am i the only one that didn't like watamote? the main character is basically just a fag hag who has no likeable characteristics and suddenly gains a harem of hot boys. if the roles were reversed this would be every other generic harem ever
Am i the only one that didn't like watamote...
>am i the only one that didn't like watamote?
No you are not special in any way so don't try to
>if the roles were reversed this would be every other generic harem ever
Thankfully, it's not, so we can enjoy fem/a/ basking in her harem of hot guys and their thick, hard, smelly dicks.
Just thinking about it makes me horny.
Is this your first otome OP?
She's kind.
>no likeable characteristics
Did you actually watch the show? She's a nice, caring person. Helps people out. Everyone already liked her when she was fat. She would even crack jokes about her own weight. She's the female version of that fat friend everyone likes to hang out with because he's fun.
>She's a nice, caring person. Helps people out
That's the very definition of your average harem lead.
are there two watamotes?
>fag hag
Where the fug is Tomoko?
but seriously, did you even watch the show or read the fucking manga at least?
>suddenly gains a harem of hot boys
>helps people out
Is there like another watamote or something because i dont remember these two things ever happening
>if the roles were reversed this would be every other generic harem ever
No shit.
Reverse harem are kind of fun. The stereotypes don't get me off but they are funny sometimes. Like the token rapey guy
I basically only watched it because she was voiced by kobayashi yuu though.
that's not watamote you silly goose
Watashi wa Motete Dosunda
Wata Mote
Apparently that's how it's officially shortened
At least the title sums up harems pretty well
They're only fun when you're actively seeking out something to poke fun at in the show. Otherwise it's a slog.
At least everyone involved in male harems are hot, but I'd at least like MC-chan to be more proactive.
>fag hag
Are you twelve by any chance?
I wish she would have stayed fat.
Sup Forums don't like nice things
How can you not like it when the best guy won
Didn't latest chapter end with her kissing him/
She's cute and voiced by Yuu Kobayashi, that's all I need.
If they somehoe status-quo this I'll call it quits.
By the way, did anyone translate the genderflip bonus chapter? Is Kae a yuri danshi or no?