This thread is for arabs on pol from all countries from Morocco to iraq and arab immigrants in the Americas ask us anything
South italians and Iberians are welcome
Turks and Persians are welcome
Latin Americans are more than welcome
Arabs Sup Forums
Fuck off sandnigger.
halo lebanon reporting in
To where ???
Greeting brother how are you
alhamdulillah life is great
Happy to hear that life here is good
Ayy guys. What is up?
Got any arab related pol memes?
got you senpai
Hi =)
Australian tourist here in Lebanon, having a fun time in Beirut. Nice country and people.
hey mate, is it true that lebanese have a bad reputation in Australia?
meant for you
Arab migrant here. There is nothing to be proud about being Arab. We used be more advanced than Europe but now were stuck 1000 years in the past, all because of islam.
Inbreeding is rampant, average IQ of 70, getting shat on by kikes, known for fucking goats. Feelsbadman
Lebanese Druze reporting in.
>tfw your family leaves Lebanon only to end up in Lebanon, PA
Yeah sort of, its weird in France for example there aren't any problems with Lebanese people. Some reason in Australia we have a problem with Lebanese gangs and some going to join ISIS.
Jordan how are you
Hi Are you an Australian iraqi
Happy to hear that hope you have a nice day
I heard from a Muslim friend that there are guys in the streets in Iraq holding guns and screaming "Allah". Is this true?
>There is nothing to be proud about being Arab migrant
> its weird in France for example there aren't any problems with Lebanese people
yeah we are close to french people they are kind like our european counterpart.
greeting Iraqi brother were do you live? My family is located in Najaf
Yeah that's true, funny here on the streets hearing arabic, french and english in one sentence
> arabic, french and english in one sentence
yeah it happens a lot, most people consider french and english and french fancy languages so they think speaking them in public would make them look important
I work with 3 Arabs. All very white or white presenting, respectful and intelligent. Also very trad. From Libya, Syria and Iraq. It’s actually a pleasure to work with them
In. Sea of niggers. That said I like how they have integrated and have traditional values. I can’t stand the ones With no desire to ditch the middle eastern bullshit. Or at least leave it at home. I’m no civic
Nationalist, and I prefer they made their homes in Arab countries but they are 100x more pleasant to be around than native blacks.
I know that it hurt but we shouldn't give up and we should reform
Arab average iq is 85 I have 100
How are you brother how do they treat you in the usa
When you say latin americans you mean syrian and lebanese immigrants, right? I don't see why you'd want latinos in an arab thread.
More like "rape your children"
What’s the best way for an American to meet a submissive Lebanese or Arab girl? I’ve got a few friends from work who are Pakistani Muslims, but the younger women in their family won’t even make eye contact with any of us when we hang out at their place. That’s the perfect type of mindset you want in a relationship. Would it be best to visit a local mosque?
Hey bruh
i would recommend making arab/muslim friends, get to know the family well and if they like you, you might have a chance to get their qt daughter.
This is foreign perspective. They don't really know shit about us.
Instead of whining we should work on getting back on our foot.
This is what we can do politically other than economic stuff:
1- Stop sectarianism and focus on arab nationalism but while also respecting minorities and the right to self determination for other ethnic groups (like Kurds).
2- Drive American/foreign influence out. Since the Brits came, they brought hell and suffering with them. The Americans are continuing this tradition. They do it for their own political influence and to be a dominant power in the region, Which is an important region to control in terms of geography and resources to be a superpower.
3- Destroy Autocratic and oligarchic regimes. Bring democracy instead. Instead of having to go through a war to change a government, we would just voted out.
4- Unify and create a democratic united arab country that is not corrupt and cares for the arab world. Rather than having many dictatorial states fighting each other and dividing us.
5- Respect all minorities. Don't impose our own religion, language, culture on minorities.
We don't need to reclaim our former glory. We need to focus on the present and build our future while respecting and appreciating what the past gave us.
Trust me just be good looking and they'll give you their number
Bretty gud for the most part. We emigrated when I was 11 so I am pretty americanized. I'm sure plenty of strangers don't even necessarily know we are arab and just see us as some kind of generic foreigner. Occasionally some redneck will go full trumptard and tell me I have to go back or something, but that's happened maybe ten times in a decade (more often recently though). Not being religious also helps.
Have you ever considered - being from Iraq and all - embracing the traditions of Sumer, Babylon and Akkad, instead of the shit-tier turbo Judaism that wrongfully barged into the region, spraying semen and blood everywhere?
My great-grandpa was a christian palestinian, but he always said that christian palestinians were mostly of greek descent and not arab.
No but people use guns during weddings and funerals
I live in basra and I'm fine how are you brother
Happy to hear that arabs can be super good or super bad but majority are nice people and well behaved and I wish arab countries become better so they can come home
Tell it like it is.
Some positive stuff on here.
Thanks be to God for that.
la ilahah
mixing happens here in there, i wouldn't be surprised if leb christian have some % of greek blood or even european for that matter
Are you all ba'athists?
