Soy boy does AMA

Friendly neighborhood soyboy checking in with his/her/zxhier exogenous estrogen nutrition block and weeaboo-flavoured canned fish.

AMA ya fucks.

take the meme flag off canada

Is this a shiposting bot or something? The amount of buzzwords that don't connect is impressive.

I wish I was an AlphaLeaf like Trudeau-sama-kun

I'm just trynna beta express mishelf owo ;3

Tofu is fermented. Gets rid of estrogens.

Soy is plantbased --> cannot cause any harm. Read up on the studies retards!!!! Milk & Diary does have animal estrogen, that's the true "soyboy"

Go back to Sup Forums

Shut your cunt mouths and let me perpetuate a false agenda pls thank

Only if you say pwease really nicely ;3

that fucking get

You betcher bottom dollar I got it OwO

What fish is that?

Soy is plant. Based.

Saury, also known as "Sanma" in moonspeak

B gone incel

Post bitchtits or GTFO

>accused of being leaf
>removes meme flag
>Catalonia flag revealed

lol cannot make this shit up

Soy is disgusting, you should read up on it retard

You know shit's fucking fire when

I am and always will be a "soy boy."

You mark my fucking words. The only disgusting excuse of human refuse dwelling on this exact post is the likes of your troglodytic mongoloid anal munching cum dumpster mouth.

Go suck on non-existent healthcare. I'll be over here injecting soya-based lovejuice into my retinas.

Filthy scumsack.

wow king

Hey look it's me