Why does watching this hurt so much?

Why does watching this hurt so much?

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Setsuna a shit

Love hurts. I like Setsuna.

All she wanted was to be loved.

Not really.

S2 when?

That was weak sauce. Watch YnS instead.

Only scene in the anime where I felt they went too far.

Is there a scene more sad than Touma breaking down on the side of the roag to Haruki.

Never. I think they would need 30+ episodes to do CC/Coda well which is probably more than Leaf is willing to spend.

The anime ends on the perfect cliffhanger for people to go buy the game to see what happens which is probably what Leaf had in mind.

But CC/Coda, from what I read get us kinda' ridiculous, Ogiso becomes even more of a doormat, Touma goes from reluctant best friend sleeping with them an she loved to just blatantly rubbing it in her best friends face, Haruki plays both poor girls.

I like to pretend the series is the end.


Touma fucking destroyed Haruki by leaving even though their love was no longer a secret.

>that scene where Haruki promises he will never ever leave Setsuna until she wants him to

The dramatic irony on rewatching this show is potentially fatal holy shit

In the end, Haruki reunited with Setsuna again, while Kazusa never had neither a boyfriend nor a friend until they met again

CC/Coda sounds so bad.

It doesn't. It gets hundred times better.

I loved WA2 because I felt the trainwreck they got themselves into was understandably due to human flaws, but shit goes off the rails in CC/Coda it seems.

You could always tell his promises were going to bite him in the ass desu.

CC/Coda goes even deeper into human flaws. Haruki and Kazusa really do nasty things with the only purpose to be together. But the story is still beautiful. It hurts, but it is beautiful.

it's a lot like Oyasumi Punpun
the girl he loves is a huge baggage of problems
except this one only left instead of suicide

>Haruki and Kazusa really do nasty things

Doesn't Setsuna's will to suffer just to keep them all as friends not descend into self parody?

Touma's mum does not get enough hate.

No. Seriously, if you only watched the anime, you don't understand a thing about Setsuna. Go read IC and Omake at least.

Isn't it all in moonrunes? Also, isn't the WA2 series a lewd eroge? How did they come up up with such a great short anime series on that, with a tasteful sec scene to boot?

> Isn't it all in moonrunes?
IC is fully translated.
> isn't the WA2 series a lewd eroge?
Not really.

Setsuna believes in OT3 because of her childhood trauma

From what I understood, Setsuna is legit broken, Touma has mommy issues but Setsuna is completely rekt due the incident with her last friends.

anyone else liked the 1st White Album anime?

It was a train wreck, but a pretty entertaining one.

Ahhh, but not CC? What gives, not enough interest?

Kazusa is user. Poor social skills, doesn't understand normies. Needs someone else to manage her shit, and is autistic about things normal people would not be.

romance targeted at a male audience is never good

it hurts because they're the only 3 people in the world. waah my high school romance didn't work out, who woulda thought such a thing could happen

> Setsuna is legit broken
No. It's almost vice versa. She is one of the most complex characters ever, really. The adaptation reduced her to some kind of doormat, which she really isn't.

I thought it was everything that WA2 wasn't.

The MC doesn't ever act or respond to anything in a believable fashion, nor does anyone else except for based Rina.

best scene right here though.

>Nigger never answers his goddamned phone
>Fucks in the same or next room as his hospitalized father

I might just go watch it again.

for a while, people though the anime sequel would come so why bother..

but it never came

CC takes place 2 years after IC, and the real life time gap has surpassed that I think.

rigggght here...

Is this show a jojo refrence?

The guy who is trying to translate it is ESL-kun. Setsuna route of CC is fully translated, but the translation is shit.

The way people complain about her, something got across.

She seems like a textbook example of someone who just acts difficult to be around because she doesn't want to get close to anyone.

When Setsuna and Haruki worm their way into her heart she acts pretty normal if you ask me, she's the only one who seems to grasp how fucked up the situation all 3 of them are in at the end too, which is why she leaves.

Dude fell in love with the wrong girl because he was bullied and pissed himself so hard he forgot which girl gave him a medal to cheer him up.


No, she isn't acting. She actually is bad-tempered and doesn't get along well with people. But you're right, she is really devoted to people she is close to.
> she's the only one who seems to grasp how fucked up the situation all 3 of them are in at the end
They all understood it.

>They all understood it.