>have you considered embracing degeneracy, like your ancestors did right before their civilizations collapsed
Your (((elite))) already imposed babylonian values on your people, and seeing how it turned out, we'll politely decline, burger.
>Be an arab
>Use the word senpai
Yeah you sure you're from leban. LARPing cunt.
If you are lebanese, then you must be like Mia Khalifa, sucking dicks out there in the desert. Because no true muslim uses that word, just like no american would use allah akbar while in a mall, only for trolling in christcuck threads.
i wouldn't call myself ba'athist but i do believe in arab unity
I have absolutely no hope for the arab world. It's fucked for at least another few decades. Massive structural problems, from Wahhabism to oil, corruption and simple conservative ignorance, mean there is no place for a normal, liberal modern person in the arab world. We need nothing short of an Islamic reformation, deep structural economic reforms or at least a genocide of radicals to get anywhere near on the right track. There is no hope.
Hi, south american here, may I wonder why you welcome us?
Why don't Arabs care that their ancestors were slaughtered and forced to convert to a semitic religion as much as whites seem to? Arabs were once Pagans too.
try typing fa.m and posting it newcunt , it automatically changes it to senpai
Enjoy the shitshow
Are you retarded, or just historically illiterate? The Sumerians were skilled city-builders, agriculturalists, warriors, and scribes. The Akkadians were great conquerors, and known for the largest library in antiquity. They were wiped out by barbarians (like the Arabs). They didn't collapse.
ba'athism would be better than what we've got right now. But I'd prefer a more normal, liberal society. Which, as I said, is never going to happen. Arab world is FUBAR
And of course, to underline the stupidity of the claim, there's ((( ))) just to confirm how retarded you are.
Please off yourself, thank you.
>burger calling someone historically illiterate
>no mention of Babylon
There's a reason why Sumerians and Akkadians disappeared and Islam persisted throughout the ages, 56% mutt.
What are ur arab leaders saying about Jerusalim and Trump?
How long before I have to kill all of you for trampling over my sunflower fields?
We don't want that most people respect westerners but many of the immigrants in the west have isis mentality and people aren't happy about thier behaviors
You are also welcome here I like latin Americans especially Mexicans and Brazilians
Those people are Pakistanis not arabs majority of Muslims immigrants in the uk are Pakistani indians bengalis and Nigerians
No need to insult other people faiths no one here is insulting Christianity
Salam bro
Best post here so far
How many Muslim women save their virginity for their husbands. I know Turkish women don't save it, but is it a big thing in the Middle East? My friend had anal sex with a Muslim woman but he wasn't allowed to have vaginal sex with her.
>How not to argue: the post. by: moroccan toothpaste
Why are all you donkey fucking religious retards leaving the middleast?
Thought you wanted to kill all the jews!
your scared of them...It's obvious you are...
talk shit about how you dont fear death and yet!
shat on once again by jews and nothing...the little palestinian children are braver than you fuck ups...
Nigger, sumerians and akkadians weren't muslims or semites. Sumerian doesn't belong to the afroasiatic language tree, therefore it was just a Mideast nation who have disappeared.
You could've used other word than that, not a newfag, knew that, thanks for showing me, goatfucker. Just sayin' a real muslim uses a word synonym to that, retard.
Oh, sorry all the posts from your wretched ilk tend toward promoting degeneracy, self-loathing and any and all values destroying cohesiveness in general.
I hate you kikes as much as you hate humanity, and that's quite a feat, i'll concede that to your people.
Berber here
need advice brehs
i shaved my beard off (had to go to the dentist) and now i look ugly as fuck cause of my small chin
should i regrow my beard or accept my baby face
Why do you think?
you forgot euromuslims, central asians, pakistanis and muslim indians, asia-pacific muslims, and many more
I'm from America and any Muslim brothers cam help me not start away from Islam christian look better to me
Being muslim sucks, everything that's fun is haram.
>the only reason why Jordan is good is because it's following British ways
show 1 post like that
>hate kikes
don't worry abdul, kikes will be the least of your worries when europe becomes sober and will fuck you up like we do daily
I don’t think you can reform Islam by not even one word. For muslims, isn’t the Koran perfect? So how can you take out the directives of killing, terrorizing, and child marriage?? I don’t think it’s possible for you would be slaughtered like a animal. Please enlighten me.
It's complicated. If 'Iranian influence' means morphing Arab societies into states with civil socieities, freedoms and culture more like that of Iran, I am for it. But Iranian influence does nothing of the sort. It's just Iran's way of projecting power, not actually trying to influence culture in any way. In this it is no different from China, Russia or to some extent USA.
I have more hope for Iran getting its shit together than any Arab state, outside Tunisia and maybe Morocco.
This thread isn't muslim Sup Forums, if it was, people wouldn't be debating about what kind of (((democracy))) they'd prefer for their countries.
