Think... think... think
... if trump sacrificed his daughter to ((())) ...
... and if (((jared))) is trumps right hand man
... and trump moved the capitol of israel to jerusalem ... that could only mean...
Trump is controlled opposition!
Holy fuck
>the left can't me-
Trump being controlled opposition is not a leftist opinion
just use the register you smug asshole it tracks the inventory
No, this is a great thing.
Trump is just using this to make the Muslims chimp out and blow up even more to prove his point. He wants an excuse to BTFO these sand muslims too. This is a good thing.
wtf I'm on the left now
Noone takes kikes with proxies seriously and this sort of posting right here is why.
Good job, you probably just converted 1-2 lurkers/newfags to whatever thinking you're trying to oppose and all you had to do to bury it was not post.
Did Jimmy know about (((them)))?
His dad sure did.
a stockbarrel yid that is bitching because the plan is flawed.
newsflash yahootie,they dont give a shit about you,they want depopulation,including you.
Just make sure to kill the traitors first, Jimjam.
>read at image
>look at flag
Wasn't it your type who imported black en masse to the USA in the first place?
This strangely feels like old-Sup Forums even though it isn't.
This is now a hugh neutron thread
fuck I miss Jimmy Neutron
>mfw used to rent the movie on VHS all the time from the video store
>mfw no one would ever fucking rewind the videos
include me
>doesn't like an opinion
>hey lets call him a kike with a proxy
and no one is falling for your non arguments
Sorry your god emperor is a senile old man.