Only Setsuna was the one deluded enough to think everything could have a happy ending, what did she think was going to happen at the Airport? I know she cared enough about Haruki to give him closure, but man, what a silly goose.


How explicit is the sex scene from the anime in the actual VN?

> Only Setsuna was the one deluded enough to think everything could have a happy ending
Well, it's difficult to say. You better not underestimate Setsuna's ability to read the situation. She is cunning as hell.
They all understood what was going to happen, this was why Haruki didn't want to look for Kazusa (not to hurt Setsuna). Setsuna's motives aren't really clear. Even if you read the whole stoy, you still wouldn't be able to say if she is an angel or a devil.

One badly drawn CG. If you care only about sex, it's nothing to bother yourself with. But it is really emotional. They both understand that it is their last time together.

>You better not underestimate Setsuna's ability to read the situation. She is cunning as hell.

Yeah, I think the way she capitalizes on Touma's hesitation in confessing to Haruki by confessing to him first illustrates that rather well.

Well I think the anime got that across really well, you can see them tearing up.

I think the moment when Touma slaps the phones out of Haruki's hand on the bed is one of the best moments of the show, she knows who it is, she knows she's being selfish but god damn if she hasn't suffered enough.

>Even if you read the whole stoy, you still wouldn't be able to say if she is an angel or a devil.

The three of them were basically kids, man, none of them are bad guys they just fucked up in pretty much every way.

> Well I think the anime got that across really well, you can see them tearing up.
Well, the scene in the anime is wordless. It was really great in terms of not getting too lewd and remaining beautiful, but in the actual scene they conveyed a lot of different emotions and feelings to each other.
>The three of them were basically kids, man, none of them are bad guys
It's not about good or bad. This black and white thing doesn't work here. They are real people, with actual flaws and own motives.


>It's not about good or bad

I agree, that's what I meant.

Sleeping with your girlfriend's best friend on her birthday is a bit savage though.

Best girl 2011

They didn't sleep on her birthday.

The scene the morning after where she could barely walk was ridiculous.


Pick one.

My bad, they kissed on her birthday didn't they? Not much better, but Touma was a fucking mess so whatever.

>you will never click with a girl so well that you fist bump each other

> they kissed on her birthday didn't they?


The door. It's rude to walk in on a lady while she's (un)dressing


as much as I hate WA1, that and WA2 had great kissing scenes.

This scene was great, yeah.

first post best post


Yeah, when Touma realizes that Haruki is only a good kisser because he'd kissed Setsuna so much and that snaps her back to reality.

That was the emotional side of a kiss.

and this was the sexual side of a kiss.

Damn son, they really did make the most of it it seems.



also vn translate finished when?

Didn't this air like five years ago? Why does Sup Forums still talk about it when it hurt everyone so much? Are you all masochists?

Just start learning nihongo already. By the time the translation is finished you will have already read it.

It's a sweet pain. And a beautiful one.

because it doesn't even tell half of the story. play the VN if you want WA2.

When will this meme end? It wasn't even Demonbane level.

Just a reminder that Kazusa was best girl even before everything started.

>It's a sweet pain. And a beautiful one.

It's like barbs that slowly and more deeply pierce your hear the more you watch it, then when it's over it's like just yanking the coiled barbs out in one go.

So who won?

Not only did no one win, but everyone lost.

I hear in the continuation game, MC and Setsuna are engaged but then Kazusa comes back and MC leaves Setsuna to be with her again

Is this true? If so that's not even funny anymore

Depends on the route.

>Love triangle that end with everyone being fed up with each other.

Too realistic desu

It's exactly the opposite of what actually happened.

Can you spoil me on each route/ending? If you don't mind

How can someone lose so badly.


Piss off, homewrecker.


This is probably the only black-haired himecut girl I didn't really like

Ah, and here I was almost done with my spoilers.

Holy smokes

Post them anyway for posterity

Awful taste.

Nah, I don't want to finish writing them.

She saw the other girl about to kiss the the boy earlier as he slept but then chicken out, so she decided to get in there first before she tried again.

But she knew the boy loved Touma more, but she did itanyway even though she knew she was on borrowed time.

TL;DR - she lost before she even played the game.

>The original site is kill
Yikes, when did that happen?

Two or three months ago. He just stopped caring about VNs.

Because White Album 2 had good music and one of the few anime that got adapted from a visual novel pretty well.

Well I just finished skimming through it. God help anyone who tries to animate CC and Coda