No and many if these traditions were bad babylonians made slavery and prostitution if I weren't wrong
Your point please
Partly true people of the levant are arabized people Christians here claim to be non arabs but speak and behave like an arabs still you are welcome here in arrb thread I love my Palestinians brothers whether Christian Muslims or atheists
Bump for the middle eastern Sup Forumsacks.
Please stop valuing female virginity as a thing. Your post shows that it has no importance. Do you see any difference if a lady is virgin but had anal sex with X or XX guys?
>My friend had anal sex with a Muslim woman but he wasn't allowed to have vaginal sex with her.
>seeking permission of a chick for something when you're in bed already
Stop your friendship with obvious cucks cause your surrounding is who you are.
Yeah but why don't they even question? Arabs are exceptional cattle that think this book from 600 AD is some holy scripture from god and if you go against it, they will disown their family or even kill you, your own blood, for questioning a book which there is no real evidence of it being from god.
>Turks and Persians are welcome
>"This thread is for Germans"
>"Slavs are welcome"
"I'm from America and any Muslim brothers cam help me not start away from Islam christian look better to me"
For fucks sake, if you're going to shill, at least learn English first Amed.
There is no god. Mohammed's wife was married before he was with her. Each of her previous husbands were failed prophets.
Mohammed just had a gift for persuasion.
Glad it is appreciated!
No different from Christianity. Isn't the bible perfect? Yet only a minority of Christians view the bible as literal and to be followed to the word. There's more objectionable in the Koran than in the Christian bible, but there's still plenty horrendous stuff in the later. Your post implies you think most muslims are Koran literalists. Most are not, even if they say they are. From Indonesia to Morocco, polls show most people will support Sharia law. HOWEVER if you ask these people their opinion about a specific aspect of the Koran/Sharia which is objectionable (like the ones you allude to) they will say they are against it. Like Christians, most are simply ignorant of all the horrible shit their religion implies.
I think both religions are stupid, but people are capable of the mental gymnastics needed to reform it. The christians have.
Is that true that for the most part Arabs still live in literal tribal societies? Like, literally?
In this reality democracy can't work there in my opinion. Saddam was a perfect Arab leader in my opinion. Shame Amerifats killed him.
>Is that true that for the most part Arabs still live in literal tribal societies? Like, literally?
Funny most people criticize and blame it and some speak about tribalism and how bad and retarded it is but they sign for it in reality
> Take vaginal virginity of Muslim woman
> Oh fuck
> Tell family that an infidel raped you
> Go to jail
I'm not a white knight but I can respect a sand nigger woman for trying to keep it for her husband.
>> Tell family that an infidel raped you
>> Go to jail
In some shithole maybe
> Not having rape laws in your country
This makes sense coming from a meme flag.
Hey there, a question, when will the Arabic countries adopt a sane secular system? Because I'm sick of pretending to be a Muslim just so i get to live.
You forgot to question about their FGM practice. Happening especially in the fucking egypt and the gay nation of indonesia, some muslims can be very retarded.
If y dunno about FGM google it, it involves cutting off the genitalia of the woman, including clit and other all.
Let me tell you a story about the best mental gymnastics ever:
>Sharia law:
>"execute the promiscuous"
>"cut the hand of the thief"
>"exile and/or crucify the corruptor"
>"kill the two faced hypocrites"
>"jews are your sworn enemies"
>"dinar (gold) and dirham (silver) are your currency"
>oh hey let's not literally apply those things
>women turn to absolute shit, no decent marriage prospect anymore
>no economy due to generalized theft, bribery and scamming
>country turns to shit due to corruption
>muslims pretenders LARPing for (((their))) interests in positions with religious influence
>complete inflation whenever you don't gobble the dollar dick
>waaah Islam is shit let's be nationalists or something
People never even tried to begin with. There's no country where Islam was applied since more than a millenia ago. At this point arabs and muslim nations in general are as credible as wannabe communists.
I get that and most people will not act out in violence based on a books teaching. However true Christianity and the New Testament does not promote violence and terror. Neither Jesus nor the discliples promoted violence and terror aganst non believers or apostates. That Said Obviously most people in Muslim countries won’t revert to killing, but unfortunately it’s easy for orthodox Muslims to justify their actions when emulating their prophet. Im just implying that I believe a true reformation of Islam is impossible because the religion itself is a catalyst for terror and violence.
Where can I get a qto levantine gf like Dima?
>South italians and Iberians are welcome
but why!? You should only welcome the french faggots, they love your kind.
Good luck, friendo. You just need to emigrate. Then some Sup Forumsacks will tell you to go back, but at least you'll be alive.
Big Bazar, just like you can get niggers, dates, goats etc.
You had your gay island of Sicily to them hundreds of years ago, that's why you look like some mideast shitskins.
Islam allowed inbreeding
inbreeding have a direct link to reduced IQ, as well as increased risk of serious hereditary diseases
Thus Islam is in part responsible for the backwardness, also it refuses any advancement aside from the 1400 years old manuscript by Muhammad.
Palestinian master race checking in