symbol.

I would let her kiss me brutally and without mercy.

>the year of Our Lord 2017
>still quoting the Smoking Jew of Mommy Issues